/r/freefolk - Images
You are no son of mine. | /r/FreeFolk
When you rewatch this scene and realize bran screaming “Father” and Ned looking back means absolutel...
Tyrek? is that you? | /r/FreeFolk
Unironically think she’s an underrated character. | /r/FreeFolk
He may have said this a few times. | /r/FreeFolk
The Hound as a warrior | /r/FreeFolk
Slay Queen | /r/FreeFolk
i think the horse could sense that daemon was a member of the sith order, and that's why it spooked ...
I own the entire collection except for the official cookbook, which I know makes me a fake fan until...
"if they can be wounded they can be killed," he says like its revolutionary that dragons can die whe...
The Hound in the court of King Gunther (1924, colorized) | /r/FreeFolk
What do you think would have genuinely happened had Rhaenyra ascended the throne unchallenged? | /r/...
So, what was your reaction when the Mannis came in with the steel chair? | /r/FreeFolk
Was Balon a fucking idiot? | /r/FreeFolk
Shout out to all these things having ZERO impact on the story | /r/FreeFolk
Meanwhile, at grrm hq. | /r/FreeFolk
So many missed opportunities. | /r/FreeFolk
No one in my friend circle appreciated this meme i made | /r/FreeFolk
Drogo on his wedding night | /r/FreeFolk
Overall, despite the strike and last minute studio cuts, HotD S2 was a good season that contained so...