/r/freefolk - Images
If only the same decision was made for: "A finger in the bum" "Bad pussy" Dick joke number 387 | /r/...

Why is it even a thing to compare these two scenes? And all the comments about Rhaenyra’s purpose wa...

Targaryen Landlords begone! | /r/FreeFolk

Bobby B: The Mountain was so brutal! How could you allow this to happen Tywin?!? Bobby B if he met R...

| /r/FreeFolk

The queen that never was | /r/FreeFolk

I figured out how bran gets around Winterfell so fast. | /r/FreeFolk

MFW the White Walkers are going to meet the Dothraki on an open field | /r/FreeFolk

Do you think Varys truly served the realm and not himself? Why/Why not? | /r/FreeFolk

7 swords but 8 knives? | /r/FreeFolk

Bobby B. Making an Unexpected Cameo | /r/FreeFolk

The purest love | /r/FreeFolk

What do you guys think ?? | /r/FreeFolk

A whole new world | /r/FreeFolk

Never before have my cake been so true | /r/FreeFolk

7 v 7, who wins? | /r/FreeFolk
