Assigned Male - Images
When you read your own comic

Assigned Male
The trans snek lady has spoken

Assigned Male
Serves him right.

Assigned Male

Assigned Male
A Short Summary of Assigned Male

Assigned Male
I found this down at Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Assigned Male
Improved version

Assigned Male
I don't know whether to laugh or cringe at this.

Assigned Male
the many faces of assigned male

Assigned Male
And apparently gay men either wear tank tops or no shirts at all

Assigned Male
What miracle of nature is this child that was concieved, by natural means without heterosexual sex?

Assigned Male
Why can't I hold all this straw?

Assigned Male
That 6th panel

Assigned Male
Even though someone Cis ISN'T going to change themself fundamentally

Assigned Male
It's how the middle ages worked bitch!

Assigned Male
-Said no Cis person ever

Assigned Male