/tg/ - Images
![> Anonymous Tue Aug 10 01:16:32 2010 No.1 1604003 I've got a story for you gentleman. A story of unintentional terror. It was a Pathfinder game we modcled off of Assassin's Creed. An all-Rogue party (with a ranger or fighter multiclass or two thrown in) kicking ass and jumping rooftops all over Chcliax. The group was unstoppablc, and many a session was spent glecfully beating down guards before moving on to dramatically killing the Target of their latest contract. And then it happened. Onc of the players rolled a 1 on his throat-thrcat to catch a basic guard straight out of the GamcMaster's Guide's NPC gallery (save for a random weapon.) The guard then rolled a 20 on initiative after the surprisc round went to hell, a 19 on his attack, and maximum damage with a wild power-attack with a warhammer. We drew from the GamcMastery critical hit deck, and he ended up doing 80 damage and stunning the rogue for one round One round was enough. His next attack killed the bcl finishing off his friends. He turned, as that Assassin's brother charged him for bloody revengc. Our dear swashbuckling hcro rolled a 1, provoked an attack of opportunity, and took 50-somcthing damage and 12 blccd. He died before his own round was even ovcr lcagcred assassin, while the rest of the party was Concin.ec >> Anonymous Tue Aug 10 01:23:32 2010 No.11604095 >11604003 The remaining two PCs glance at cach othcr. They were thc less scrupulous of the pair, and knew when discrction was the better part of valor. They turncd, and fled off of the building. Onc of them failcd his acrobatics check, which I represented by having the guard angrily fling his warhammer at him. Hc failcd his reflex to grab onto a balcony, and then his sccond rcflex to grab onto a piling. Hc caught the balcony with his tecth, and the piling with his spinc. He drowned in the Korvosan lagoon, and his lonc compatriot cscaped to tcll the talc. That remaining assassin gathcred a new crew, and from then on stecred clcar of guard patrols. He knew that that man was waiting for him somewherc. He was the one who had gotten away. Eventually, the group madc it all the way to the Queen's throne room, slaying her personal guard, and cornering her in her last redoubt. As they advanced, they heard the door bchind them slam opcn. Thcy turned He was there. Shillouctted against a lightning-lit sky, glcaming in the same low -ranking guard armor, but clutching a dulled and rusted warhammer, freshly dredged from a lagoon. The Assassins' faces fell. Their hcarts sank. The Super Guard was upon them. And he found them wanting](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/201/f28.gif)
![> Anonymous Tue Aug 10 01:16:32 2010 No.1 1604003 I've got a story for you gentleman. A story of unintentional terror. It was a Pathfinder game we modcled off of Assassin's Creed. An all-Rogue party (with a ranger or fighter multiclass or two thrown in) kicking ass and jumping rooftops all over Chcliax. The group was unstoppablc, and many a session was spent glecfully beating down guards before moving on to dramatically killing the Target of their latest contract. And then it happened. Onc of the players rolled a 1 on his throat-thrcat to catch a basic guard straight out of the GamcMaster's Guide's NPC gallery (save for a random weapon.) The guard then rolled a 20 on initiative after the surprisc round went to hell, a 19 on his attack, and maximum damage with a wild power-attack with a warhammer. We drew from the GamcMastery critical hit deck, and he ended up doing 80 damage and stunning the rogue for one round One round was enough. His next attack killed the bcl finishing off his friends. He turned, as that Assassin's brother charged him for bloody revengc. Our dear swashbuckling hcro rolled a 1, provoked an attack of opportunity, and took 50-somcthing damage and 12 blccd. He died before his own round was even ovcr lcagcred assassin, while the rest of the party was Concin.ec >> Anonymous Tue Aug 10 01:23:32 2010 No.11604095 >11604003 The remaining two PCs glance at cach othcr. They were thc less scrupulous of the pair, and knew when discrction was the better part of valor. They turncd, and fled off of the building. Onc of them failcd his acrobatics check, which I represented by having the guard angrily fling his warhammer at him. Hc failcd his reflex to grab onto a balcony, and then his sccond rcflex to grab onto a piling. Hc caught the balcony with his tecth, and the piling with his spinc. He drowned in the Korvosan lagoon, and his lonc compatriot cscaped to tcll the talc. That remaining assassin gathcred a new crew, and from then on stecred clcar of guard patrols. He knew that that man was waiting for him somewherc. He was the one who had gotten away. Eventually, the group madc it all the way to the Queen's throne room, slaying her personal guard, and cornering her in her last redoubt. As they advanced, they heard the door bchind them slam opcn. Thcy turned He was there. Shillouctted against a lightning-lit sky, glcaming in the same low -ranking guard armor, but clutching a dulled and rusted warhammer, freshly dredged from a lagoon. The Assassins' faces fell. Their hcarts sank. The Super Guard was upon them. And he found them wanting](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/201/f28.gif)
"but he coudn't look at me"
![File: 1333656355 png-(10 KB, 382x421, plushies0006.png) □ Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:05 No.18586590 My character has a stuffed tarrasque No, not a real one, just a little one that he carries around with himm In all other regards, he's a tough mercenary who lacks any sense of a soft side. He takes what he wants whenever he wants it, and respects no one who can't beat him in a fight. I will admit that it's somewhat jarring for such a character to carry around a stuffed animal, but I'm rather prone to allowing my characters to think for themselves, and this guy really likes his tarrasque toy The other players in my group simply considered it an eccentricity of the character and didn't think too much about it, especially because their characters were far weirder and had odder habits and traits. However, my DM started to obsess about the stuffed animal I didn't originally intend to hide the "story" behind the stuffed animal from my DM, but when he first asked me what my character's reason for it was, I got a sense that it wasn't really the mood to explain it. I just dodged the question, fully intending to explain myself later, but my DM's attitude suddenly soured and he demanded to know, saying that characters couldn't have any secrets that the DM didn't know I decided to simply refuse that idea by not telling him the reason why my character had a stuffed animal, and I had enough cheek to still ask for his "permission" for my character to have a stuffed animal. He likely would have refused if he could come up with a reason that wouldn't invalidate everyone else's characters, but without such a reason he gave me his permission. □ Anonymous 04/06/12(Thu)16:07 No.18586601 It wasnt even a really interesting "story." He just received the toy as a child, and no one ever explained that only children play with toys. It was just supposed to be a minor note of my character, a way to show that he didn't care what others thought about him and that he had different ideas of what made a man a man However, my refusal to speak about it made everyone think there was some melodramatic story behind the toy, like it was the last gift from his dying mother or a memento of a slain son. I tried to keep the toy as just something that was listed on his character sheet under "Items," but my DM just couldn't get over the fact that I was keeping a part of my characters story to myself. The DM tried to make my character's life difficult, by having villagers ridicule him for carrying around the toy and people treating him like he had the mind of a child. When he realized this didn't bother me and some good roleplaying resulted from it, he decided to change tact by trying to get rid of the toy Ps □ Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:07 No.18586616 Fireballs started to damage our items. Thieves began to regularly visit us in the night. Ethereal Filchers, Raggomoffyns, moths and mold, sunlight and dirt, everything in the world that could either damage, steal on eat my character's toy was thrown at it. Of course, my character would try to protect the tarrasque, often very enthusiastically, until my character's sole defining trait was how much he cared about the toy Finally, it happened. A black dragon's acid breath. Poor reflex saves, and an overwhelming amount of damage. Half of my backpack was destroyed, and the stuffed animal wasn't the hardiest of objects My DM couldn't help but smile. We both understood how a story was crafted, and my character had a very small window in which he had a chance to explain the toy's story. When one of the other players asked him about it, he would either have to explain it, or it would just be decided that he never had a story to begin with and they toy would be eventually forgotten as just a weird quirk of my character. It was either reveal the story while it was relevant, or throw away the chance forever As much as I didn't want to tell the DM my story, I had to admit that I was trapped. It was just how the story had to go Otherwise, it would be a bad story Ps Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:08 No.18586620 So, after we had killed the black dragon, the opportunity arose. A player asked me why I had cared so much about the toy I asked the group if they ever had any toys when they were children. After a brief moment, they all (except for the drow rogue) said they had I asked them if they really cared about a particular toy. Really cared about it. Took it with them everywhere Some of them had. Oddly enough, the DM chimed in, saying he remembered also having a stuffed animal he carried around with him everywhere until he was eight. I ignored him, and continued ked them what happen at toy. There was a moment of s as the players thought about it elped them with swer. "You lost it, right You could it one day, and you looked everywhere for it. You asked your if they had seen i the So, you cried there, but only because you were lonely. You hought that you woul even SvTv.mLVT. 04/05/12(Thu)1 9 No.18586622 "Every few days you would search around the house, around the had to accept that it was gone. You'd never see it agai thinking up new places to look even though you knew all the places it could be. The days stretched into weeks, into months, until you I ope "You didn't You never even imagined. It never crossed your mind that something could convince your parents that you were too old to carry a toy with you everywhere. That's because you can't see it that tand this idea that losing that toy will let you better fit in with society. You don't believe that it will way. You don't The thin I watched my parents take mine. They thought I was asleep I left my home that night, because I could My DM sat across from me, but he couldn't look at me ou oping with grief an and will ma ke you more matu g you r and is how your pare n give you something, allow you to grow to love it, to love it more than anything e then take it away from you tand. I couldn't und tand what kind of person coul omeone love something, to genuinely care about it o try and take it away from them](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/199/576.jpg)
![File: 1333656355 png-(10 KB, 382x421, plushies0006.png) □ Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:05 No.18586590 My character has a stuffed tarrasque No, not a real one, just a little one that he carries around with himm In all other regards, he's a tough mercenary who lacks any sense of a soft side. He takes what he wants whenever he wants it, and respects no one who can't beat him in a fight. I will admit that it's somewhat jarring for such a character to carry around a stuffed animal, but I'm rather prone to allowing my characters to think for themselves, and this guy really likes his tarrasque toy The other players in my group simply considered it an eccentricity of the character and didn't think too much about it, especially because their characters were far weirder and had odder habits and traits. However, my DM started to obsess about the stuffed animal I didn't originally intend to hide the "story" behind the stuffed animal from my DM, but when he first asked me what my character's reason for it was, I got a sense that it wasn't really the mood to explain it. I just dodged the question, fully intending to explain myself later, but my DM's attitude suddenly soured and he demanded to know, saying that characters couldn't have any secrets that the DM didn't know I decided to simply refuse that idea by not telling him the reason why my character had a stuffed animal, and I had enough cheek to still ask for his "permission" for my character to have a stuffed animal. He likely would have refused if he could come up with a reason that wouldn't invalidate everyone else's characters, but without such a reason he gave me his permission. □ Anonymous 04/06/12(Thu)16:07 No.18586601 It wasnt even a really interesting "story." He just received the toy as a child, and no one ever explained that only children play with toys. It was just supposed to be a minor note of my character, a way to show that he didn't care what others thought about him and that he had different ideas of what made a man a man However, my refusal to speak about it made everyone think there was some melodramatic story behind the toy, like it was the last gift from his dying mother or a memento of a slain son. I tried to keep the toy as just something that was listed on his character sheet under "Items," but my DM just couldn't get over the fact that I was keeping a part of my characters story to myself. The DM tried to make my character's life difficult, by having villagers ridicule him for carrying around the toy and people treating him like he had the mind of a child. When he realized this didn't bother me and some good roleplaying resulted from it, he decided to change tact by trying to get rid of the toy Ps □ Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:07 No.18586616 Fireballs started to damage our items. Thieves began to regularly visit us in the night. Ethereal Filchers, Raggomoffyns, moths and mold, sunlight and dirt, everything in the world that could either damage, steal on eat my character's toy was thrown at it. Of course, my character would try to protect the tarrasque, often very enthusiastically, until my character's sole defining trait was how much he cared about the toy Finally, it happened. A black dragon's acid breath. Poor reflex saves, and an overwhelming amount of damage. Half of my backpack was destroyed, and the stuffed animal wasn't the hardiest of objects My DM couldn't help but smile. We both understood how a story was crafted, and my character had a very small window in which he had a chance to explain the toy's story. When one of the other players asked him about it, he would either have to explain it, or it would just be decided that he never had a story to begin with and they toy would be eventually forgotten as just a weird quirk of my character. It was either reveal the story while it was relevant, or throw away the chance forever As much as I didn't want to tell the DM my story, I had to admit that I was trapped. It was just how the story had to go Otherwise, it would be a bad story Ps Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:08 No.18586620 So, after we had killed the black dragon, the opportunity arose. A player asked me why I had cared so much about the toy I asked the group if they ever had any toys when they were children. After a brief moment, they all (except for the drow rogue) said they had I asked them if they really cared about a particular toy. Really cared about it. Took it with them everywhere Some of them had. Oddly enough, the DM chimed in, saying he remembered also having a stuffed animal he carried around with him everywhere until he was eight. I ignored him, and continued ked them what happen at toy. There was a moment of s as the players thought about it elped them with swer. "You lost it, right You could it one day, and you looked everywhere for it. You asked your if they had seen i the So, you cried there, but only because you were lonely. You hought that you woul even SvTv.mLVT. 04/05/12(Thu)1 9 No.18586622 "Every few days you would search around the house, around the had to accept that it was gone. You'd never see it agai thinking up new places to look even though you knew all the places it could be. The days stretched into weeks, into months, until you I ope "You didn't You never even imagined. It never crossed your mind that something could convince your parents that you were too old to carry a toy with you everywhere. That's because you can't see it that tand this idea that losing that toy will let you better fit in with society. You don't believe that it will way. You don't The thin I watched my parents take mine. They thought I was asleep I left my home that night, because I could My DM sat across from me, but he couldn't look at me ou oping with grief an and will ma ke you more matu g you r and is how your pare n give you something, allow you to grow to love it, to love it more than anything e then take it away from you tand. I couldn't und tand what kind of person coul omeone love something, to genuinely care about it o try and take it away from them](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/199/576.jpg)
c for cannon
![□ Anonymous 09/22/11 (Thu)21:41 No.16391478 File1316742104 png-(62 KB, 219x221, kirbyomg. png) OH MY 60SH Party in a city-based 4e D&D game are sneaking into a steampunk newspaper company to replace a (true) story that might cast their party in a negative They are a cockney child rogue, a human pitfighter, and a gnome artificer who totes around a magical tome of his family's history that is also an light encyclopedia, that also acts as a focus for all his (refluffed) spells >Thief on sneaking, story swapping detail >Gnome on distraction, pitfighter on mop-up Gnome enters through the front door, LOUDLY Starts LOUDLY talking to receptionist about how he wants his family history printed in the paper >Slams tome down on desk >"The GREAT HISTORY of the vonSpielhelm family shall not be unabridged!" -l, the DM, ask him to roll bluff. He INSISTS that this is a diplomacy roll. I yield to logic. >He does fairly well. >The secretary decides, to humor him, she'll flip through the book >The book which acts as a focus for his offensive spells >Dice are rolled >She opens up the book to "C for "Cannon" >Half a second later, the receptionist is sans-head, all the writers, clerics, and pencil-pushers are running screaming out of the building, and the gnome is the best distraction ever >hfw](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/197/197.jpg)
![□ Anonymous 09/22/11 (Thu)21:41 No.16391478 File1316742104 png-(62 KB, 219x221, kirbyomg. png) OH MY 60SH Party in a city-based 4e D&D game are sneaking into a steampunk newspaper company to replace a (true) story that might cast their party in a negative They are a cockney child rogue, a human pitfighter, and a gnome artificer who totes around a magical tome of his family's history that is also an light encyclopedia, that also acts as a focus for all his (refluffed) spells >Thief on sneaking, story swapping detail >Gnome on distraction, pitfighter on mop-up Gnome enters through the front door, LOUDLY Starts LOUDLY talking to receptionist about how he wants his family history printed in the paper >Slams tome down on desk >"The GREAT HISTORY of the vonSpielhelm family shall not be unabridged!" -l, the DM, ask him to roll bluff. He INSISTS that this is a diplomacy roll. I yield to logic. >He does fairly well. >The secretary decides, to humor him, she'll flip through the book >The book which acts as a focus for his offensive spells >Dice are rolled >She opens up the book to "C for "Cannon" >Half a second later, the receptionist is sans-head, all the writers, clerics, and pencil-pushers are running screaming out of the building, and the gnome is the best distraction ever >hfw](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/197/197.jpg)
horses man, just horses
![not sure if too nsfw in text content
but in all fairness I've had games like this, can confirm it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/196/a00.jpg)
![not sure if too nsfw in text content
but in all fairness I've had games like this, can confirm it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/196/a00.jpg)
worse then boom clang
![1218992925.ipg-(40 KB, 300x300, OrdinarySword.jpg) □88The Ordinary Sword Anonymous 08/17/08(Sun) 13:08 No. 2361684 Hey tg/, i'm here to present you an idea for an item i'm including in my next exalted campaign. The Ordinary Sword. To any form of inspection or most forms of testing, it is just that. a perfectly ordinary sword. its history is completely normal it was forged by a mildly competent blacksmith, sold for a good price, used by several soldiers in succession. It is tarnished by its age, and there are signs of damage all up its blade Its only special property comes into play when the supernatural does, in that everything it touches is reduced to nomality. Your orichalchum armour is now simply gold, your essence charged flesh parts like butter, and even an ethereal or non-physical form is harmed. even if you are a giant of a man with muscles the size or bears, thi s sword can still take off your arm. This effect is constant. No matter how powerful the entity, if the sword wounds them, it deals equivalent damage to a normal version if your thirty stories tall, and it chops into your leg, your leg falls of. It is one of the most dangerous artifacts ever known, simply because any- exalt, god, or even the primordials, are made as vulnerable as normal humans The beginning of the campaign would be a death knight stealing it, with the intention of stabbing it into the core of the pole of earth (The heart of creation) in the hope of slaying creation itself. Any thoughts? Sorry for the crappy pic, its surprisingly hard to find pictures of ordinary swords □ That Fat Thighed W-----3 pZS1G/XQVc 08/17/08(Sun) 18:03 No. 2363 101 2363073 Now that is one thing I HAVE wondered How would everyone in exalt land react if they were to be told there were other realties? Other creations? One that were limitless in size. Living on large balls instead of a flat expanse. No wyld. No magic either I wonder how they would react to being told about technology Especially how a mere mortal can wield might that could rival gods. And how mere mortals could make a weapon that could wipe out cities the size of Yu Shan in the blink of an eye MIND FUT兀兀兀JCK. □ Unholy Clown Ninja Anonymous, Xorn's Champion ! ! 0aKrfPD0CW4 08/17/08 (Sun) 1 806 No. 23631 14 >2363101 Ooh, a nomalcy nuke. That strikes me as cooler than the sword. □ That Fat Thighed W-----31pZS1G&OVc 08/17/08(Sun) 18:08 No. 23631 16 236311 Not what I meant.. but. I am utterly terrified that I inspired that line of thought normalcy nuke? D: g Unholy Clown Ninja Anonymous. Xorn's Champion lIOaKrfPDoCW4 08/17/08(Sun) 18:14 No. 2363 1421 File :1219011245 ipg-(44 KB, 732x626, scary.jpg) 2363116 An incident occurs where a whole city is wiped out in an instant, exalts and all. A tough and brave exalt enters and reports everything is gone. He finds out that he's lost his powers and slowly dies of some unknown sickness that is 1mpos sible to cure](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/193/047.jpg)
![1218992925.ipg-(40 KB, 300x300, OrdinarySword.jpg) □88The Ordinary Sword Anonymous 08/17/08(Sun) 13:08 No. 2361684 Hey tg/, i'm here to present you an idea for an item i'm including in my next exalted campaign. The Ordinary Sword. To any form of inspection or most forms of testing, it is just that. a perfectly ordinary sword. its history is completely normal it was forged by a mildly competent blacksmith, sold for a good price, used by several soldiers in succession. It is tarnished by its age, and there are signs of damage all up its blade Its only special property comes into play when the supernatural does, in that everything it touches is reduced to nomality. Your orichalchum armour is now simply gold, your essence charged flesh parts like butter, and even an ethereal or non-physical form is harmed. even if you are a giant of a man with muscles the size or bears, thi s sword can still take off your arm. This effect is constant. No matter how powerful the entity, if the sword wounds them, it deals equivalent damage to a normal version if your thirty stories tall, and it chops into your leg, your leg falls of. It is one of the most dangerous artifacts ever known, simply because any- exalt, god, or even the primordials, are made as vulnerable as normal humans The beginning of the campaign would be a death knight stealing it, with the intention of stabbing it into the core of the pole of earth (The heart of creation) in the hope of slaying creation itself. Any thoughts? Sorry for the crappy pic, its surprisingly hard to find pictures of ordinary swords □ That Fat Thighed W-----3 pZS1G/XQVc 08/17/08(Sun) 18:03 No. 2363 101 2363073 Now that is one thing I HAVE wondered How would everyone in exalt land react if they were to be told there were other realties? Other creations? One that were limitless in size. Living on large balls instead of a flat expanse. No wyld. No magic either I wonder how they would react to being told about technology Especially how a mere mortal can wield might that could rival gods. And how mere mortals could make a weapon that could wipe out cities the size of Yu Shan in the blink of an eye MIND FUT兀兀兀JCK. □ Unholy Clown Ninja Anonymous, Xorn's Champion ! ! 0aKrfPD0CW4 08/17/08 (Sun) 1 806 No. 23631 14 >2363101 Ooh, a nomalcy nuke. That strikes me as cooler than the sword. □ That Fat Thighed W-----31pZS1G&OVc 08/17/08(Sun) 18:08 No. 23631 16 236311 Not what I meant.. but. I am utterly terrified that I inspired that line of thought normalcy nuke? D: g Unholy Clown Ninja Anonymous. Xorn's Champion lIOaKrfPDoCW4 08/17/08(Sun) 18:14 No. 2363 1421 File :1219011245 ipg-(44 KB, 732x626, scary.jpg) 2363116 An incident occurs where a whole city is wiped out in an instant, exalts and all. A tough and brave exalt enters and reports everything is gone. He finds out that he's lost his powers and slowly dies of some unknown sickness that is 1mpos sible to cure](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/193/047.jpg)
I found a cure
![Beast ending.
Flawless victory.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/191/517.jpg)
![Beast ending.
Flawless victory.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/191/517.jpg)
Saint cuthbert
![It's rather annoying when stuff like this happen.
I've had people attempt to kill me on occasion in the campaign for rather stupid out of context reasons.
It never turns out well](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/190/7f6.jpg)
![It's rather annoying when stuff like this happen.
I've had people attempt to kill me on occasion in the campaign for rather stupid out of context reasons.
It never turns out well](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/190/7f6.jpg)
+10 roleplay
![<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tb4wRHuCAVM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
seriously just don't](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/189/2b6.jpg)
![<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tb4wRHuCAVM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
seriously just don't](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/189/2b6.jpg)
Good night lu
![<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fDY-PxP-2CU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/188/1d7.jpg)
![<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fDY-PxP-2CU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/188/1d7.jpg)
short, who the hell are you calling short
darleks aren't the only ones scared of stairs
![<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/weMpv14cW9U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/183/9b4.jpg)
![<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/weMpv14cW9U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/183/9b4.jpg)
Weclome to the Space SLAM
paladain: the redemption
![, ears and sernwon deep vithin w she manages the wow youcan sew ne Please.疥y want you snopthisT Far a menent yau eel every instat off pain and risay and sunge and thast and despair h dis iswable lele child has experened her 7 shat years hanted by the uwa, 더his te thenaghly As you make eys contactyes uda y lee m age you'ne having and ays 22122 urage doeun ta thry Thry bilion people are 2211902 Yau bink Less than a secand has passed Your rurager doeun't evee hon going Sevee billion sods al.ndenstand鸸騝rai" supposed to da ateus z.nost of these people alseady deat th씌 msey has altady happened Mhat are Mest ot the ame, youhe a boody mess You cut yoursel neglay 2139008 The sedt change happess at meine. For a beel oent yee a tash you expecence the sueing and tomeet of an entse batery Cows Pigs The secasianul at Scen your ceescuses expands beyand ery being that ded lke corgassion and psice and enightesmest ssld have sere sat of Woe the Techescracy, think they can 2212231 胔to soot, that tying 30 make ronet@fchers happy i..wny mesan by the hope that &jast beps spiing keg eegh.tins Original Story ends here, But Several posts later: 2212 And sometw9.se" you breaks an apety.fut coated you rukang pina seerse 6aforng of oners, but rever d·anynag abe甙襛 creaks out three, tiny woeds And it sang of sthe things a Thing that ave no wards, in this or any langag Thingn that wl drve her to the saTE CaE an yau for The Masic only souches thase knowsbald in them the strength to andure, in this fawed wald thoas whe vll find wthe Thinga that only The Music can speak of, to thoas whe vi laten Things that only a Pad And in the end: 550s1400 1322968377024 p 00](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/178/2af.jpg)
![, ears and sernwon deep vithin w she manages the wow youcan sew ne Please.疥y want you snopthisT Far a menent yau eel every instat off pain and risay and sunge and thast and despair h dis iswable lele child has experened her 7 shat years hanted by the uwa, 더his te thenaghly As you make eys contactyes uda y lee m age you'ne having and ays 22122 urage doeun ta thry Thry bilion people are 2211902 Yau bink Less than a secand has passed Your rurager doeun't evee hon going Sevee billion sods al.ndenstand鸸騝rai" supposed to da ateus z.nost of these people alseady deat th씌 msey has altady happened Mhat are Mest ot the ame, youhe a boody mess You cut yoursel neglay 2139008 The sedt change happess at meine. For a beel oent yee a tash you expecence the sueing and tomeet of an entse batery Cows Pigs The secasianul at Scen your ceescuses expands beyand ery being that ded lke corgassion and psice and enightesmest ssld have sere sat of Woe the Techescracy, think they can 2212231 胔to soot, that tying 30 make ronet@fchers happy i..wny mesan by the hope that &jast beps spiing keg eegh.tins Original Story ends here, But Several posts later: 2212 And sometw9.se" you breaks an apety.fut coated you rukang pina seerse 6aforng of oners, but rever d·anynag abe甙襛 creaks out three, tiny woeds And it sang of sthe things a Thing that ave no wards, in this or any langag Thingn that wl drve her to the saTE CaE an yau for The Masic only souches thase knowsbald in them the strength to andure, in this fawed wald thoas whe vll find wthe Thinga that only The Music can speak of, to thoas whe vi laten Things that only a Pad And in the end: 550s1400 1322968377024 p 00](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/178/2af.jpg)
Casting fist
![File: 1314053411 ipa11 KB, 184x184, bf445ca67343678e52e14b5cc7429bf6c2e57db..pg) Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:50 No.16028538 There's a Prestige Class called Cancer Mage in Book of Vile Darkness. The first level ability allows a Cancer Mage to ignore any negative effects of a disease In the same book there's a disease called Festering Anger. This disease grants a +2 to Strength if you can contract it, with an additional +2 per day Cancer Mage+Festering Anger Enough Time Infinite Strength MUSCLE WZARDS Discuss Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:52 No.16028559 3.5 is horribly broken. We get it Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:52 No. 16028567 It's not broken, it's "rewarding mastery of the system' Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:52 No.16028568 The BOVD and the BOED were both regarded as slightly broken and really shouldn't be used by anyone Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)1853 № 16028571 File 1314053581ipg-(211 KB, 600x900, 1294973421728 jpg) do want What ho, Muscle Wizard! Might you cast us a spellP Ho Ho Ho Ho! Of course young ICAST FIST Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.05 No.16028734 With Improved Grapple, you won't provoke opportunity attacks. And you can deal 381 nonlethal and lethal damage a round, minimum. You can wrestle a Tarasque to death. Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:07 No.16028765 If you think THATS bad, you should, very carefully, read the description of the spell "no light" in the BoVD Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)19:09 No.16028786 16028734 it low-to-o teligence, and a feat that lets you add your Str bonus to l tir date So one ght easi este a Tarrasque noniet ally to 아 and then punch it until it gives you a pg back There's a feat that lets you ntimidate creatures ride F------ muscle wizards, man Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.12 No.16028817 Seems legit What am I missing here? Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.16 No. 16028851 time for a THAT GUY type question how to make the most broken muscle wizard? Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:19 No.16028877 I don't know the Wizard's roster that well, but I'm sure there's a combination of spells so that you can make a time bubble, give yourself an infinite amount of food, halt your aging, step inside, and fast-forward time a few years in a matter of minuteS Then, punch the DMPC 08/22/11(Mon)19:21 No. 16028899 File 1314055301.ipg-(2 KB, 126x95, 1304582177200s jpg) 16028877 it's too broken for me to handle Hell, use that as a Cancer Mage. YOUR STRENGTH FUELS YOUR SPELLCASTING. Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)19 45 No 16029142 lllumian They're bald tool But they can grow mustaches, if I recall. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of OP's image! Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:48 No.16029176 >>16029095 300 level 9 spells a day fueled by flexing your muscles YES Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.50 No. 16029193 216029095 Not only that, but if you take Leadership, Epic Leadership, and Might Makes Right, you can add your theoretically infinite Str bonus to your leadership level You can have literally MILLIONS of followers, all attracted by the SHEER POWER OF YOUR MUSCLES Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:53 No.16029225 This reminds me of Morrowind. You could catch Corprus, then use shrines a couple of times a week to remove the negative modifiers from it Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)20:15 No.16029399 So you'd be Amold Schwarzenegger? Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)20:56 No.16029786 The sheer amount GLORIOUS MUSCLE contained in this thread makes me weep with joy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/176/b34.jpg)
![File: 1314053411 ipa11 KB, 184x184, bf445ca67343678e52e14b5cc7429bf6c2e57db..pg) Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:50 No.16028538 There's a Prestige Class called Cancer Mage in Book of Vile Darkness. The first level ability allows a Cancer Mage to ignore any negative effects of a disease In the same book there's a disease called Festering Anger. This disease grants a +2 to Strength if you can contract it, with an additional +2 per day Cancer Mage+Festering Anger Enough Time Infinite Strength MUSCLE WZARDS Discuss Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:52 No.16028559 3.5 is horribly broken. We get it Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:52 No. 16028567 It's not broken, it's "rewarding mastery of the system' Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:52 No.16028568 The BOVD and the BOED were both regarded as slightly broken and really shouldn't be used by anyone Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)1853 № 16028571 File 1314053581ipg-(211 KB, 600x900, 1294973421728 jpg) do want What ho, Muscle Wizard! Might you cast us a spellP Ho Ho Ho Ho! Of course young ICAST FIST Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.05 No.16028734 With Improved Grapple, you won't provoke opportunity attacks. And you can deal 381 nonlethal and lethal damage a round, minimum. You can wrestle a Tarasque to death. Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:07 No.16028765 If you think THATS bad, you should, very carefully, read the description of the spell "no light" in the BoVD Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)19:09 No.16028786 16028734 it low-to-o teligence, and a feat that lets you add your Str bonus to l tir date So one ght easi este a Tarrasque noniet ally to 아 and then punch it until it gives you a pg back There's a feat that lets you ntimidate creatures ride F------ muscle wizards, man Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.12 No.16028817 Seems legit What am I missing here? Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.16 No. 16028851 time for a THAT GUY type question how to make the most broken muscle wizard? Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:19 No.16028877 I don't know the Wizard's roster that well, but I'm sure there's a combination of spells so that you can make a time bubble, give yourself an infinite amount of food, halt your aging, step inside, and fast-forward time a few years in a matter of minuteS Then, punch the DMPC 08/22/11(Mon)19:21 No. 16028899 File 1314055301.ipg-(2 KB, 126x95, 1304582177200s jpg) 16028877 it's too broken for me to handle Hell, use that as a Cancer Mage. YOUR STRENGTH FUELS YOUR SPELLCASTING. Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)19 45 No 16029142 lllumian They're bald tool But they can grow mustaches, if I recall. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of OP's image! Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:48 No.16029176 >>16029095 300 level 9 spells a day fueled by flexing your muscles YES Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19.50 No. 16029193 216029095 Not only that, but if you take Leadership, Epic Leadership, and Might Makes Right, you can add your theoretically infinite Str bonus to your leadership level You can have literally MILLIONS of followers, all attracted by the SHEER POWER OF YOUR MUSCLES Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:53 No.16029225 This reminds me of Morrowind. You could catch Corprus, then use shrines a couple of times a week to remove the negative modifiers from it Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)20:15 No.16029399 So you'd be Amold Schwarzenegger? Anonymous 08/22/11 (Mon)20:56 No.16029786 The sheer amount GLORIOUS MUSCLE contained in this thread makes me weep with joy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/176/b34.jpg)
Now that's some spooky shit
![File 1289927834.gif-(246 KB, 500x441, skeletons.gif) undead thread Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:17 No.12818985 Hey gents, let's talk about those zany undead Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:18 No. 12819002 bump Anonymous 1 1/16/10(Tue)12:22 No. 1281 9026 f--- yeah undead. lemme find some saved stuff while i do that, thread about awesome liches: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/1513305/ Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:25 No. 12819047 >Obligritory mention of skeletons, due to not having muscles, moving via magic. Ergo there is no physical limit (bar friction breaking them) on how fast they can move their arms. Logically you can wear their arms down to blades. Logically they can spin their arms fast enough to generate lft ying skeleton blenders Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:40 No.12819172 File 1289929226.gif-(11 KB, 420x522, death-knight.gif) Liches man they are the best COMMISSAR FORON !INbubB9jqLRJ 11/16/10(Tue)12:46 No.12819216 File 1289929580 ipg-(20 KB, 214x271, 1274204235078.jpg) 12819047 >Everything you just said >Its glorious Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)13:07 No.12819386 So wait, if they can move real fast (improved initative, skitter, s--- like that) would it be faster for them to run or cartwheel? Actually, would it be faster just to get like some skeleton quadrapeds or something and nail some lances to their backs. Prehaps fill their ribs with lead to make them heavy and just make em RAM THE F--- outta castles? With a decent run up and some leg reinforcing I could easy see one hitting 100mph Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)13:10 No.12819414 P> >cartwheeling skeletons My players would emit the power of a thousand WTFs the instant I unveil that Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:24 No.12821640 7 KB, 640x400, fly skeletons.jpg) THIlIIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPPP!!! Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:26 No.12821659 >12821640 F--- YES! YOU'RE POST IS GOOD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL GOOD!! Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:29 No.12821693 >12821640 I love /tg/ Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:32 No.12821714 P> Did somebody say... SKELECOPTERS!? □ CommissarMega !EJmdGZdQ+SD 11/16/10(Tue)17:34 No.12821743 I swear if i ever saw skelecopters. I would die. Not because they chopped me to pieces but because l was laughing so hard I couldn't breath Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:35 No.12821754 File 1289946922 ipg-(28 KB, 472x454, Respek_Knuckles.jpg) Spo >12819047 P> uckl](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/173/87c.jpg)
![File 1289927834.gif-(246 KB, 500x441, skeletons.gif) undead thread Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:17 No.12818985 Hey gents, let's talk about those zany undead Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:18 No. 12819002 bump Anonymous 1 1/16/10(Tue)12:22 No. 1281 9026 f--- yeah undead. lemme find some saved stuff while i do that, thread about awesome liches: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/1513305/ Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:25 No. 12819047 >Obligritory mention of skeletons, due to not having muscles, moving via magic. Ergo there is no physical limit (bar friction breaking them) on how fast they can move their arms. Logically you can wear their arms down to blades. Logically they can spin their arms fast enough to generate lft ying skeleton blenders Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:40 No.12819172 File 1289929226.gif-(11 KB, 420x522, death-knight.gif) Liches man they are the best COMMISSAR FORON !INbubB9jqLRJ 11/16/10(Tue)12:46 No.12819216 File 1289929580 ipg-(20 KB, 214x271, 1274204235078.jpg) 12819047 >Everything you just said >Its glorious Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)13:07 No.12819386 So wait, if they can move real fast (improved initative, skitter, s--- like that) would it be faster for them to run or cartwheel? Actually, would it be faster just to get like some skeleton quadrapeds or something and nail some lances to their backs. Prehaps fill their ribs with lead to make them heavy and just make em RAM THE F--- outta castles? With a decent run up and some leg reinforcing I could easy see one hitting 100mph Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)13:10 No.12819414 P> >cartwheeling skeletons My players would emit the power of a thousand WTFs the instant I unveil that Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:24 No.12821640 7 KB, 640x400, fly skeletons.jpg) THIlIIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPPP!!! Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:26 No.12821659 >12821640 F--- YES! YOU'RE POST IS GOOD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL GOOD!! Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:29 No.12821693 >12821640 I love /tg/ Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:32 No.12821714 P> Did somebody say... SKELECOPTERS!? □ CommissarMega !EJmdGZdQ+SD 11/16/10(Tue)17:34 No.12821743 I swear if i ever saw skelecopters. I would die. Not because they chopped me to pieces but because l was laughing so hard I couldn't breath Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)17:35 No.12821754 File 1289946922 ipg-(28 KB, 472x454, Respek_Knuckles.jpg) Spo >12819047 P> uckl](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/173/87c.jpg)
old man henderson 2
![part 2 of old man henderson
the original can be found here
![part 2 of old man henderson
the original can be found here