/v/ - Images
The absolute state of /v/

Anon doesnt know how to leave

/v/ Gamer Fuel Threads

/v/ Hygiene Threads

Mad anon & retarded anon

Bully 2 Wishlist by /v/

Anon says Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction was underrated.

janitor bias towards Nintendo
![NINTENDOGAF [Return] [Catalogl [Bottom] [Update]Auto] This thread has been pruned or deleted 28 /8/2415 Is this truly the worst fanbase on /v/? Anonymous Sat 23 May 2015 14:27:21 No.295476364 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>295476421 295476423 295476597 File: Nintendo-Logo ipg (17 KB, 400x400) Is this truly the worst fanbase on ? Anonymous 05/23/15(Sat)18:08:46 No.295489717 2229548990322295489908 PlayStation 295476613295477209>295477284 >295477306 >295477423295477441295477494>295477650 >295477741295477874 295477912 >>295477913 295478085295478241295478902>295479270 295479309295479507 >295479935 >>295480024 >295480241295481367295482468 >295483471 >295483695295483741295484071 >>295484157 295484305295484374 >295484378 >295484432 >295484628295484873 >295484928 >>295487493 2295490028 >295490235 295490431 720, PlayStationE3Exp2015.jpg View Same Google Yandex idb SauceNAO Why do they have to s--- on everything not Nintendo or PC? ke, it's gotten to the point where it's incredibly annoying Xbox >enjoy your NSA machine >295487807295487867295487940 Why do they have to s--- on everything not Sony? >Halo rehash trash Like, it's gotten to the point where it's incredibly annoying.. lolKinect PC >durr, PCcucks >Never Ever >mustard race And Sony gets the worst of it cause it's doing the best this gen le movies HAHAH NO GAEMS >SONY IS DOOMED SONYGGERS WORST FANBASE >3DS is better than Vita >XD ENJOY YOUR DUDEBRO CASUAL MACHINE MUH METASCORES ITS OK WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT le PC+WiiU masterrace the only console worth owning is Wiiu Xbox senjoy your inferior graphics >Halo rehash trash no games >lolKinect 23 million units!! BTFO And the way they spam the board with +50 threads whenever a new rehash, a new character, or a new kids toy gets announced, is the most autistic behavior I have ever seen. And that time when they sent a thank you card to literal shills was just pathetic And Nintendo gets the worst of it cause it's doing the best this gen >Kiddy s--- and rehashes only not next gen no games >WiiU is doomed >Vita is better than 3DS 24 million units!! BTFO I mean, lets be honest here, the Wii U is literally a plunder. Yeah, Nintendo still makes money, but what does that mean for the PU? It was the same with the Dreamcast. It performed poorly, but had some decent software This gen, not only is the Wii U severely underwhelming commercially, but all the Wii U shilling is really putting me off from ever getting one Why is it that only Nintendo fans are the most insecure and autistic that they have to antagonize everyone? I mean, lets be honest here, the PS4 is underperforming in software. Yeah, the hardware sales are great, but what does that mean? It was the same last gen with the Wii. It performed great, but had little to no software to show in the beginning. You know what I did halfway through then Gen when the PS3 got a good library? I went out and boughta PS3 and loved this s--- out of it This thread has been pruned or deleted [Post a Reply] This thread is archived Archived 563 140 28/ 8/24/5](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/416/782/34c.jpg)
![NINTENDOGAF [Return] [Catalogl [Bottom] [Update]Auto] This thread has been pruned or deleted 28 /8/2415 Is this truly the worst fanbase on /v/? Anonymous Sat 23 May 2015 14:27:21 No.295476364 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>295476421 295476423 295476597 File: Nintendo-Logo ipg (17 KB, 400x400) Is this truly the worst fanbase on ? Anonymous 05/23/15(Sat)18:08:46 No.295489717 2229548990322295489908 PlayStation 295476613295477209>295477284 >295477306 >295477423295477441295477494>295477650 >295477741295477874 295477912 >>295477913 295478085295478241295478902>295479270 295479309295479507 >295479935 >>295480024 >295480241295481367295482468 >295483471 >295483695295483741295484071 >>295484157 295484305295484374 >295484378 >295484432 >295484628295484873 >295484928 >>295487493 2295490028 >295490235 295490431 720, PlayStationE3Exp2015.jpg View Same Google Yandex idb SauceNAO Why do they have to s--- on everything not Nintendo or PC? ke, it's gotten to the point where it's incredibly annoying Xbox >enjoy your NSA machine >295487807295487867295487940 Why do they have to s--- on everything not Sony? >Halo rehash trash Like, it's gotten to the point where it's incredibly annoying.. lolKinect PC >durr, PCcucks >Never Ever >mustard race And Sony gets the worst of it cause it's doing the best this gen le movies HAHAH NO GAEMS >SONY IS DOOMED SONYGGERS WORST FANBASE >3DS is better than Vita >XD ENJOY YOUR DUDEBRO CASUAL MACHINE MUH METASCORES ITS OK WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT le PC+WiiU masterrace the only console worth owning is Wiiu Xbox senjoy your inferior graphics >Halo rehash trash no games >lolKinect 23 million units!! BTFO And the way they spam the board with +50 threads whenever a new rehash, a new character, or a new kids toy gets announced, is the most autistic behavior I have ever seen. And that time when they sent a thank you card to literal shills was just pathetic And Nintendo gets the worst of it cause it's doing the best this gen >Kiddy s--- and rehashes only not next gen no games >WiiU is doomed >Vita is better than 3DS 24 million units!! BTFO I mean, lets be honest here, the Wii U is literally a plunder. Yeah, Nintendo still makes money, but what does that mean for the PU? It was the same with the Dreamcast. It performed poorly, but had some decent software This gen, not only is the Wii U severely underwhelming commercially, but all the Wii U shilling is really putting me off from ever getting one Why is it that only Nintendo fans are the most insecure and autistic that they have to antagonize everyone? I mean, lets be honest here, the PS4 is underperforming in software. Yeah, the hardware sales are great, but what does that mean? It was the same last gen with the Wii. It performed great, but had little to no software to show in the beginning. You know what I did halfway through then Gen when the PS3 got a good library? I went out and boughta PS3 and loved this s--- out of it This thread has been pruned or deleted [Post a Reply] This thread is archived Archived 563 140 28/ 8/24/5](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/416/782/34c.jpg)
When /v/ hears the truth

the thread meta
![/v - please do not make threads that don't fit the thread making meta 나 HAVE BEEN ISCUSSED OTHER Ne Lík« Who? I am a f-----. WISE #whydoyou even care? R: 1 00000 1000000 What did he mean by this? R: 1 0000 100000 GAME DOESN'T LOOK NICE R: 350/1: 50 R: 500/I: 350 Got a gf v/? No? Wanna talk about our I COULDN'T MAKE IT ANY CLEARER THAT MY THREAD IS BAIT BUT YOU ALL WILL REPLY UNTIL BUMP LIMIT ANYWAYs. Well, /v/? company IS FINISHED, COME READ SALES CHARTS R: 500/1: 200 SJW GARBAGE social experiences and how we're all total f----- loosers for 12 hours? not a gamer he Comic ARE TOO FUNN 1O R: 160/1: 159 R: 321/ I: 100 R: 475 /I: 399 Hey guys, just decided I would dump pictures of my waifu here instead of one of the many p--- boards desinged specifically for this purpose Don't worry guys, I have no actual interest in discussing the game she's from. Hope you enjoy whatever SFW images I could grab out of mny 1 TB folder dedicated to her and her only Oh yeah and what are some games where l can PLEASE VISIT MY THREAD BARNEYFAG PLEASE PLEEEEEEEEASE. I JUST WANT TO SEE YOU POST THE SAME 5 IMAGES YOU ALWAYS POST, PLEASE, YOU'RE ALL I HAVE. Also uhh, what's you're favorite uhh, videogame related object? R: 500/I: 230 HEY WOW, LOOK [GAME DEVOLPER] PUT A BLACKMIN IN A GAME, NOW YOU HAVE TO DISCUSS, BUY, AND ADVERTISE OU- I MEAN THEIR GAME. FIP NIBBERS, AMIRIGHT MY FELLOW 4CHANNERS? R: 0/I:0 M POSTING P--- ONA BLUE BOARD, LOOK AT ME MODS, HAHA, MODS ay moe quys I just found out how to pbait:the OW COOL GUY: MC GAME PLAY ching chon ban evade, I at this ure hope I don't d R:360/1:200 FILENAME THREAD, POST THE SAME JOKES WEVE BEEN POSTING SINCE R:12 R: 232/1:43 R: 499/I: 2000000 S----- MOBILE GAME GENERAL How are those microtransactions you're spending money on M/? Bland cliche waifu .jpeg is CUTE! Hey there, gonna be posting this over and over for the next month till its a meme for a few seconds and dies off. See you in the archive Hey everyone, post your owned objects! Hey it's me, that game you do like, see ya on page 10. No ammount of bumping on your part can save me 2010!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/408/219/733.png)
![/v - please do not make threads that don't fit the thread making meta 나 HAVE BEEN ISCUSSED OTHER Ne Lík« Who? I am a f-----. WISE #whydoyou even care? R: 1 00000 1000000 What did he mean by this? R: 1 0000 100000 GAME DOESN'T LOOK NICE R: 350/1: 50 R: 500/I: 350 Got a gf v/? No? Wanna talk about our I COULDN'T MAKE IT ANY CLEARER THAT MY THREAD IS BAIT BUT YOU ALL WILL REPLY UNTIL BUMP LIMIT ANYWAYs. Well, /v/? company IS FINISHED, COME READ SALES CHARTS R: 500/1: 200 SJW GARBAGE social experiences and how we're all total f----- loosers for 12 hours? not a gamer he Comic ARE TOO FUNN 1O R: 160/1: 159 R: 321/ I: 100 R: 475 /I: 399 Hey guys, just decided I would dump pictures of my waifu here instead of one of the many p--- boards desinged specifically for this purpose Don't worry guys, I have no actual interest in discussing the game she's from. Hope you enjoy whatever SFW images I could grab out of mny 1 TB folder dedicated to her and her only Oh yeah and what are some games where l can PLEASE VISIT MY THREAD BARNEYFAG PLEASE PLEEEEEEEEASE. I JUST WANT TO SEE YOU POST THE SAME 5 IMAGES YOU ALWAYS POST, PLEASE, YOU'RE ALL I HAVE. Also uhh, what's you're favorite uhh, videogame related object? R: 500/I: 230 HEY WOW, LOOK [GAME DEVOLPER] PUT A BLACKMIN IN A GAME, NOW YOU HAVE TO DISCUSS, BUY, AND ADVERTISE OU- I MEAN THEIR GAME. FIP NIBBERS, AMIRIGHT MY FELLOW 4CHANNERS? R: 0/I:0 M POSTING P--- ONA BLUE BOARD, LOOK AT ME MODS, HAHA, MODS ay moe quys I just found out how to pbait:the OW COOL GUY: MC GAME PLAY ching chon ban evade, I at this ure hope I don't d R:360/1:200 FILENAME THREAD, POST THE SAME JOKES WEVE BEEN POSTING SINCE R:12 R: 232/1:43 R: 499/I: 2000000 S----- MOBILE GAME GENERAL How are those microtransactions you're spending money on M/? Bland cliche waifu .jpeg is CUTE! Hey there, gonna be posting this over and over for the next month till its a meme for a few seconds and dies off. See you in the archive Hey everyone, post your owned objects! Hey it's me, that game you do like, see ya on page 10. No ammount of bumping on your part can save me 2010!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/408/219/733.png)
the educated man's guide to fun

/v/ roundtable

Gamestop greentext

I HAVE AN OPINION - Literally Who

/v/ dictionary

Old wounds
