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anon finds out EA master evil plan


who fucking cares this much about stupid ass retarded video games
![□ sage sage 06/28/13(Fri)01: 5046 No. 1 971 93502 [ ▼ ] >>197193582 >>197193602 >>197193624 > > 1 971 93656 >> 197201027 1369926904540 ipg (26 KB, 409x366) google igdb Oh my god who f------ cares this much about stupid ass retarded video games /v/ - Video Games](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/301/269/a4a.png)
![□ sage sage 06/28/13(Fri)01: 5046 No. 1 971 93502 [ ▼ ] >>197193582 >>197193602 >>197193624 > > 1 971 93656 >> 197201027 1369926904540 ipg (26 KB, 409x366) google igdb Oh my god who f------ cares this much about stupid ass retarded video games /v/ - Video Games](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/301/269/a4a.png)
evidence that e-celeb shilling does not result in higher sales

you can't judge a game before it's released

Peak /v/ logic

v approved gaming channels

how to argue on /v/

kermit explains what's wrong with Smash Bros Melee

/v/'s suffering chart


Devotion to our lord

Truth has been told

the thread promised video game based capers

Anon likes Terraria
![31173742 30e 57 338663620 338663947 3382 3 years in a maximum security prision. No outside communication, no cell mate. You get one video game (no games that require intemet connection) and one device to play it. The device will only play the game, etc. This will be your only What game do you pick? I already have 3500 characters, and spent 2 years on one map, filled with storylines. But in the situation OP described, I would create a massive world within terraria, different factions, cults, mafia enterprises, mega corporation, a complete financial system, ore Would be nice. Also jews would be feautured, using real economic models to control a large chunk of the economy. Imagine the math being scribbled down on notepads just No Christ Literally how? I've played a shitton and onily have about 10, 20ish if you count the characters I used to dupe items 1458414305359 pg (242 KB. 1379x800》 geog" iedb ? Imake them Hardcore mode, choose which nation they belong to and which race Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon 20:13:23 No 338667103 Then they either get to mine for one of the corporations which takes 80% of the profit, or they can find their own way to make money, which is and yet you still build Some character live, other characters die. Some joins criminal organizations, or join mercenary leagues. Others "invent" new things, buys properties and start shops I make alot of my characters based on historical figures etc but alot of commoners rising up Its very exciting, Im just afraid that my body is slowly rotting and im aging while I mentally live in the Terraria world. I wish i could stop time Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon|20.02 59 No.338666145 5/23/16(Mon)19.35:11 No 33866394 9.38 51 No.338663754 l bought a 20.000 dollar computer with 64 ram in hope to be able to play atleast 100 terraria windows at the same time, using 3 monitors, but for some strange reason im capped at 30 before heavy lag. It really sucks. I know Terraria can eat up 5 more years of my life but im getting extremely unhealthy and risk heart ttack 338663394 Can you even do that7 Is it possible to make a cvization in Terraria? Im just not sure if i can leave that world behind me yet. Terraria is the greatest game ever created and it doesnt have any limits for the type of roleplay I enjoy Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon)19 31:16 No 33866300933 alright then.gif (1.58 MD, 3200240) google do? So uh why the f--- wouldn't you just write 5,802 Fles, 0 Folders CUsers King Arthu Documents My Games Terreri Type: PLR File Anonymous 05/23 16(Mon)19:38.49 No 338663749 1460242231110 pp (337 KKB, 1920x 1200) google iqdb ? Various Folders CAUsers King ArthunDocuments) My Games Terrari. Type: PLR File 9.88 MD (0,367,576 bytes) Why wouldnt you wite a boring book with no graphics, when you can simulate everything in incredible ways, without even knowing the outcome 13John Dwayne Rockfell.plr CAUsers King ArthuDocuments My Gamest Terrar Sire on dsk 23.4MB (24,571,904 bytes) Type: PLR File Recently the well established Italian Mafia, who were the first to root themselves in Shady Sands Kingdom, got almost completly destroyed by the Black Unified League (they are n----- gangbangers) CAUsers King Arthu Documents My Games Temeri. Type: PLR File Shady Sands Kingdom millitary forces had to declare Martial Law, which is the first intervention from the rulng class of the city, as they mostly let the local police handle any c tfw some of my characters have ile created at 2012-X-X" If they die, they disappear forever. It's really heavy thinking back about the huge amount of lore and history in my game CAUsers King ArthunDocuments) My Games Terrari. Type: PLR File The Lawmen)Morgan Earp(Top Lawman).plr CAUsers King ArthunDecumentsMy Gamest Terrar. Type: PLR File (The CAUsers King Arthu Documents My Games Terreri Type: PLR File 9:39:10 No.338663785 Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon19:39:30 No.338663829>33000583 Yeah but, how does that even work? I mean, do you just make things up in your head as you go along? As far as I know, there isnt any way to actually implement any of that in Terraria. CAUsers King ArthunDocuments My Games Terrari. Type: PLR File (Vahlking)Alfred _The Bear[Thegn].plr OK Gamest Terrari Type: PLR File 9:59:30 No chars pg (137 KB, 806x512) google qdb ? 囚ユ串匯 It's like thecry of evolution. starts of by making a tribe with only blonde hair, and white shirts Then call them Romans. Then make 2-4 other tribes on the map, call them something else, maybe Muslims, Sea-people or talians (or any The romans start to chop down trees, discover how to make beer, and leam how to use copper and weapons. Then another tribe attacks the romans for their resources, and lack of territory Some tribes get wiped out, others later declare peace. And sometimes one roman wants to become a leader and challenges the other tribes member for that position One roman might be the only one capable of making magical items, another roman owns the local mine, this puts them at an advantage l use an editor for birthmaking, a rich citizen can get a wife and have kids, sharing genetics with parents, say purple eyes These are lineage, if their father die, the kids will ikely avenge them. Very powerful families have about 9 kids and take over families business. I document it by writing (CoF Lucious Vorenus & Laila) Il (2nd child) After a whle, a civilization has 500 characters, and taxes have been implemented, forcing these characters to work, mining, or start their own company if they got the funds, and the Guards/Police send criminals to jail and keeping it civilized, there are toll boths when entering towns, preventing characters from moving as they want. Time also progresses, I have reached the age of guns and old airship, but I have not yet reach the age of Futurism and alien invasions t0 I go hiking and camping if that counts. I just love Terraria and is able to build amazing worlds with no imit. Using cracked version I can open several. During war I start about 30 terrania windows and the war happens in segments I don't pretend the character is there, I open about 10 Terraria games at the same time, and can switch characters easily, maybe the person visits a shop, I can just start that 0.1146 No 4084x1896) google nese, we stick to o l have 3 notepads filled, numerous of textdocuments, and a basic description in form a sign within their apertment. Majonty of people are not that significant though, sometimes I have to look up which citizens have hired protection outside their house, when their enemies tries to assassinate them or commit a robbery ワワワワワワ 05/23/16(Mon 20.06:56 No.338666517>»3 84 330e704 2013-09-28 00001 jpg (188 KB, 1024x749) google do? OH NO ITS YOUUJU F--- OFFFFF THREE YEARS LATER YOURE STILL F------ HERE, STILL TALKING ABOUT YOUR STUPID F------ AUTISMAL F------ F--- Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon)20:09:45 No.338666784 3800835 3 338000981 33 338667171 3338007378 3333800843 CHRIST ALMIGHTY I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MORE SCREENSHOTS THIS GUY HAS COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE MEDICALLY DIAGNOSABLE AUTISM AND SHOULD BE CONFINED T NO F------ INTERNET CONNECTION AT ALL AND NOT EVEN TERRARIA Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon)20 13 59 No.338667 171.+23seers78 aamuua蠫>>suens12 Oh no not you again, how did you find me? Im not ashamed of this, I enjoy this on a deeper level than you will ever experience You are a casual f-- with ADD, you pick something up, say wowzee this is colourful, then 30 minutes you jump into the next MTV fad that entertains your tiny brain Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon120:16:50 No 338667471 333800662 l think I remember the guy having something like a hundred or two characters at the time of my pictures. Do He's probably been making new characters EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS M8 I WOULD SPEND EVERY DAY OF THOSE 3 YEARS BUILDING COMMIEBLOCKS AND I WOULD ENJOY IT AND I STILL WOULDNT HAVE YOUR RRARIA SO FROM ONE AUTIST TO ANOTHER YOU ARE F----- ON A LEVEL THAT IS SO DEEP AND SO INSANE THAT ITS A WONDER YOU HAVENT SMASHED YOUR FACE INTO YOUR MONITOR TRYING TO GET INTO THE WORLDS YOU MAKE 1s 05/23/16(Mon)20:26:35 No.338668352>33 I play Terraria the correct way,I admit to having 3000+ hours ingame and buying my 2k computer for the sole reason to improve the roleplaying way l play, but I still haven't completed Cuthulu and Alien ivasion because my world has not yet evolved into futurism. I have atleast 3+ year of enormous enjoyment of Terrania before reaching that stage, and thousands of diferent scenanios that will occur making a game like Morrowind lore look like a turd. Will the secret necromancy cuit userp the power of neighbouring lands? Will the Russian Federation destroy the economy by launching exdremely cheap products? Will there be a prophet starting a new religion, sightings of angels7 Will a new axis of allience conquer a larger part of the world? Who knows? Not even me. There is nothing wrong with how I play this game, just look at ng/ at all the crybabies who rush the game in normalmode, and complain after they beat the game within a day They are playing it entirely wrong Never has there been a game so unlimited to create your own civilization and customized characters, the game is a masterpiece and will](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/227/713/7da.jpg)
![31173742 30e 57 338663620 338663947 3382 3 years in a maximum security prision. No outside communication, no cell mate. You get one video game (no games that require intemet connection) and one device to play it. The device will only play the game, etc. This will be your only What game do you pick? I already have 3500 characters, and spent 2 years on one map, filled with storylines. But in the situation OP described, I would create a massive world within terraria, different factions, cults, mafia enterprises, mega corporation, a complete financial system, ore Would be nice. Also jews would be feautured, using real economic models to control a large chunk of the economy. Imagine the math being scribbled down on notepads just No Christ Literally how? I've played a shitton and onily have about 10, 20ish if you count the characters I used to dupe items 1458414305359 pg (242 KB. 1379x800》 geog" iedb ? Imake them Hardcore mode, choose which nation they belong to and which race Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon 20:13:23 No 338667103 Then they either get to mine for one of the corporations which takes 80% of the profit, or they can find their own way to make money, which is and yet you still build Some character live, other characters die. Some joins criminal organizations, or join mercenary leagues. Others "invent" new things, buys properties and start shops I make alot of my characters based on historical figures etc but alot of commoners rising up Its very exciting, Im just afraid that my body is slowly rotting and im aging while I mentally live in the Terraria world. I wish i could stop time Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon|20.02 59 No.338666145 5/23/16(Mon)19.35:11 No 33866394 9.38 51 No.338663754 l bought a 20.000 dollar computer with 64 ram in hope to be able to play atleast 100 terraria windows at the same time, using 3 monitors, but for some strange reason im capped at 30 before heavy lag. It really sucks. I know Terraria can eat up 5 more years of my life but im getting extremely unhealthy and risk heart ttack 338663394 Can you even do that7 Is it possible to make a cvization in Terraria? Im just not sure if i can leave that world behind me yet. Terraria is the greatest game ever created and it doesnt have any limits for the type of roleplay I enjoy Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon)19 31:16 No 33866300933 alright then.gif (1.58 MD, 3200240) google do? So uh why the f--- wouldn't you just write 5,802 Fles, 0 Folders CUsers King Arthu Documents My Games Terreri Type: PLR File Anonymous 05/23 16(Mon)19:38.49 No 338663749 1460242231110 pp (337 KKB, 1920x 1200) google iqdb ? Various Folders CAUsers King ArthunDocuments) My Games Terrari. Type: PLR File 9.88 MD (0,367,576 bytes) Why wouldnt you wite a boring book with no graphics, when you can simulate everything in incredible ways, without even knowing the outcome 13John Dwayne Rockfell.plr CAUsers King ArthuDocuments My Gamest Terrar Sire on dsk 23.4MB (24,571,904 bytes) Type: PLR File Recently the well established Italian Mafia, who were the first to root themselves in Shady Sands Kingdom, got almost completly destroyed by the Black Unified League (they are n----- gangbangers) CAUsers King Arthu Documents My Games Temeri. Type: PLR File Shady Sands Kingdom millitary forces had to declare Martial Law, which is the first intervention from the rulng class of the city, as they mostly let the local police handle any c tfw some of my characters have ile created at 2012-X-X" If they die, they disappear forever. It's really heavy thinking back about the huge amount of lore and history in my game CAUsers King ArthunDocuments) My Games Terrari. Type: PLR File The Lawmen)Morgan Earp(Top Lawman).plr CAUsers King ArthunDecumentsMy Gamest Terrar. Type: PLR File (The CAUsers King Arthu Documents My Games Terreri Type: PLR File 9:39:10 No.338663785 Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon19:39:30 No.338663829>33000583 Yeah but, how does that even work? I mean, do you just make things up in your head as you go along? As far as I know, there isnt any way to actually implement any of that in Terraria. CAUsers King ArthunDocuments My Games Terrari. Type: PLR File (Vahlking)Alfred _The Bear[Thegn].plr OK Gamest Terrari Type: PLR File 9:59:30 No chars pg (137 KB, 806x512) google qdb ? 囚ユ串匯 It's like thecry of evolution. starts of by making a tribe with only blonde hair, and white shirts Then call them Romans. Then make 2-4 other tribes on the map, call them something else, maybe Muslims, Sea-people or talians (or any The romans start to chop down trees, discover how to make beer, and leam how to use copper and weapons. Then another tribe attacks the romans for their resources, and lack of territory Some tribes get wiped out, others later declare peace. And sometimes one roman wants to become a leader and challenges the other tribes member for that position One roman might be the only one capable of making magical items, another roman owns the local mine, this puts them at an advantage l use an editor for birthmaking, a rich citizen can get a wife and have kids, sharing genetics with parents, say purple eyes These are lineage, if their father die, the kids will ikely avenge them. Very powerful families have about 9 kids and take over families business. I document it by writing (CoF Lucious Vorenus & Laila) Il (2nd child) After a whle, a civilization has 500 characters, and taxes have been implemented, forcing these characters to work, mining, or start their own company if they got the funds, and the Guards/Police send criminals to jail and keeping it civilized, there are toll boths when entering towns, preventing characters from moving as they want. Time also progresses, I have reached the age of guns and old airship, but I have not yet reach the age of Futurism and alien invasions t0 I go hiking and camping if that counts. I just love Terraria and is able to build amazing worlds with no imit. Using cracked version I can open several. During war I start about 30 terrania windows and the war happens in segments I don't pretend the character is there, I open about 10 Terraria games at the same time, and can switch characters easily, maybe the person visits a shop, I can just start that 0.1146 No 4084x1896) google nese, we stick to o l have 3 notepads filled, numerous of textdocuments, and a basic description in form a sign within their apertment. Majonty of people are not that significant though, sometimes I have to look up which citizens have hired protection outside their house, when their enemies tries to assassinate them or commit a robbery ワワワワワワ 05/23/16(Mon 20.06:56 No.338666517>»3 84 330e704 2013-09-28 00001 jpg (188 KB, 1024x749) google do? OH NO ITS YOUUJU F--- OFFFFF THREE YEARS LATER YOURE STILL F------ HERE, STILL TALKING ABOUT YOUR STUPID F------ AUTISMAL F------ F--- Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon)20:09:45 No.338666784 3800835 3 338000981 33 338667171 3338007378 3333800843 CHRIST ALMIGHTY I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MORE SCREENSHOTS THIS GUY HAS COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE MEDICALLY DIAGNOSABLE AUTISM AND SHOULD BE CONFINED T NO F------ INTERNET CONNECTION AT ALL AND NOT EVEN TERRARIA Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon)20 13 59 No.338667 171.+23seers78 aamuua蠫>>suens12 Oh no not you again, how did you find me? Im not ashamed of this, I enjoy this on a deeper level than you will ever experience You are a casual f-- with ADD, you pick something up, say wowzee this is colourful, then 30 minutes you jump into the next MTV fad that entertains your tiny brain Anonymous 05/23/16(Mon120:16:50 No 338667471 333800662 l think I remember the guy having something like a hundred or two characters at the time of my pictures. Do He's probably been making new characters EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS M8 I WOULD SPEND EVERY DAY OF THOSE 3 YEARS BUILDING COMMIEBLOCKS AND I WOULD ENJOY IT AND I STILL WOULDNT HAVE YOUR RRARIA SO FROM ONE AUTIST TO ANOTHER YOU ARE F----- ON A LEVEL THAT IS SO DEEP AND SO INSANE THAT ITS A WONDER YOU HAVENT SMASHED YOUR FACE INTO YOUR MONITOR TRYING TO GET INTO THE WORLDS YOU MAKE 1s 05/23/16(Mon)20:26:35 No.338668352>33 I play Terraria the correct way,I admit to having 3000+ hours ingame and buying my 2k computer for the sole reason to improve the roleplaying way l play, but I still haven't completed Cuthulu and Alien ivasion because my world has not yet evolved into futurism. I have atleast 3+ year of enormous enjoyment of Terrania before reaching that stage, and thousands of diferent scenanios that will occur making a game like Morrowind lore look like a turd. Will the secret necromancy cuit userp the power of neighbouring lands? Will the Russian Federation destroy the economy by launching exdremely cheap products? Will there be a prophet starting a new religion, sightings of angels7 Will a new axis of allience conquer a larger part of the world? Who knows? Not even me. There is nothing wrong with how I play this game, just look at ng/ at all the crybabies who rush the game in normalmode, and complain after they beat the game within a day They are playing it entirely wrong Never has there been a game so unlimited to create your own civilization and customized characters, the game is a masterpiece and will](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/227/713/7da.jpg)
Hell on Earth
