/r/freefolk - Images
He got the robb stark treatment | /r/FreeFolk

Bran really was Invincible after he became the Three Eyed Raven | /r/FreeFolk

Imagine having scenes like this in SE08... | /r/FreeFolk

Me watching season 8 | /r/FreeFolk

dragonpit was built to house the dragons, but Balerion does not fit his head in the entrance tunnel....

The man who passes the sentence must swing the sword | /r/FreeFolk

There is no reason why D&D couldn't have had three Kingsguard in white in this scene. | /r/FreeFolk

15 figures of people nobody wants to remember. | /r/FreeFolk

The world's most famous infiltrates infiltrates King's Landing in broad daylight. | /r/FreeFolk

I kinda forgot that season 8 ever existed | /r/FreeFolk

Don't you forget that he is Aegon Targaryen. What an important twist which turned out to mean absolu...

“Sho...how’sh married life, Shansha?” | /r/FreeFolk

A pitch meeting at NETFLIX | /r/FreeFolk

Two years after I posted it, Instagram wants to take down my recording of the S8 promo projection at...

Yo what’ve you guys been looking at | /r/FreeFolk

2 years later I see them clueless in the comments. | /r/FreeFolk
