/tg/ - Images
old man henderson 1, the man the legend

Bring me to your jamster

the ulimate nercomancer

we were the that guy anon

old men don't belong on the battlefield

he died as he lived a bear

I don't want to see a lovecraftian wedding

Dice rolling is serious business


Its a zoggin' conspiracy, it is!

/tg/ attempts baneposting

How deep can you go?

![After literally 2.5 years, its ready! by BoneJack in DnD ↑ [-] virtualoptim 42 points 16 hours ago (19 61) I created an amazing Universe one time, basically there was the plane of Butter and the plane of Salt, and they coincided once every 2000 years, and 200 Famine spirits would invade the Material Plane to r--- women and eat children. And one time they f----- up the Brooklyn Bridge, but one character transformed into Dr. Who and went back in time and undid that so I had to rewrite history Then another time there was a GIANT f------ mushroom in our game that would fire dinner plates at people, for 2d6 damage, +10 ranged attack. The party's fighter-warmage was killed instantly, and her player got so p----- she stormed out and never came back. The other players found some AK-47s in a chest, and, after using up almost all the mags, finally brought it down In the next room were 24 zombie avocados, enchanted by melange, so they had blue eyes and desert clothes and they screamed "MAHOU DEENIS" before leaping down on Harkonnen soldiers and ripping their pants off. We anyway one of the players was a Minotaur sorcerer so he couldn't be caught flat-footed. Most of the other characters were killed, so it was just the Minotaur and the Human rogue who survived. They went in to fight the final battle it was billy mays He fired off hundreds of great deal spells, but the minotaur sorcerer valiantly fought them off. Eventually Billy Mays was dead again, back up in heaven partying like it's 19.99 So the party saved the world and I gave 2000 XP and one b------ Our D&D game is pretty f------ awesome](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/933/833/61f.png)
![After literally 2.5 years, its ready! by BoneJack in DnD ↑ [-] virtualoptim 42 points 16 hours ago (19 61) I created an amazing Universe one time, basically there was the plane of Butter and the plane of Salt, and they coincided once every 2000 years, and 200 Famine spirits would invade the Material Plane to r--- women and eat children. And one time they f----- up the Brooklyn Bridge, but one character transformed into Dr. Who and went back in time and undid that so I had to rewrite history Then another time there was a GIANT f------ mushroom in our game that would fire dinner plates at people, for 2d6 damage, +10 ranged attack. The party's fighter-warmage was killed instantly, and her player got so p----- she stormed out and never came back. The other players found some AK-47s in a chest, and, after using up almost all the mags, finally brought it down In the next room were 24 zombie avocados, enchanted by melange, so they had blue eyes and desert clothes and they screamed "MAHOU DEENIS" before leaping down on Harkonnen soldiers and ripping their pants off. We anyway one of the players was a Minotaur sorcerer so he couldn't be caught flat-footed. Most of the other characters were killed, so it was just the Minotaur and the Human rogue who survived. They went in to fight the final battle it was billy mays He fired off hundreds of great deal spells, but the minotaur sorcerer valiantly fought them off. Eventually Billy Mays was dead again, back up in heaven partying like it's 19.99 So the party saved the world and I gave 2000 XP and one b------ Our D&D game is pretty f------ awesome](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/933/833/61f.png)
Sounds like fun!

The Krieger Medic

The Big Bottomed Blast
