Cambridge Latin Course - Images
lol hey

Cambridge Latin Course
Goes home to check on wife and son: DIES

Cambridge Latin Course
Grumio est Toa Ignus

Cambridge Latin Course
caecilius EST horto

Cambridge Latin Course
When you're still not over what happens to Cerberus in the CLC 8 years after you finish the book

Cambridge Latin Course
Attempting to study seriously wit the Cambridge Latin course but laughing too hard at their stupid c...

Cambridge Latin Course
Nihil est cūrae! (There’s nothing to worry about!)

Cambridge Latin Course
Disregard magister, acquire ancillas

Cambridge Latin Course
kill the best character at the end if the book lol

Cambridge Latin Course
You are the Horto to my Caecilius

Cambridge Latin Course
Me Delectas

Cambridge Latin Course
Run Bitch

Cambridge Latin Course
Swag est in Horto

Cambridge Latin Course
Cambridge Latin Tag Yourself

Cambridge Latin Course
welp, thanks and stuff... plebs

Cambridge Latin Course
What you will learn from this book:

Cambridge Latin Course