/r/freefolk - Images
me everytime someone reminds me of season 8 | /r/FreeFolk

631 days later and I am still not over it | /r/FreeFolk

| /r/FreeFolk

What if Robb won the war of the five kings,what if he never married Talisa, would he bend the knee t...

It's hard to believe I was already complaining around season 4 lmao, if only I had known what would ...

My sister made this meme today. | /r/FreeFolk

Buy DOGE | /r/FreeFolk

the other meme forgot a few | /r/FreeFolk

People hate on season 8, but it wasn't all bad. | /r/FreeFolk

Joannel Stark and Sansa Stark merried. Edric Stark and Serena Stark merried. Ned Stark’s parents wer...

Heres an ending that I theorised on r/Samwellwinsthethrone back before S8. I legit thought they were...

How competent writers subvert expectations | /r/FreeFolk

I met a girl today at my university today who had a “Winter is Coming” Game of Thrones backpack on. ...

Books >>>>> Series | /r/FreeFolk

"My Lord" is the biggest flex in Westeros. | /r/FreeFolk

I'm posting this with no context. Podcast got out of hand. | /r/FreeFolk
