Smugleaf - Images
Snake in the Farce
![And who the Hell are you? HELLO! ACK! Since when do snakes have arms and legs? I'm Tsutaja The 'Grass Snake' Pokemon! point Tsutaja is the known Japanese name at time of artwork submission. Since when do snakes have sword-tails? Oh? I don't like you. © DAVID NATHAN DAWKINS 2010](
![And who the Hell are you? HELLO! ACK! Since when do snakes have arms and legs? I'm Tsutaja The 'Grass Snake' Pokemon! point Tsutaja is the known Japanese name at time of artwork submission. Since when do snakes have sword-tails? Oh? I don't like you. © DAVID NATHAN DAWKINS 2010](
Pokemon Center's Closed
Smugleaf's TRUE identity
![Once you eat this you'll be as powerful Just as I expected poor bitch ain't got a clue.. as a God! was it? Can you feel the power now?!! Imm...we it was good, but I hardly feel any different... HOW DARE YOU INCUR MY WRATH?! YOU....SHALL PERISH!! s-sorry! I didn't mean to, SILENCE!!! 2A PREPARE FOR JUSTICE!!!!](
![Once you eat this you'll be as powerful Just as I expected poor bitch ain't got a clue.. as a God! was it? Can you feel the power now?!! Imm...we it was good, but I hardly feel any different... HOW DARE YOU INCUR MY WRATH?! YOU....SHALL PERISH!! s-sorry! I didn't mean to, SILENCE!!! 2A PREPARE FOR JUSTICE!!!!](
Smugleaf and a Cutebold
![From the source page: "Jolly ol' day! Wouldn't you say, good chap?"](
![From the source page: "Jolly ol' day! Wouldn't you say, good chap?"](
You are nothing
Smugleaf Quickie
![Gen V, bitcke](
![Gen V, bitcke](
The Grasshole Show 2
![Warning: Not Ss fanboys, underage kids and japanese I'ne been getting alotofmaus ately with the same messages You'u never be better than Bulbasaur or "Chikorita FTW! After a well developed research lI've forund out what specific ability or aspect makes this grass pokemons so popular among certain groups, and that I may not count with myselj and all resyumes in one thing Bal baby It's all about the tentacles me Didl I say tentacles? I meant vines! Silly me, how couldI confuse those Today we finish earlier, good night foots... Man, I wonder whet's for dinner SICKEN ME!](
![Warning: Not Ss fanboys, underage kids and japanese I'ne been getting alotofmaus ately with the same messages You'u never be better than Bulbasaur or "Chikorita FTW! After a well developed research lI've forund out what specific ability or aspect makes this grass pokemons so popular among certain groups, and that I may not count with myselj and all resyumes in one thing Bal baby It's all about the tentacles me Didl I say tentacles? I meant vines! Silly me, how couldI confuse those Today we finish earlier, good night foots... Man, I wonder whet's for dinner SICKEN ME!](
![WELCOMEABOA A Pre-TIC comic You must be that AnDrew guy that I was warned about ..and you must be the pip-squeak that flys this crate... HAHA Right... I'd like to see you try. Later small fry! I' ll have you know that this ship is more advanced than anything you could possibly think up, and call pip-squeak one more time and I'lI have you skipping across the water before you finish another sentence! You got that Bub!?! I have a bad feeling this is going to be a long trip... DTM 2010](
![WELCOMEABOA A Pre-TIC comic You must be that AnDrew guy that I was warned about ..and you must be the pip-squeak that flys this crate... HAHA Right... I'd like to see you try. Later small fry! I' ll have you know that this ship is more advanced than anything you could possibly think up, and call pip-squeak one more time and I'lI have you skipping across the water before you finish another sentence! You got that Bub!?! I have a bad feeling this is going to be a long trip... DTM 2010](
![My legend begins on de 12th century.。。](
![My legend begins on de 12th century.。。](
![File 1275968132,jpg-(25 KB, 415x279) □ Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:35 No.6 1947XXX Reply] Walk into GameStop >Start looking at Modern Warfare 2 box >Hot, dumb "g >She asks me what I'm doing Friday night amer gr" starts talking to me out of the blue Move to the PS2 section >Show her a copy of Persona 3 > Thanks, but I've already got a date" >Leave the store while she quietly sobs behind me >My face 11 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view □ Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:40 No.61948° oh yeah, OP Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:41 No.61948X0 361947857 >Implying your f----- ass could even communicate with a female Oreo!lIVaBTMAyDgl 06/07/10(Mon)23:42 No.61948XX File1275968540 jpg-(Spoiler Image, 19 KB, 500x375) ロAnonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23 42 No. 61 9480 File127596 8559 ipg-(42 KB, 449x472) 61947857 3 61948279 >>ロAnonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:46 No 61948XX File1275968800 png-(161 KB, 1000x1000) You'll virtually shoot your brains out instead of having a hot date? You'll never feel the touch of a woman now](
![File 1275968132,jpg-(25 KB, 415x279) □ Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:35 No.6 1947XXX Reply] Walk into GameStop >Start looking at Modern Warfare 2 box >Hot, dumb "g >She asks me what I'm doing Friday night amer gr" starts talking to me out of the blue Move to the PS2 section >Show her a copy of Persona 3 > Thanks, but I've already got a date" >Leave the store while she quietly sobs behind me >My face 11 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view □ Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:40 No.61948° oh yeah, OP Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:41 No.61948X0 361947857 >Implying your f----- ass could even communicate with a female Oreo!lIVaBTMAyDgl 06/07/10(Mon)23:42 No.61948XX File1275968540 jpg-(Spoiler Image, 19 KB, 500x375) ロAnonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23 42 No. 61 9480 File127596 8559 ipg-(42 KB, 449x472) 61947857 3 61948279 >>ロAnonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:46 No 61948XX File1275968800 png-(161 KB, 1000x1000) You'll virtually shoot your brains out instead of having a hot date? You'll never feel the touch of a woman now](
Smugleaf punching Mudkip
![Lol nubs cant punch](
![Lol nubs cant punch](