DC Comics - Images
I'm beginning to see a patern here

DC Comics
Raven by TheArtrix

DC Comics
death by snoo-snoo don't discriminate

DC Comics
oh my

DC Comics

DC Comics
You know, for kids

DC Comics
oh no

DC Comics

DC Comics
Harley getting her own show

DC Comics
crew on board

DC Comics
timing seems to be fitting

DC Comics
happens all the time

DC Comics
Sparkly Magic Hair

DC Comics
Harley on idle

DC Comics
take it all in

DC Comics
Stan Lee had some great taste
![File: lobo5jr8[1].jpg (38 KB, 282x400) Anonymous 01/31/19(Thu)06:02:24 No.105646247 105646422 105646819 23105647134 >Stan Lee favorite non Marvel Character: Lobo >Stan Lee favorite non Marvel comic: Watchmen Did the old man had good or bad taste? Anonymous 01/31/19(Thu)06:04:42 No.105646287 Good. Lobo is good. Anonymous 01/31/19 (Thu)06:27:42 No.105646664 105646247 (OP) I've always found it amusing that Stan Lee enjoyed Lobo. Proved he had a sense of humor and that he could appreciate more modern comics Anonymous 01/31/19(Thu)06:37:32 No.105646819 105646247 (OP) >Stan "The Man" likes The Main Man >both smoke cigars and f--- bitches They seem to have much in common](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/458/418/4e4.jpg)
![File: lobo5jr8[1].jpg (38 KB, 282x400) Anonymous 01/31/19(Thu)06:02:24 No.105646247 105646422 105646819 23105647134 >Stan Lee favorite non Marvel Character: Lobo >Stan Lee favorite non Marvel comic: Watchmen Did the old man had good or bad taste? Anonymous 01/31/19(Thu)06:04:42 No.105646287 Good. Lobo is good. Anonymous 01/31/19 (Thu)06:27:42 No.105646664 105646247 (OP) I've always found it amusing that Stan Lee enjoyed Lobo. Proved he had a sense of humor and that he could appreciate more modern comics Anonymous 01/31/19(Thu)06:37:32 No.105646819 105646247 (OP) >Stan "The Man" likes The Main Man >both smoke cigars and f--- bitches They seem to have much in common](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/458/418/4e4.jpg)
DC Comics