/r/freefolk - Images
No D&D and they’re still messing up the sigils. This horse literally has the 4 legged one and the 2 ...

I Can't Help But Think This When Seeing the New Iron Throne | /r/FreeFolk

This is Ryan J. Condal, writer of “House of the Dragon” alongside George R. R. Martin. Anyone know i...

Found our boy Bobby B all the way down as the 59th "Best character in Game of Thrones by Ranker. SHO...

Tom Hanks sends his regards | /r/FreeFolk

Can someone explain the new teaser image for me? I'm kind of lost | /r/FreeFolk

North remembers. | /r/FreeFolk

Starring Ben Affleck as adult Joffery | /r/FreeFolk

Are D&D Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? | /r/FreeFolk

and legs too | /r/FreeFolk

Bran the Burden | /r/FreeFolk

Caw Caw | /r/FreeFolk

Ever played kill or bang with your whole family? | /r/FreeFolk

"Trust us." | /r/FreeFolk

Break that Wheel, ya scumbags | /r/FreeFolk

Still a better written descent into villainy than Daenerys | /r/FreeFolk
