Deltarune - Images

List of things I can't do:

Fluffy boy, mean girl and the fallen! *finger guns*

Susie by WitchTaunter

Susie throws Ralsei

funny lens flare meme haha

Ralsei goes to the gym

Susie and the squish Lancer

Fluffy boys and mean girls! by Angstrom

Good stuff... by AWD
I CANNOT UNSEE the OWO face on Ralsei... ...@tobyfox did this ON PURPOSE!! by GuNMouTH
i really love the new characters in delta rune you guys


Your meme sucks

![changes the contents of the first drawer in Sans's workshop Clam Girl (5) 、Edit This rare NPC only appears if the Fun value is between 80 and 89, and the LV is under 8. She can be found near Napstablook's house. She talks about her neighbor's daughter, Suzy (who is never seen in-game, but whose name appears in yellow text similar to other important highlighted text), and states that the protagonist should become friends with her. She notes the fact that the protagonist has no knowledge of where Suzy is, but insists that fate will find a way regardless. Post game dialogue with her in the epilogue depends on if the protagonist stopped to talk to her earlier. If the protagonist did, she gives an uplifting speech and their neighbor's blessing. If the protagonist walked by her, she states that she was going to tell the protagonist about her neighbor's daughter, but that fate has decided that she should not do so. If the protagonist kill's Undyne, she mentions that she senses a disturbance in the nearby aura and that she thinks the protagonist should leave Suzy alone * There are photos of. . . Huh?) In the v1.001 patch, Clam Girl has an additional line of text, saying "In life's grand scheme, she might be why you came here in the first place.. . In addition, talking to Clam Girl at least once (thus learning of Suzy's existence) changes the contents of the first drawer in Sans's workshop. If Clam Girl is encountered in the epilogue on the Nintendo Switch version, she first mentions how the protagonist never met her neighbor's daughter. She explains how the time the player will meet her เร fast approaching and her sprite becomes grayscale. Ending this dialogue will make her disappear with the same sound used for Mystery Man and the second Gaster Follower. This along with her sprite being labeled as "spr _clam goner suggests a link to Goner Kid Goner Clam Girl 、Edit Goner Clam Girl, also known as Clam Goner, is a Waterfall NPC specific to the Nintendo Switch version of Undertale, where Clam Girl gets some new dialogue in the epilogue of the True Pacifist Route. After she finishes her dialogue, she disappears with the same sound effect as Mystery Man and Gaster Follower 2, which shows a possible connection to Gaster Goner Clan Girl First Room 116 * (A card is sticking out from the back flap of the binder. ) Goner Clam Girl's dialogue hide] . So you never met my neighbor's daughter .But please dont despair. Because the time you will meet her She aks ebouther negibors daugnter SIZy * (It's a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people. ) * (Written on it... ) *It s some kinda door... It can take you anyuhere you want in the world! * "don' t forget. " AUG ост 2017 THREE HEROES APPEARED O BANISH THE ANGEL'S HEAVEN .And if you're bored, you can sit outside and watch those wacky skeletons do their thing . There's two of 'em .Brothers, I think. . They just showed up one day and maT They just showed up one day and asserted themselves look i gave up trying to go back a Iong time ago](
![changes the contents of the first drawer in Sans's workshop Clam Girl (5) 、Edit This rare NPC only appears if the Fun value is between 80 and 89, and the LV is under 8. She can be found near Napstablook's house. She talks about her neighbor's daughter, Suzy (who is never seen in-game, but whose name appears in yellow text similar to other important highlighted text), and states that the protagonist should become friends with her. She notes the fact that the protagonist has no knowledge of where Suzy is, but insists that fate will find a way regardless. Post game dialogue with her in the epilogue depends on if the protagonist stopped to talk to her earlier. If the protagonist did, she gives an uplifting speech and their neighbor's blessing. If the protagonist walked by her, she states that she was going to tell the protagonist about her neighbor's daughter, but that fate has decided that she should not do so. If the protagonist kill's Undyne, she mentions that she senses a disturbance in the nearby aura and that she thinks the protagonist should leave Suzy alone * There are photos of. . . Huh?) In the v1.001 patch, Clam Girl has an additional line of text, saying "In life's grand scheme, she might be why you came here in the first place.. . In addition, talking to Clam Girl at least once (thus learning of Suzy's existence) changes the contents of the first drawer in Sans's workshop. If Clam Girl is encountered in the epilogue on the Nintendo Switch version, she first mentions how the protagonist never met her neighbor's daughter. She explains how the time the player will meet her เร fast approaching and her sprite becomes grayscale. Ending this dialogue will make her disappear with the same sound used for Mystery Man and the second Gaster Follower. This along with her sprite being labeled as "spr _clam goner suggests a link to Goner Kid Goner Clam Girl 、Edit Goner Clam Girl, also known as Clam Goner, is a Waterfall NPC specific to the Nintendo Switch version of Undertale, where Clam Girl gets some new dialogue in the epilogue of the True Pacifist Route. After she finishes her dialogue, she disappears with the same sound effect as Mystery Man and Gaster Follower 2, which shows a possible connection to Gaster Goner Clan Girl First Room 116 * (A card is sticking out from the back flap of the binder. ) Goner Clam Girl's dialogue hide] . So you never met my neighbor's daughter .But please dont despair. Because the time you will meet her She aks ebouther negibors daugnter SIZy * (It's a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people. ) * (Written on it... ) *It s some kinda door... It can take you anyuhere you want in the world! * "don' t forget. " AUG ост 2017 THREE HEROES APPEARED O BANISH THE ANGEL'S HEAVEN .And if you're bored, you can sit outside and watch those wacky skeletons do their thing . There's two of 'em .Brothers, I think. . They just showed up one day and maT They just showed up one day and asserted themselves look i gave up trying to go back a Iong time ago](
That's the trash can. Feel free to visit it any time.
