/r/freefolk - Images
Winter came on Valentine’s Day, but I didn’t | /r/FreeFolk
Pieces of shit. | /r/FreeFolk
Another st(o)ry arc with a perfe(c)t conclusion | /r/FreeFolk
At least Jon Snow marries Ygritte irl. One good thing was salvaged from the end of GoT | /r/FreeFolk
An heir to the throne... | /r/FreeFolk
They could’ve at least put some newspaper down first.. | /r/FreeFolk
Stark fan once said that Dany’s army was just a meet | /r/FreeFolk
Bold of him to assume that he'd kill the night king | /r/FreeFolk
If only HBO changed showrunners like a football team changes managers! | /r/FreeFolk
I miss all the crazy theories | /r/FreeFolk
The only lord at that council worthy of being king was Edmure | /r/FreeFolk
You are a good man, Thank you Theon | /r/FreeFolk
Two Weeks | /r/FreeFolk
Maybe one of the worst scenes in TV history | /r/FreeFolk
u/DrMonkeyLove accurately describes my frustrations | /r/FreeFolk
Is Game of Thrones worth getting into? | /r/FreeFolk
A rare picture of D&D these days | /r/FreeFolk
"You're a short man. Thank you." | /r/FreeFolk
Can we take a moment to remember the hypest character who ever lived, Karl Fookin' Tanner? | /r/FreeFolk
There are tweets like this almost every month and they're never wrong | /r/FreeFolk