Assassin's Creed - Images
the Pope is the final boss of assassin's creed 2 🙃
Assassin's Creed
WHERE IS HE | /r/dankmemes

Assassin's Creed
Fun not allowed

Assassin's Creed
Oh, Ubisoft!

Assassin's Creed
*plays Assassin's Creed to study for history*
![oceanaromantic *plays assassins creed to study for my ap history exam* superhero-nerd This is actually really funny. In high school my humanities teacher told us a story about one of the Europe trips he had gone on with the school a few summers past. So him and the group of kids were in the middle of Rome and the tour guide had gotten lost. They could figure out how to get to some church they were going to see. All of a sudden one of the students like call attention to himself. He says he knows where to go and just start walking around the streets, taking back roads and side streets and within 20 mins they're at the church they needed to get to. My teacher asks the kid if he has every been to Italy before. He says no, he just knew where to go because he played Assassins Creed Brotherhood. thescarlettempress I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS 108,856 notes []](
![oceanaromantic *plays assassins creed to study for my ap history exam* superhero-nerd This is actually really funny. In high school my humanities teacher told us a story about one of the Europe trips he had gone on with the school a few summers past. So him and the group of kids were in the middle of Rome and the tour guide had gotten lost. They could figure out how to get to some church they were going to see. All of a sudden one of the students like call attention to himself. He says he knows where to go and just start walking around the streets, taking back roads and side streets and within 20 mins they're at the church they needed to get to. My teacher asks the kid if he has every been to Italy before. He says no, he just knew where to go because he played Assassins Creed Brotherhood. thescarlettempress I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS 108,856 notes []](
Assassin's Creed
"Everything is permitted, Nothing is true"

Assassin's Creed
It will be epic

Assassin's Creed
historical accuracy is for peasants

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed
what games would look like without SJW😡😡

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed
Everything must burn

Assassin's Creed
Nobody will notice, if nobody is there to notice.

Assassin's Creed
press X to rage quit

Assassin's Creed
AC Unity glitch cosplay

Assassin's Creed