Star Wars - Images
In the first shot of the Millennium Falcon in the special edition, the top of the ship is missing its radar dish.

Star Wars
When Luke is in Obi-Wan's house trying Anakin's lightsaber, the coat behind him keeps appearing and disappearing.

Star Wars
When Leia shoots a hole in the detention area wall for their escape, the hole is not big enough to jump through, but when they all jump in, the hole i...

Star Wars
When Obi-wan and Luke are watching the hologram of Princess Leia projected onto a small table, the objects on the table change position and number in ...

Star Wars
Just after the Falcon takes off from Mos Eisley, there's a shot of the Falcon with Star Destroyers chasing. The next shot is of Han Solo alone in the...

Star Wars
When the Tusken Raiders are seen raiding Luke's speeder, you can actually see the wheels or at least whatever is holding it up off the ground.

Star Wars
When a stormtrooper stands guard by the door of the control room, the door is low enough for someone to hit their head on.

Star Wars
When the Jawas are walking toward Luke to take the damaged droid, there's no more smoke coming from it but in the following shot, there's a lot of smo...

Star Wars
Continuity mistake showing a stormtrooper tells Darth Vader the Death Star plans are not in the main computer.

Star Wars
If Han's hands were bound when he was frozen in Carbonite, how are his hands raised in the end result?

Star Wars
In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) In the scene where Han retrieves his tauntaun to go and find Luke. You can see the medic droid,...

Star Wars
In the duel on Mustafar, the saber in Obi Wan's Hand changes from his hilt to Anakin's Graflex hilt when they wrestle...

Star Wars
In A New Hope, Vader's chestplate is reversed between shots

Star Wars
In “Star Wars” (1977) during the ‘Droids for Sale’ scene, you can see wires hanging from the back of C-3PO’s head and down his back. These were used t...

Star Wars
In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002), Ki-Adi Mundi's lightsaber changes colour during the Geonosis Battle

Star Wars
better late than never i guess... | /r/dankmemes

Star Wars