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Y’all made fun of plankton for dating a computer screen but look at u now

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Good question
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Bob "Moviebob" Chipman everyone

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"You unlocked your phone with your fingerprint to tweet this on an app that knows your exact locatio...
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I will keep picking eggs randomly from the tray

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Bank Gets Owned On Twitter
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C'Mon evolution, step it up!

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Always the but

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Network graph of moral contagion shaded by political ideology

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Democrats on Twitter more likely to identify as liberal than Democrats who are not Twitter users

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Twitter behavior dominated by a small group of highly active U.S. adults

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Small share of highly active Twitter users produce bulk of tweets from U.S. adults

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About poor people that owns guns and Prada bags

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Hood post-scarcity: Why do poor people buy luxuries?

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Making a Philosopher's Stone?

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Twitter goes even more full retard

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