/r/freefolk - Images
Jaime and Cersei's favorite coffee brand. | /r/FreeFolk

I love how the first interaction between Petyr and Sansa is literally just this meme lmao (Sansa II,...

Remember when Tyler Perry did his adaptation? | /r/FreeFolk

All hail Lord Monkeyface | /r/FreeFolk

Love how D&D boast about the war council being almost entirely made up of women, only to then get ri...
![I don't think there are that many situations in film or television where you see four women sitting around a table discussing power and strategy and war. I think it's a scene that, had it been the exact same information/ situation being put forward by a bunch of old grizzled guys with gray beards, it would have been a lot less interesting to have it be [Emilia and Diana]. To me, that just is such a breath of fresh air [...]. Everyone at most two episodes later:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/980/634/954.jpeg)
![I don't think there are that many situations in film or television where you see four women sitting around a table discussing power and strategy and war. I think it's a scene that, had it been the exact same information/ situation being put forward by a bunch of old grizzled guys with gray beards, it would have been a lot less interesting to have it be [Emilia and Diana]. To me, that just is such a breath of fresh air [...]. Everyone at most two episodes later:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/980/634/954.jpeg)
They kinda forgot. | /r/FreeFolk

Braavos, oil painting by Naci Caba (me) | /r/FreeFolk

Driftmark discussions are cursed | /r/FreeFolk

Suspended belief triggered | /r/FreeFolk

Rhaenyra's new year resolution: finding a purpose for her hands. | /r/FreeFolk

It’s true | /r/FreeFolk

Crazy how this photoshoot had better chemistry than the entirety of S7&8 | /r/FreeFolk

We need to hold him accountable!!!! | /r/FreeFolk

She was just going to bed | /r/FreeFolk

wtf was her problem? | /r/FreeFolk

Maegor after finding Aegon the Uncrowned's broken, but still breathing body after the Battle Beneath...
