/r/freefolk - Images
When The Witcher series can make a purple eyed character, but D&D doesn't because it would be too much fantasy...for a fantasy show. Bruh | /r/FreeFolk
Look at these fookin Kneelers! | /r/FreeFolk
DnD on their way home after writing GoT S8 in one night. | /r/FreeFolk
low effort meme but fuck the kneelers | /r/FreeFolk
Y(eet)gritte | /r/FreeFolk
Scenes like these made us excited for the death of our favourite hated characters. But what we got was "kinda forgot special scenes " | /r/FreeFolk
The legacy of a bad ending | /r/FreeFolk
This foreign cover of A Clash of Kings makes it look like a Wheel of Time novel. | /r/FreeFolk
What a shame that these two never met in the battlefield. I wonder who would have won. | /r/FreeFolk
What I call, Character Assassination | /r/FreeFolk
Who here thinks it’s a tragedy that we never got a Tormund nude scene? | /r/FreeFolk
Is this "Winds of Winter" in the room with us right now? | /r/FreeFolk
Our only hope | /r/FreeFolk
When you imagine just how awkward the S8 episode commentaries are going to be be with Kit and Emilia pretending to agree with D&D | /r/FreeFolk
12 Monkeys is spectacular, it's really helped me forget GOT. | /r/FreeFolk
That’s why they earn the big bucks. | /r/FreeFolk
Drogon loves chicken…I travel for work so my daughter picks a pop toy to travel with me. Maybe this is how Danny got from Dragonstone to north of the wall, just hoped on a plane, because all the other explanations makes any god damn sense either… | /r/Fre
in this instant we all knew that everything was going to get much better | /r/FreeFolk
A moment of silence, for everyone that inked a game of thrones tattoo ✊ | /r/FreeFolk
Mothers and NFL players on this sub this week.... | /r/FreeFolk