Simpsons Shitposting - Images
They didn't have the best tools and all the know-how, but they did have a meme template full of love
Simpsons Shitposting
Long live the king.
Simpsons Shitposting
Do you find something comical about the way I make my memes?
Simpsons Shitposting
Not a unity decision

Simpsons Shitposting
Imperial Chinese History as Represented by The Simpsons

Simpsons Shitposting
Yvan eht nioj

Simpsons Shitposting
No sleep and all heat make homer go something something

Simpsons Shitposting
Hans Moleman Productions Presents: Man Getting Hit by Sun

Simpsons Shitposting
An alternate wording for the banner-- "Boobzilla."

Simpsons Shitposting
Come on, dammit! Change!
Simpsons Shitposting
Purple drapes! All my life I've wanted purple drapes!
Simpsons Shitposting
Khlav Kalash! Do do do do do do...

Simpsons Shitposting
My boy's a loss! Damn you! A loss!!
Simpsons Shitposting
And I say England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!
Simpsons Shitposting
From now on, the baby sleeps in a crib. Do you?
Simpsons Shitposting
He works hard for the money! So hard for the money! Oh, he something somethings money. C'mon, give h...
Simpsons Shitposting