Apple Vision Pro - Images
Darth Vision Pro | /r/PrequelMemes
Apple Vision Pro
Goggled | /r/memes
Apple Vision Pro
Apple nerds: “just living in the moment!” | /r/dankmemes
Apple Vision Pro
they are so slimly | /r/dankmemes
Apple Vision Pro
NASCAR on the Apple Goggles
Apple Vision Pro
$3500 tech that will be obsolete in a year
Apple Vision Pro
Apple stock price falls after $3,500 Vision Pro headset announcement
Apple Vision Pro
"The future of layoffs is here."
Apple Vision Pro
1990s: "Don't sit too close to the TV" / 2023:
Apple Vision Pro
Apple Vision Pro
"I'm making a VR headset" / Aww You're Sweet / Hello, Human Resources?
Apple Vision Pro
"Why are you here? I thought you were financially stable"
Apple Vision Pro
"I love you, but you are not serious people."
Apple Vision Pro
Yeonmi Park on Joe Rogan
Apple Vision Pro
Me after spending hours in Apple vision pro #WWDC23
Apple Vision Pro
Everyone after seeing that $3500 price tag on the Apple Vision Pro #WWDC23
Apple Vision Pro