/r/freefolk - Images
Dumb and Dumber send their regards. | /r/FreeFolk

Loved the scene in the final episode when Bran said this | /r/FreeFolk

Why didn't Daenerys ever suspect Jon's heritage when he successfully tamed and rode a dragon? She sh...

Sansa proving herself ready to be a wise ruler. | /r/FreeFolk

Maario Naharis | /r/FreeFolk

Which is stronger Dragon fire vs wild fire | /r/FreeFolk

Any man who must say, “I am the God of Tits and Wine” is no true God of Tits and Wine. | /r/FreeFolk

Why didn't Ned demand a trial by combat or even take the black? | /r/FreeFolk

| /r/FreeFolk

Can Stark direwolves defeat a bear from bear Island? | /r/FreeFolk

Tell' em who's boss Yoren. Miss that guy. | /r/FreeFolk

Prince of Broken Promises | /r/FreeFolk

High sparrow before finding the faith and getting his nickname from a pirate. | /r/FreeFolk

If you were a Free Folk what would you do? | /r/FreeFolk

S8 Tywin Lannister | /r/FreeFolk

Why hasn't any Lord or group taken up residence in the ruins of Summerhall? Everyone wants Harrenhal...
