/r/freefolk - Images
Your favourite stark direwolf? | /r/FreeFolk

In all Serious HONESTY, I don't give a single flying FUCK about Daenerys character NGL, her story ki...

I think the algo is giving some suggestions | /r/FreeFolk

Good guy Bran | /r/FreeFolk

200 IQ Drogon | /r/FreeFolk

Believe me when I say book Jaime would have slapped late show Jaime | /r/FreeFolk

Not so different after all | /r/FreeFolk

Ser Duncan the Tall | /r/FreeFolk

I should just let them watch the show | /r/FreeFolk

My head canon is that, after making a deal with the devil and getting a massive payout while flushin...

Gods their interaction was strong then. | /r/FreeFolk

What would an interaction between these two look like? | /r/FreeFolk

Melisandre is being hacked | /r/FreeFolk

2 Really Big Reasons Joffrey's death was the greatest thing on television | /r/FreeFolk

Rewatched GOT this week and this scene always makes me chuckle, lol | /r/FreeFolk

If you were Jamie how would you handle this situation? | /r/FreeFolk
