Disco Elysium - Images
Ah, Mr. du Bois

Disco Elysium
Harry du Bois and the case of the hanged man

Disco Elysium
Your mind yelling at your mind

Disco Elysium
Guns blazing

Disco Elysium
The Expression
Disco Elysium
Better read in a french accent
![YOU – "I'm fine. Answer the question." KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) – "Sir." For a moment it looks like you're going to blow, but you manage to keep it in. "You've been here for three days. On *official police business*, no less." YOU – "What kind of business?" KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) – "I couldn't say. In truth. so far, mostly drinking." LOGIC [Medium: Success] – You have no doubt about the drinking, but do you strike yourself as a tight-lipped drunk? She must have heard *something*. SUGGESTION [Challenging: Failure] – The words have already left your mouth. 1. - "I want to have f--- with you." 01A11 01A12 * 0.00 08:20 Day 1 000 000 ANAFO 4NATO](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/670/622/f33.png)
![YOU – "I'm fine. Answer the question." KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) – "Sir." For a moment it looks like you're going to blow, but you manage to keep it in. "You've been here for three days. On *official police business*, no less." YOU – "What kind of business?" KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) – "I couldn't say. In truth. so far, mostly drinking." LOGIC [Medium: Success] – You have no doubt about the drinking, but do you strike yourself as a tight-lipped drunk? She must have heard *something*. SUGGESTION [Challenging: Failure] – The words have already left your mouth. 1. - "I want to have f--- with you." 01A11 01A12 * 0.00 08:20 Day 1 000 000 ANAFO 4NATO](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/670/622/f33.png)
Disco Elysium
Le black horse has arrived

Disco Elysium
Revachol Cop

Disco Elysium
Do it, pig

Disco Elysium
But there was no question.

Disco Elysium
Morale Failure

Disco Elysium
Report your missing badge

Disco Elysium
Martinaise at night

Disco Elysium
"Do you remember the smell of your childhood Harry?"

Disco Elysium
The Party Pipeline!
![JOYCE MESSIER – "Meth- and dextro-amphetamine, GBL and various synthetic psychedelics. Honestly, it might be quicker to say what you *can't* make from the stuff." ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Challenging: Success] - S--- yeah, baby, it's the Party Pipeline! Why would want to shut that down? you YOU - "Why are you trying to shut down the Party Pipeline?"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/661/549/930.jpg)
![JOYCE MESSIER – "Meth- and dextro-amphetamine, GBL and various synthetic psychedelics. Honestly, it might be quicker to say what you *can't* make from the stuff." ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Challenging: Success] - S--- yeah, baby, it's the Party Pipeline! Why would want to shut that down? you YOU - "Why are you trying to shut down the Party Pipeline?"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/661/549/930.jpg)
Disco Elysium
The Art Cop thought

Disco Elysium