Fallout 76 - Images

Fallout 76
Live-service games come and go. But surprisingly, not Fallout 76 | /r/memes

Fallout 76
canonical color filters

Fallout 76
Fallout 76 is being review bombed by Chinese players for the added communist content

Fallout 76
Fallout 76 for (free) it's the best joke for the end of 2020 and no joke for is....magazine
Fallout 76
Fallout 76's new NPCs are stealing weapons from dead players—and they won't give them back

Fallout 76
The top image is from Fallout 76, yes, that accursed game.
![[Perception] Something about this doesn't add up. What gives? [Charisma] Sure, we can help each other... if you make it worth my while. Of course. We're all in this together. I look like a charity to you? A SAY O LEAVE Falleut NEW VEGAS you could not live with your own failure wherę did that bring you, back to me](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/829/924/84a.png)
![[Perception] Something about this doesn't add up. What gives? [Charisma] Sure, we can help each other... if you make it worth my while. Of course. We're all in this together. I look like a charity to you? A SAY O LEAVE Falleut NEW VEGAS you could not live with your own failure wherę did that bring you, back to me](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/829/924/84a.png)
Fallout 76
Anon Plays Fallout 76

Fallout 76
all for just a paintjob

Fallout 76
Crossover nobody wants

Fallout 76
Fallout 1st players are now having full on Class Wars. The absolute state of this game is getting be...

Fallout 76
Hoo boy

Fallout 76
Todd! Wha have you done?!

Fallout 76
First 100 people to get Fallout 1st will get to meet Krabby the Clown!

Fallout 76
The many lies of Bethesda
![Yesterday wasn't the day. Discussion Yesterday wasn't "the day that Bethesda proved they're liars," nor was it "the day they crossed the line." It wasn't this year. It wasn't even last year. Bethesda's higher-ups have consistently lied for many years; it's only now, after literally more than 20 controversies in the span of <1.5 years, that some of the diehard fanboys have had enough. Here are some (not all - only some) of Todd Howard's, et al's lies: "Fallout 76 will have sixteen times the detail," "Yeah, I'm such a nerd, I was in the chess club" (In his defense he was in a *lot* of clubs according to his yearbook, but the chess club wasn't one of them.) Remember how he said Radiant AI was going to work in Oblivion & revolutionize the entire world of gaming, yet it was a buggy, mere shadow of what was shown at the E3 leading up to Oblivion's release? The list goes on and on. Here, have dozens more lies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h FCLYD b6niA Todd and the sweet little lies -dozens of them in this video alone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxZ_4XiVj_o Bethesda Breaks Their Cosmetic Only MTX Promise For Fallout 76 For The 3rd Time And Promises More Of The Same Going Forward/Imao offline play behind a paywall, $100 annually, excuse me but who tf do they think they are???/ The same company that brought you the game that constantly makes headlines because they keep f------ up in wild and wacky ways, literally over a dozen times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9WN 1 mTOegA&t=9m50s Bethesda claimed "We hear your complaints, but it's impossible for us to increase players' inventory space. Sorry!" which was a blatant lie that nobody with even half of a brain should have fallen for. *It's a f------ video game. Every single variable, without exception, can be modified as the developers who have access to the source code see fit.* It's lines of code and GUIS, not magical runes that, once etched, can never be altered by mortal man. nd now, Bethesda proved that they were lying about this, which, again, should have been obvious in the first place. They're now offering unlimited inventory space, but only if you pay for it. In other words, this basic feature is ransomware that's locked behind a paywall. They're not even taking one step forward and two steps back: for the past 1+ year, Bethesda has taken 20+ substantial steps back and no tangible, meaningful steps forward. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9WN1mTOegA The Internet Can't Believe Bethesda's Fallout 76 $100 Subscription Is A Real Thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydEenV8mCx8&t=7m37s "Blades, at its heart, is a pure Elder Scrolls game" is a blatant lie, as broken down in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46gaz6veVNQ&t=20m46s The first truly bad, nearly linear, 0 character customization Elder Scrolls game was the first one Todd Howard ever worked on (and was a lead designer on), and he says he loved it. The decision to drastically dumb down each game more and more with each release really doeS SEEM to fall on his shoulders, by his own admission that he loved taking TES, one of the most ambitious series of the 90's and a world record holder for over 10 years for Daggerfall's insane, never-before-seen level of depth in a video game, and bastardizing it into a single player borderline linear game with almost no customization or anything special about it whatsoever. "So Redguard completely removed all the gameplay mechanics of an RPG and was only an Elder Scrolls game in name only, and just happens to be the first game Todd Howard was Project Lead [and says he loved this kind of linear, simplistic game design]? Coincidence? I think not." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46gaz6veVNQ&t=48m11s Analysis of every TES game; Skyrim starts here. Morrowind was 1 step forward, 2 steps back, unless you count a true, fully 3D world as being worthy of its own step forward for 2 total. Oblivion and Skyrim were both 1 step forward, 1 step back. Also goes over Emil Pagliarolo's disgusting "K.I.S.S." design /storytelling philosophy that mimics Todd Howard's gross oversimplification of the TES series. He was also the senior designer for Fallout 4's embarrassing dialogue system and sees nothing wrong with it. Soon afterward, it covers Todd's weird obsession with cutting as much major content from TES as possible, one of the biggest reasons people loved the games to begin with and why it held world records for game complexity/size before he joined Bethesda and started grossly oversimplifying everything "With Todd Howard as lead director, the game was no longer a mythical rpg, it was an action adventure game' Looks nervously at Fallout 76*"* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7hLg5V7r]U&t=7m37s "We have millions of players giving us tons of feed back" Retail stores buying 2 million+ copies of the game worldwide, struggling to even give it away for free because so few gamers want to buy it from them, and only a few thousand people playing it to this day -/= having millions of active players. For comparison, Runescape 3 claims that there are over 260 million registered accounts, but only about 7k to 20k people (including bots and gold farmers) are actually playing RS3 at any given time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M hLXrzXO6M Datamined Fallout 76 Files Raise Loot Box Concerns, Bethesda Stays Quiet/This is the company who vastly overpriced horse armour in Oblivion, did it again years later in a tone-deaf way, like "haha it's a funny joke guys:) but you do have to pay real money for this, so we're not joking at all.", they thought monetizing existing mods in Skyrim was a good idea, and created the Creation Club to shell out miniature "dlc" mods instead of making proper expansions, and that's just off the top of my head. Did anyone really not see this coming? Pete Hines said that there won't be any "f*cking" loot boxes in the game, but look, he was full of s--- as always. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He could say the sky is blue, and I'd ask for a citation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwbs_FINFUW&t=3m52s Bethesda's New Disaster - Fallout 76 Loot Box Footage Concern & Excessive Exploits Break Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZLlz9UZ2hk&t=1 m23s Bethesda's Broken Promise - Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Affecting Gameplay As mentioned early on: the list goes on and on and on. You've probably noticed that I mostly limited myself to only pointing out their lies over the past ~1.2 years rather than the past 10+ years. Additional information that doesn't have to do with lying, but still covers incredibly scummy controversies of their own making: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEy-nD9B60c&t=1 m56s Todd Howard explicitly said that he does not give a f--- how bad a game is at launch; he will STILL charge millions upon millions of people full price for it, KNOWING that it's in an unplayable state even worse than Sonic 06. The fact that people still pre-order and buy games from Bethesda at all, let alone on day 1 even after all this, is proof of the monumental ignorance of people who blindly accept these anti- consumer practices and beg for more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcLsc2T4W74 Bethesda Destroys Fallout 76. $100 Yearly Paywall For Mods, Private Servers, Ranger Armor, Etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ3NyOw80Nc Bethesda Idiotically, Shamelessly Charges $100 For Pathetic Fallout 76 Subscription That Paywalls Critical Gameplay Features A La Ransomware http:://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMYUeB9xUvw Todd Howard Knew Fallout 76 Sucked At Launch, SHIPPED IT ANYWAY, Expected Backlash, Admits Reputation Damage, and doesn't give a damn. If you haven't learned already, now you know what to expect from Bethesda going forward. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjXR1cDocLs&t=7m4s You don't remember that Bethesda are the ones who started this whole MTX train in the first place by offering $5 horse armor that did nothing in Oblivion years back. Bethesda's games were the testing grounds for the microtransaction hell that we live in now! Bethesda's acted like heroes when they've been the bad guy for decades; look at them for what they really are. I saw this train coming miles away. Do any of you remember Fallout Shelter? Long before that game's release Captain Sparkles was working on and about to release a mobile game he initially was calling Fallout Bunker (or something along those lines). Bethesda sent some pretty scary letters from their legal team stating that if Captain Sparkles didn't change the name of his game, that he was going to be sued in court. They strong armed an innocent man for no reason other than he used the word "fallout" in a title of his game. Dial the clock forward a year or two later and this thing called "creation club" is made. Where modders can submit a mod to the club and be paid a lump sum of cash for it, while Bethesda charges X amount of dollars PER DOWN LOAD. They pay off the hard working guy with a small pocket of change compared to the thousands, if not MILLIONS of dollars they are making off that mod. Look I don't want to get into too much detail on their game's main engine because everyone already knows it's the same engine they've had since 2004's Morrowind that they just create more and more add-ons for with each video game they release. (Not just 'within a series,' no with EVERY game they release). But the lovely salty cherry on top is when they kept re releasing skyrim. And NOBODY called them out on it. We ALL saw this very obvious cashgrab. For me it was like watching your 5yo child reach their hand into the cookie jar after you told them not to 20 times already because they want to see if they can STILLget away with it. And now they have. To sum up ALL this garbage of a post I'm making, I want to leave this one last sentiment: We cannot hate Bethesda for being being who they are now. They are only the monster WE created with neglect and lack of accountability. I'm doing my part and STOPPED financially supporting Bethesda. Are you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR-EGs N U BV4 Bethesda Caught Plagiarizing, Forced To Take Down Elder Scrolls Adventure Game / "Bethesda copying something from other creators and not compensating the original source?? Who would have guessed??(Sarcasm)" "I mean.. Bethesda has notoriously been stealing Mods that improved their games without giving credit to the Modders" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kRRYgf540M &t=33s Bethesda's Game Design is Insulting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L6VV08WM NY&t=4m23s Bethesda Studios Keep Hiring Monetization Experts, EA-Like Program Leaked & Fallout 76 Given Away Even More http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCEgFwH2VLw Bethesda Becomes Butt Of Joke After Requiring Bethesda Net Account To Play Classic Doom Games / & includes TONS of microtranscations in a separate game, Wolfenstein: Youngblood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtW_u8h9Ue4 How To Ruin A Franchise In 2 Easy Steps (Wolfenstein Youngblood Review) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPy1Fu0DIwM Bethesda's First Wolfenstein Patch Is All About The Microtransactions, showing where their priorities lie as always. Also managed to achieve a 2.5 metacritic user score on release, extremely similar to Fallout 76. In addition, they've banned/paywalled cheat codes in this, an OFFLINE SINGLE PLAYER GAME. "Fix the literally game-breakingly awful AI? Nah, microtransactions are far more important." - Bugthesda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDMf0 RD8O MU Bethesda Completely Botches Wolfenstein Youngblood, Then Prioritizes Monetization Over Fixing Game - and apparently, in this "patch," they broke the game even further in various ways, as is par for the course with Bethesda. Also, despite being a single player game, you can't pause the f------ game. Can you imagine this s--- being the case in other single player games? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkXoVc6DuyE Bethesda Broke Their Promise That Fallout 76 Microtransactions Would Be Cosmetic Only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmDrNenhZ9g Bethesda's Piss Poor Excuse for Fallout 76 Microtransactions Lies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YI_jQQvrYQ Fallout 76 Angers Players Again, Charges For More Gameplay Features Despite Cosmetic Only Promise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpt8O8Kn8XA Sequel to A/ Fallout 76 Strips Feature From Base Game Just To Sell It Back To Players Despite Cosmetic Only Promise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGMW9GNIFKQ Fallout 76- The Hindenburg of Gaming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6 Hd BpI Lm u U The 1001 Glitches of Fallout 76 (Fair warning: the video is three f------ hours long) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-LA2 Pu bi_w Magnum opus of Fallout 76 being an irredeemably s----- game that not even most sheep, aside from children and young adults who haven't developed critical thinking skills, would ever try to defend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfRmEgoYS1 U&t=11m38s Another long review of common, unbelievable, completely unacceptable bugs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16rhDIEkFSM Fallout 76 beta is almost as big a Joke as Bethesda themselves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrKrb43 F4pI Fallout 76 Helmets Recalled Due To Health/Mold Risk By US Safety Commission/Even their f------ physical goods have highly destructive bugs that make them unusable Imao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7 Pxd m Nhh Pz0&t=7m1 8s Being spiteful douchebags to Jeremn Soule http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO8x]b0JNwk&t=3m25s Bethesda's Secret P2W Updates DESTROYING Fallout 76 & Elder Scrolls Blades! TES 6 Redfall Lawsuit News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwcAzbo219g Games as a Service are a PLAGUE on the Industry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_4ku3GsIX4&t=5m36s GAME REVIEW - Fallout 76 / Covers several negative points that are rarely pointed out elsewhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orDCkujaX1 g&t=34m13s Same http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFx7IgaV5 iI Bethesda's New Disaster - Makes Fallout 76 Pay-To-Win & Fans Are Angry! Breaks Cosmetic-Only Promise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZLlz9UZ2hk&t=1m35s Bethesda's Broken Promise - Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Affecting Gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zK5rxEyuhY The year Blizzard and Bethesda died (to me) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeSiu_M Li80 The game won't uninstall unless you buy the game, "Bethesda screwing up something basic is something the world simply expects." "This is yet another 'Are you f------ serious, Bethesda? moment on an already mountainous pile of nonsense surrounding the launch of Fallout 76." etc., tears it a new a------, points out that they can't even fix what fans/modders working for free fixed YEARS ago, etc. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/11/21/it-sure-is-interesting-to-rewatch-that-fallout-76-todd-howard-e3- reveal-now/#324606495715 "iT'IL AIIOW Us tO MakE iT SiXTEeN TIMES MORE DetaILED!!!!" Tell us liiies, tell us sweet little liiies- among many other deceptions pointed out in this article http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrKHCINEPAk After Directly Blaming Sony, Bethesda Still Has No Plans for Fallout 76 Cross-Play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR_7mlUBgLE Fallout 76 is a Shameful Abomination http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxUS F9jn8xg Fallout 76 Upsets Fans by Messing Up Established Lore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64JTcZk8i8w >3 nukes crash the server IT JUST WORKS >THEY'RE INCREDIBLY HARD TO COME BY >24 hours later... http://www.yout e.com/watch?v=4JNID Bosvto Clown College Bethesda Just Gave Away Heaps Of Personal Data Because....Bethesda. It gets weirder, of course---I'm not sure it could get any worse---because not only could players see this information, they could actually edit and resolve support tickets themselves, giving them all sorts of power over the fates of their fellow Fallout 76 players. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orDCkujaX1 g&t=2h22m18s "ThE AtoM ShOP is fAIr anD BalANceD!1!" No, it's f------ cancer. A maximum of $4 worth of atoms per week if you grind your ass off playing this garbage game, or paying real money for *copied and pasted assets from FO4?* Bethesda is a shameful f------ embarrassment of a company, no better than EA and Activision. http://www.engadget.com/2018/11/19/fallout-76-patch-47gb http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-11-23-fallout-76-bug-grants-player-permanent-god-mode-and-now-theyre- begging-for-death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmV8Bqed CQY Fallout 76 Duffel Bag Outrage Mounts Due to Influencers Getting Free High Quality Bags from Bethesda - F----- #1: Bethesda promised high quality bags to people who spent $200 on a special edition of Fallout 76; they ended up giving people s-----, low quality bags that look and feel like garbage bags. F----- #2: Support kept giving people dismissive, mixed messages, such as "We ran out of materials, so we had to switch from one to the other." and "We never made any high quality bags to begin with; the marketing was wrong. Even though it says canvas, we meant nylon. We're not going to do anything about it." F----- #3: As "recompense" for their >$50 mistake, they're offering affected players a meager -$5 worth of mictrotransaction currency to make people more addicted to their cash shop instead of genuinely trying to fix/address the problem; their response to their f----- is to act even more parasitic and scummy. F----- #4: The insultingly pathetic amount of MTX currency given isn't even enough to buy a virtual version of the canvas bag in-game. Bethesda just poured even more fuel on the fire with this move. They're trying hard to become the next EA. F----- #5; IT JUST KEEPS GOING: BETHESDA NOT ONLY MADE HIGH QUALITY BAGS, THEY *GAVE THEM OUT FOR FREE, AT MULTIPLE EVENTS* TO SELECT REVIEWERS WHO ARE KNOWN FOR BLINDLY GIVING THEM ARTIFICIALLY HIGH RATINGS F----- #6; YES, IT SERIOUSLY KEEPS GOING: DESPITE ADMITTING FAULT, THEY'RE REFUSING TO REFUND THE CUSTOMERS THEY LIED TO. THEY HAVE ZERO INTENTION OF DOING THE RIGHT THING. / Edit about a week later: they changed their minds only due to the extreme backlash they received. It says a lot about Bethesda that it took overwhelming backlash from millions of people for them to reluctantly undo their lies, dragging their feet the whole way. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLVaQyD3_Xk Bethesda Embarrasses Itself Yet Again With Broken Ultrawide Fix for Fallout 76 TWO-FOR-ONE-DEAL! IT JUST! KEEPS! GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xj-gVCgZdw&t=2m39s Another Bethesda Blunder! $80 Fallout 76 Nuka Dark Fail!, and a dishonorable mention of "The game itself is on sale for almost half the price of the hilarious Christmas.png files that they tried selling to their customers under false pretenses of "being on sale" when they were never on sale at the regular price to begin with!" IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9t-XedIqsw Bethesda Pulls a Bungie, Makes Fallout 76 Grindier Without Telling Players Fallout 76 was a test by BGS to see just how stupid the fans really are... -Made the fans PAY TO TEST THE GAME IN EARLY ACCESS -At least 1 million people bought the game, even after thousands before them had shown it was deeply flawed. -Some people paidd more than $200 for a nylon bag and a plastic helmet worth $17 combined. -No refunds to downloaders of the game, and everybody has to down load it... -Rum bottle is worth $20 even with the plastic housing, charged idiots $80 for it. -Microtransaction store offers literally nothing of value, but manages to overcharge even on sale. To whomever bought this game, you got played by BGS big time. Yes, you are stupid, and yes, your stupidity will help them do it again next time with TES6, and again with Starfield IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MhLXrzXO6M Datamined Fallout 76 Files Raise Loot Box Concerns, Bethesda Stays Quiet / This is the company who vastly overpriced horse armour in Oblivion, did it again years later in a tone-deaf way, like "haha it's a funny joke guys :) but you do have to pay real money for this, so we're not joking at all.", they thought monetizing existing mods in Skyrim was a good idea, and created the Creation Club to shell out miniature "dlc" mods instead of making proper expansions, and that's just off the top of my head. Did anyone really not see this coming? Pete Hines said that there won't be any "f*cking" loot boxes in the game, but look, he was full of s--- as always. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He could say the sky is blue, and I'd ask for a citation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwbs_FlnFUw&t=3m52s IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXY9Z9q5N3c Bethesda's solution to hackers? Check if the word "cheat" appears in any of the windows and tabs you have open, such as in Cheat Engine *even if it's not running* and, as if that wasn't stupid enough, even if you type the word "cheat" in your browser and it appears in a window/tab title, like when you google s---, you'll automatically be bannedt on the spot. We're hitting levels of incompetence that shouldn't even be possible. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXY9Z9q5N3c Bethesda demands that people who are banned must write essays for them, like they're in f------ elementary school or something. "At this point, staying a Bethesda fan is like staying in an abusive relationship." "Bethesda seems confused about their role here, I pay them to make lights and sounds come out of my computer, that's as far as our relationship goes. Now they somehow think it's appropriate to treat their customers like schoolchildren, policing their behavior and asking them to write essays? Do they honestly think its a privilege to play their buggy unpolished games? Small developers are making way better games anyway. Why play Quake Champions when theres DUSK? Why play Fallout when theres STALKER, METRO, 7DtD, SCUM, and Rust? Why play Elder Scrolls when theres Dark Souls, Dragons Dogma, Path of Exile, Witcher, et...""BETHESDA is asking PLAYERS to write apology letters?" "WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL PLAYING THIS GAME?!" "Bethesda before 76: Our games are outrageously buggy but feel free to fix them. Bethesda now: How dare you fix our mistakes! Banned for life!" "It's stupid how Bethesda hasn't protected their supposed triple A multiplayer game against CheatEngine. Just shows how little work was done in this mess of a game. Pretty much all online game nowadays handles currency and things of value server-side than client- side." "I honestly didn't even know this s--- works with MP, I mean honestly if your multiplayer game actually work with some rudimentary memory editor like Cheat Engine, it's developers problem, not players." IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bY_pPslgPE&t=10m50s Bethesda issues false bans over all sorts of erroneous s---, including changing the graphics of the game and nothing else IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3rWy-F320 The Laughable Response to Customers Misled by Bethesda's Nuka Dark Rum IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sknCl7PZWEY&t=1 m56s This is What Fallout 76 Has Become | Cheaters Make BIG Real-World Money Off Bethesda's Broken System / Widespread item duplication, infinite XP glitches, item duping leading to players being able to 1 hit kill anything, etc., etc. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32pj-dq1Ouo Bethesda Faces More Ridicule as Players Access Forbidden Dev oom with Every Item in Fallout 76 IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y] - kII MPOYY&t=5m41 s Bethesda Mocked For Selling $276 Fallout 76 Jacket With Nylon Bag! http:://twitter.com/i/web/status/10881796163580641 31 IT JUST KEEPS GOING! x2! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gi5wFirRQI Another two-for-one deal! Bethesda rolled back the game to an earlier, glitchier state out of sheer incompetence. On top of that, Bethesda is silently deleting threads and banning forum users who point this out. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.pcgamesn.com/fallout-76/fallout-76-gamestop-germany Buy a used controller, get Fallout 76 for free at Gamestop Germany IT JUST KEEPS GOING to the point that there are so many different topics to cover at once, it wouldn't be fair to link this video just once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=29s After rolling back the game to an earlier, glitchier state out of sheer incompetence, they introd uced a patch that fixed some of the bugs and created several more game-breaking ones, like stealth not working at all, every enemy noticing players the instant they're within a certain range, annoying weight bugs, and so on. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=2m1s The incompetent management at Bethesda decided that now's a good time to make the game pay-to-win!! Note that the outfit is described as adding +15 health not just for you, but *additively* for every player on your team, so if you and 4 friends buy the outfit and team up, you *all get a +75 HP bonus. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=2m38s We're more than a month and a half out from lunch box (their version of loot boxes) data being discovered and they still haven't removed it from the game, suggesting that they're just waiting for the right moment, or to finish brainstorming how "best" to implement them, before officially adding them into the game and pissing off millions of people et again. Reminder that Bethesda lied about lunch box effects being cosmetic only, by the way. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=3m50s Bethesda tries combating dupers by banning anyone who crafts more than 20 items consecutively, which is obviously banning large numbers of players who are playing the game normally. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=7m8s Reminder that Bethesda uses their own proprietary launcher for Fallout 76 and plans on releasing more games on it, so if your acCount is wrongfully banned for absolutely ludicrous reasons like thousands of other people over Bethesda's latest f----up, or the other one before that (which is still ongoing?) where they wrongfully ban anyone who types "cheat" into their browser, etc... Then you'll be locked out of not only Fallout 76, but any games you would've purchased from them in the future. This isn't much of a problem now while they only have 1 game on the launcher, but it's only a matter of time until they start adding more. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=7m8s Reminder that Bethesda started using their own proprietary launcher to refuse peoples' refund requests, to not have to worry about overwhelmingly negative reviews on Steam, and to make it harder for people to develop & share mods on their games going forward so they can continue charging money for mods even after extreme community backlash when they tried implementing paid mods in both Skyrim and Fallout 4, retroactively in both cases. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYTU 80dD_Mw&t=4m39s Correct some info above & add more here about how some ban appeals are being ignored IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=7m47s The title says it all: all of the many, many shitstorms above tave culminated in Bethesda being slammed by a law firm with legal demands. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=]ye0qxKOF4Y Bethesda Bans Player with 900 Hours in Fallout 76 for Too Much Ammo / "It's just his word against Bethesda's". If only Bethesda's word carried weight anymore. / I've modded Skyrim and quite frankly, I'm convinced the engine only counts what you pick up, indefinitely, it sounds exactly like something dumb this engine would do. So imo ,this guy is innocent. / Saying fallout 76 is in a rough place is like saying being set on fire is a slight sun burn. / Bethesda: 900 hours spent playing? Impossible, we didnt even spend half that time creating the game! BANNED / Aren't modern games fun??? You play the game the way the devs don't like and they ban you Imagine buying a book and reading it in the bathroom only to have the publisher come to your house and take it back because they don't like the book being read in the bathroom IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L6VV08 M NY&t=4m23s Bethesda Studios Keep Hiring Monetization Experts, EA-Like Program Leaked & Fallout 76 Given Away Even More?! IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV_tUrUODE8 Fallout 76 News - Players [Banned for questionable reasons; yet again, Bethesda implemented automated bans that will catch some honest players, and unfortunately, once again, the most hardcore, loyal ones are the ones being targeted], Unbanned By Accident, then Rebanned. They also intended to release some new, rare items, but accidentally made them impossible to obtain - they don't seem to spawn at all - unless you cheat by taking them from the dev room which has every item in the game. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qiDMhfhas0 Fallout 76 Just Got Its 4GB Survival DLC Update is it any good? / Nope; almost every feature is buggy. For example, "In the new Survival Mode, you can only respawn in certain areas where you'll temporarily be invincible so you can't be spawncamped," but about half the areas are glitched and don't make you invincible, allowing players to be killed while they're still in a loading screen while spawning, unable to fight back. Also, "Players can no longer be killed in 1 shot for fairness' sake" is also a flat-out lie. The list goes on and on and on, and these aren't small glitches we're talking about; they're immensely impactful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPo5jgZbj0&t=4m57s Hey Bethesda, Where Are The Replacement Canvas Bags? You Said 4 To 6 Months, It's Been 6 Months. http:://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-aGJ K_rUSM Bethesda claims that items which can only be obtained by paying real money & that provide an advantage over players who don't use them are somehow NOT pay-to-win. Tell me lies, tell me Sweet little lies "It doesn't matter how you personally define pay-to-win. That wasn't the promise - the promise was cosmetic only" "Never forget that bethesda nerfed durability improving perks AND they made things break MUCH faster than before (for example, instead of 200 shots with a shotgun before it needs to be repaired, it's now around 50, breaking FOUR TIMES FASTER, that's insane), just before introducing the repair kits, to incentivize people to buy them and punish players who don't." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcGQO3o7qz8 Bethesda Thinks Pay to Win ISN'T Pay to Win - Manipulation of Definitions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWVWO7vKU6w&t=8m33s The Bethesda E3 2019 Press Conference Fills the Meme Void Left by EA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFJCNnsFe_I Fallout 76 Patch 11 Breaks Game Again, Brings Back Old Bugs, Doubles Down on Pay-To-Win Monetization. As always, they continue to take better care of the Atom Shop than the game itself. Should tell you where their priorities lie. So. Any questions?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/616/435/d24.png)
![Yesterday wasn't the day. Discussion Yesterday wasn't "the day that Bethesda proved they're liars," nor was it "the day they crossed the line." It wasn't this year. It wasn't even last year. Bethesda's higher-ups have consistently lied for many years; it's only now, after literally more than 20 controversies in the span of <1.5 years, that some of the diehard fanboys have had enough. Here are some (not all - only some) of Todd Howard's, et al's lies: "Fallout 76 will have sixteen times the detail," "Yeah, I'm such a nerd, I was in the chess club" (In his defense he was in a *lot* of clubs according to his yearbook, but the chess club wasn't one of them.) Remember how he said Radiant AI was going to work in Oblivion & revolutionize the entire world of gaming, yet it was a buggy, mere shadow of what was shown at the E3 leading up to Oblivion's release? The list goes on and on. Here, have dozens more lies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h FCLYD b6niA Todd and the sweet little lies -dozens of them in this video alone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxZ_4XiVj_o Bethesda Breaks Their Cosmetic Only MTX Promise For Fallout 76 For The 3rd Time And Promises More Of The Same Going Forward/Imao offline play behind a paywall, $100 annually, excuse me but who tf do they think they are???/ The same company that brought you the game that constantly makes headlines because they keep f------ up in wild and wacky ways, literally over a dozen times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9WN 1 mTOegA&t=9m50s Bethesda claimed "We hear your complaints, but it's impossible for us to increase players' inventory space. Sorry!" which was a blatant lie that nobody with even half of a brain should have fallen for. *It's a f------ video game. Every single variable, without exception, can be modified as the developers who have access to the source code see fit.* It's lines of code and GUIS, not magical runes that, once etched, can never be altered by mortal man. nd now, Bethesda proved that they were lying about this, which, again, should have been obvious in the first place. They're now offering unlimited inventory space, but only if you pay for it. In other words, this basic feature is ransomware that's locked behind a paywall. They're not even taking one step forward and two steps back: for the past 1+ year, Bethesda has taken 20+ substantial steps back and no tangible, meaningful steps forward. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9WN1mTOegA The Internet Can't Believe Bethesda's Fallout 76 $100 Subscription Is A Real Thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydEenV8mCx8&t=7m37s "Blades, at its heart, is a pure Elder Scrolls game" is a blatant lie, as broken down in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46gaz6veVNQ&t=20m46s The first truly bad, nearly linear, 0 character customization Elder Scrolls game was the first one Todd Howard ever worked on (and was a lead designer on), and he says he loved it. The decision to drastically dumb down each game more and more with each release really doeS SEEM to fall on his shoulders, by his own admission that he loved taking TES, one of the most ambitious series of the 90's and a world record holder for over 10 years for Daggerfall's insane, never-before-seen level of depth in a video game, and bastardizing it into a single player borderline linear game with almost no customization or anything special about it whatsoever. "So Redguard completely removed all the gameplay mechanics of an RPG and was only an Elder Scrolls game in name only, and just happens to be the first game Todd Howard was Project Lead [and says he loved this kind of linear, simplistic game design]? Coincidence? I think not." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46gaz6veVNQ&t=48m11s Analysis of every TES game; Skyrim starts here. Morrowind was 1 step forward, 2 steps back, unless you count a true, fully 3D world as being worthy of its own step forward for 2 total. Oblivion and Skyrim were both 1 step forward, 1 step back. Also goes over Emil Pagliarolo's disgusting "K.I.S.S." design /storytelling philosophy that mimics Todd Howard's gross oversimplification of the TES series. He was also the senior designer for Fallout 4's embarrassing dialogue system and sees nothing wrong with it. Soon afterward, it covers Todd's weird obsession with cutting as much major content from TES as possible, one of the biggest reasons people loved the games to begin with and why it held world records for game complexity/size before he joined Bethesda and started grossly oversimplifying everything "With Todd Howard as lead director, the game was no longer a mythical rpg, it was an action adventure game' Looks nervously at Fallout 76*"* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7hLg5V7r]U&t=7m37s "We have millions of players giving us tons of feed back" Retail stores buying 2 million+ copies of the game worldwide, struggling to even give it away for free because so few gamers want to buy it from them, and only a few thousand people playing it to this day -/= having millions of active players. For comparison, Runescape 3 claims that there are over 260 million registered accounts, but only about 7k to 20k people (including bots and gold farmers) are actually playing RS3 at any given time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M hLXrzXO6M Datamined Fallout 76 Files Raise Loot Box Concerns, Bethesda Stays Quiet/This is the company who vastly overpriced horse armour in Oblivion, did it again years later in a tone-deaf way, like "haha it's a funny joke guys:) but you do have to pay real money for this, so we're not joking at all.", they thought monetizing existing mods in Skyrim was a good idea, and created the Creation Club to shell out miniature "dlc" mods instead of making proper expansions, and that's just off the top of my head. Did anyone really not see this coming? Pete Hines said that there won't be any "f*cking" loot boxes in the game, but look, he was full of s--- as always. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He could say the sky is blue, and I'd ask for a citation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwbs_FINFUW&t=3m52s Bethesda's New Disaster - Fallout 76 Loot Box Footage Concern & Excessive Exploits Break Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZLlz9UZ2hk&t=1 m23s Bethesda's Broken Promise - Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Affecting Gameplay As mentioned early on: the list goes on and on and on. You've probably noticed that I mostly limited myself to only pointing out their lies over the past ~1.2 years rather than the past 10+ years. Additional information that doesn't have to do with lying, but still covers incredibly scummy controversies of their own making: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEy-nD9B60c&t=1 m56s Todd Howard explicitly said that he does not give a f--- how bad a game is at launch; he will STILL charge millions upon millions of people full price for it, KNOWING that it's in an unplayable state even worse than Sonic 06. The fact that people still pre-order and buy games from Bethesda at all, let alone on day 1 even after all this, is proof of the monumental ignorance of people who blindly accept these anti- consumer practices and beg for more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcLsc2T4W74 Bethesda Destroys Fallout 76. $100 Yearly Paywall For Mods, Private Servers, Ranger Armor, Etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ3NyOw80Nc Bethesda Idiotically, Shamelessly Charges $100 For Pathetic Fallout 76 Subscription That Paywalls Critical Gameplay Features A La Ransomware http:://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMYUeB9xUvw Todd Howard Knew Fallout 76 Sucked At Launch, SHIPPED IT ANYWAY, Expected Backlash, Admits Reputation Damage, and doesn't give a damn. If you haven't learned already, now you know what to expect from Bethesda going forward. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjXR1cDocLs&t=7m4s You don't remember that Bethesda are the ones who started this whole MTX train in the first place by offering $5 horse armor that did nothing in Oblivion years back. Bethesda's games were the testing grounds for the microtransaction hell that we live in now! Bethesda's acted like heroes when they've been the bad guy for decades; look at them for what they really are. I saw this train coming miles away. Do any of you remember Fallout Shelter? Long before that game's release Captain Sparkles was working on and about to release a mobile game he initially was calling Fallout Bunker (or something along those lines). Bethesda sent some pretty scary letters from their legal team stating that if Captain Sparkles didn't change the name of his game, that he was going to be sued in court. They strong armed an innocent man for no reason other than he used the word "fallout" in a title of his game. Dial the clock forward a year or two later and this thing called "creation club" is made. Where modders can submit a mod to the club and be paid a lump sum of cash for it, while Bethesda charges X amount of dollars PER DOWN LOAD. They pay off the hard working guy with a small pocket of change compared to the thousands, if not MILLIONS of dollars they are making off that mod. Look I don't want to get into too much detail on their game's main engine because everyone already knows it's the same engine they've had since 2004's Morrowind that they just create more and more add-ons for with each video game they release. (Not just 'within a series,' no with EVERY game they release). But the lovely salty cherry on top is when they kept re releasing skyrim. And NOBODY called them out on it. We ALL saw this very obvious cashgrab. For me it was like watching your 5yo child reach their hand into the cookie jar after you told them not to 20 times already because they want to see if they can STILLget away with it. And now they have. To sum up ALL this garbage of a post I'm making, I want to leave this one last sentiment: We cannot hate Bethesda for being being who they are now. They are only the monster WE created with neglect and lack of accountability. I'm doing my part and STOPPED financially supporting Bethesda. Are you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR-EGs N U BV4 Bethesda Caught Plagiarizing, Forced To Take Down Elder Scrolls Adventure Game / "Bethesda copying something from other creators and not compensating the original source?? Who would have guessed??(Sarcasm)" "I mean.. Bethesda has notoriously been stealing Mods that improved their games without giving credit to the Modders" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kRRYgf540M &t=33s Bethesda's Game Design is Insulting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L6VV08WM NY&t=4m23s Bethesda Studios Keep Hiring Monetization Experts, EA-Like Program Leaked & Fallout 76 Given Away Even More http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCEgFwH2VLw Bethesda Becomes Butt Of Joke After Requiring Bethesda Net Account To Play Classic Doom Games / & includes TONS of microtranscations in a separate game, Wolfenstein: Youngblood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtW_u8h9Ue4 How To Ruin A Franchise In 2 Easy Steps (Wolfenstein Youngblood Review) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPy1Fu0DIwM Bethesda's First Wolfenstein Patch Is All About The Microtransactions, showing where their priorities lie as always. Also managed to achieve a 2.5 metacritic user score on release, extremely similar to Fallout 76. In addition, they've banned/paywalled cheat codes in this, an OFFLINE SINGLE PLAYER GAME. "Fix the literally game-breakingly awful AI? Nah, microtransactions are far more important." - Bugthesda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDMf0 RD8O MU Bethesda Completely Botches Wolfenstein Youngblood, Then Prioritizes Monetization Over Fixing Game - and apparently, in this "patch," they broke the game even further in various ways, as is par for the course with Bethesda. Also, despite being a single player game, you can't pause the f------ game. Can you imagine this s--- being the case in other single player games? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkXoVc6DuyE Bethesda Broke Their Promise That Fallout 76 Microtransactions Would Be Cosmetic Only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmDrNenhZ9g Bethesda's Piss Poor Excuse for Fallout 76 Microtransactions Lies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YI_jQQvrYQ Fallout 76 Angers Players Again, Charges For More Gameplay Features Despite Cosmetic Only Promise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpt8O8Kn8XA Sequel to A/ Fallout 76 Strips Feature From Base Game Just To Sell It Back To Players Despite Cosmetic Only Promise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGMW9GNIFKQ Fallout 76- The Hindenburg of Gaming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6 Hd BpI Lm u U The 1001 Glitches of Fallout 76 (Fair warning: the video is three f------ hours long) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-LA2 Pu bi_w Magnum opus of Fallout 76 being an irredeemably s----- game that not even most sheep, aside from children and young adults who haven't developed critical thinking skills, would ever try to defend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfRmEgoYS1 U&t=11m38s Another long review of common, unbelievable, completely unacceptable bugs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16rhDIEkFSM Fallout 76 beta is almost as big a Joke as Bethesda themselves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrKrb43 F4pI Fallout 76 Helmets Recalled Due To Health/Mold Risk By US Safety Commission/Even their f------ physical goods have highly destructive bugs that make them unusable Imao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7 Pxd m Nhh Pz0&t=7m1 8s Being spiteful douchebags to Jeremn Soule http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO8x]b0JNwk&t=3m25s Bethesda's Secret P2W Updates DESTROYING Fallout 76 & Elder Scrolls Blades! TES 6 Redfall Lawsuit News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwcAzbo219g Games as a Service are a PLAGUE on the Industry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_4ku3GsIX4&t=5m36s GAME REVIEW - Fallout 76 / Covers several negative points that are rarely pointed out elsewhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orDCkujaX1 g&t=34m13s Same http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFx7IgaV5 iI Bethesda's New Disaster - Makes Fallout 76 Pay-To-Win & Fans Are Angry! Breaks Cosmetic-Only Promise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZLlz9UZ2hk&t=1m35s Bethesda's Broken Promise - Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Affecting Gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zK5rxEyuhY The year Blizzard and Bethesda died (to me) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeSiu_M Li80 The game won't uninstall unless you buy the game, "Bethesda screwing up something basic is something the world simply expects." "This is yet another 'Are you f------ serious, Bethesda? moment on an already mountainous pile of nonsense surrounding the launch of Fallout 76." etc., tears it a new a------, points out that they can't even fix what fans/modders working for free fixed YEARS ago, etc. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/11/21/it-sure-is-interesting-to-rewatch-that-fallout-76-todd-howard-e3- reveal-now/#324606495715 "iT'IL AIIOW Us tO MakE iT SiXTEeN TIMES MORE DetaILED!!!!" Tell us liiies, tell us sweet little liiies- among many other deceptions pointed out in this article http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrKHCINEPAk After Directly Blaming Sony, Bethesda Still Has No Plans for Fallout 76 Cross-Play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR_7mlUBgLE Fallout 76 is a Shameful Abomination http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxUS F9jn8xg Fallout 76 Upsets Fans by Messing Up Established Lore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64JTcZk8i8w >3 nukes crash the server IT JUST WORKS >THEY'RE INCREDIBLY HARD TO COME BY >24 hours later... http://www.yout e.com/watch?v=4JNID Bosvto Clown College Bethesda Just Gave Away Heaps Of Personal Data Because....Bethesda. It gets weirder, of course---I'm not sure it could get any worse---because not only could players see this information, they could actually edit and resolve support tickets themselves, giving them all sorts of power over the fates of their fellow Fallout 76 players. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orDCkujaX1 g&t=2h22m18s "ThE AtoM ShOP is fAIr anD BalANceD!1!" No, it's f------ cancer. A maximum of $4 worth of atoms per week if you grind your ass off playing this garbage game, or paying real money for *copied and pasted assets from FO4?* Bethesda is a shameful f------ embarrassment of a company, no better than EA and Activision. http://www.engadget.com/2018/11/19/fallout-76-patch-47gb http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-11-23-fallout-76-bug-grants-player-permanent-god-mode-and-now-theyre- begging-for-death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmV8Bqed CQY Fallout 76 Duffel Bag Outrage Mounts Due to Influencers Getting Free High Quality Bags from Bethesda - F----- #1: Bethesda promised high quality bags to people who spent $200 on a special edition of Fallout 76; they ended up giving people s-----, low quality bags that look and feel like garbage bags. F----- #2: Support kept giving people dismissive, mixed messages, such as "We ran out of materials, so we had to switch from one to the other." and "We never made any high quality bags to begin with; the marketing was wrong. Even though it says canvas, we meant nylon. We're not going to do anything about it." F----- #3: As "recompense" for their >$50 mistake, they're offering affected players a meager -$5 worth of mictrotransaction currency to make people more addicted to their cash shop instead of genuinely trying to fix/address the problem; their response to their f----- is to act even more parasitic and scummy. F----- #4: The insultingly pathetic amount of MTX currency given isn't even enough to buy a virtual version of the canvas bag in-game. Bethesda just poured even more fuel on the fire with this move. They're trying hard to become the next EA. F----- #5; IT JUST KEEPS GOING: BETHESDA NOT ONLY MADE HIGH QUALITY BAGS, THEY *GAVE THEM OUT FOR FREE, AT MULTIPLE EVENTS* TO SELECT REVIEWERS WHO ARE KNOWN FOR BLINDLY GIVING THEM ARTIFICIALLY HIGH RATINGS F----- #6; YES, IT SERIOUSLY KEEPS GOING: DESPITE ADMITTING FAULT, THEY'RE REFUSING TO REFUND THE CUSTOMERS THEY LIED TO. THEY HAVE ZERO INTENTION OF DOING THE RIGHT THING. / Edit about a week later: they changed their minds only due to the extreme backlash they received. It says a lot about Bethesda that it took overwhelming backlash from millions of people for them to reluctantly undo their lies, dragging their feet the whole way. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLVaQyD3_Xk Bethesda Embarrasses Itself Yet Again With Broken Ultrawide Fix for Fallout 76 TWO-FOR-ONE-DEAL! IT JUST! KEEPS! GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xj-gVCgZdw&t=2m39s Another Bethesda Blunder! $80 Fallout 76 Nuka Dark Fail!, and a dishonorable mention of "The game itself is on sale for almost half the price of the hilarious Christmas.png files that they tried selling to their customers under false pretenses of "being on sale" when they were never on sale at the regular price to begin with!" IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9t-XedIqsw Bethesda Pulls a Bungie, Makes Fallout 76 Grindier Without Telling Players Fallout 76 was a test by BGS to see just how stupid the fans really are... -Made the fans PAY TO TEST THE GAME IN EARLY ACCESS -At least 1 million people bought the game, even after thousands before them had shown it was deeply flawed. -Some people paidd more than $200 for a nylon bag and a plastic helmet worth $17 combined. -No refunds to downloaders of the game, and everybody has to down load it... -Rum bottle is worth $20 even with the plastic housing, charged idiots $80 for it. -Microtransaction store offers literally nothing of value, but manages to overcharge even on sale. To whomever bought this game, you got played by BGS big time. Yes, you are stupid, and yes, your stupidity will help them do it again next time with TES6, and again with Starfield IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MhLXrzXO6M Datamined Fallout 76 Files Raise Loot Box Concerns, Bethesda Stays Quiet / This is the company who vastly overpriced horse armour in Oblivion, did it again years later in a tone-deaf way, like "haha it's a funny joke guys :) but you do have to pay real money for this, so we're not joking at all.", they thought monetizing existing mods in Skyrim was a good idea, and created the Creation Club to shell out miniature "dlc" mods instead of making proper expansions, and that's just off the top of my head. Did anyone really not see this coming? Pete Hines said that there won't be any "f*cking" loot boxes in the game, but look, he was full of s--- as always. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He could say the sky is blue, and I'd ask for a citation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwbs_FlnFUw&t=3m52s IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXY9Z9q5N3c Bethesda's solution to hackers? Check if the word "cheat" appears in any of the windows and tabs you have open, such as in Cheat Engine *even if it's not running* and, as if that wasn't stupid enough, even if you type the word "cheat" in your browser and it appears in a window/tab title, like when you google s---, you'll automatically be bannedt on the spot. We're hitting levels of incompetence that shouldn't even be possible. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXY9Z9q5N3c Bethesda demands that people who are banned must write essays for them, like they're in f------ elementary school or something. "At this point, staying a Bethesda fan is like staying in an abusive relationship." "Bethesda seems confused about their role here, I pay them to make lights and sounds come out of my computer, that's as far as our relationship goes. Now they somehow think it's appropriate to treat their customers like schoolchildren, policing their behavior and asking them to write essays? Do they honestly think its a privilege to play their buggy unpolished games? Small developers are making way better games anyway. Why play Quake Champions when theres DUSK? Why play Fallout when theres STALKER, METRO, 7DtD, SCUM, and Rust? Why play Elder Scrolls when theres Dark Souls, Dragons Dogma, Path of Exile, Witcher, et...""BETHESDA is asking PLAYERS to write apology letters?" "WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL PLAYING THIS GAME?!" "Bethesda before 76: Our games are outrageously buggy but feel free to fix them. Bethesda now: How dare you fix our mistakes! Banned for life!" "It's stupid how Bethesda hasn't protected their supposed triple A multiplayer game against CheatEngine. Just shows how little work was done in this mess of a game. Pretty much all online game nowadays handles currency and things of value server-side than client- side." "I honestly didn't even know this s--- works with MP, I mean honestly if your multiplayer game actually work with some rudimentary memory editor like Cheat Engine, it's developers problem, not players." IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bY_pPslgPE&t=10m50s Bethesda issues false bans over all sorts of erroneous s---, including changing the graphics of the game and nothing else IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3rWy-F320 The Laughable Response to Customers Misled by Bethesda's Nuka Dark Rum IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sknCl7PZWEY&t=1 m56s This is What Fallout 76 Has Become | Cheaters Make BIG Real-World Money Off Bethesda's Broken System / Widespread item duplication, infinite XP glitches, item duping leading to players being able to 1 hit kill anything, etc., etc. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32pj-dq1Ouo Bethesda Faces More Ridicule as Players Access Forbidden Dev oom with Every Item in Fallout 76 IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y] - kII MPOYY&t=5m41 s Bethesda Mocked For Selling $276 Fallout 76 Jacket With Nylon Bag! http:://twitter.com/i/web/status/10881796163580641 31 IT JUST KEEPS GOING! x2! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gi5wFirRQI Another two-for-one deal! Bethesda rolled back the game to an earlier, glitchier state out of sheer incompetence. On top of that, Bethesda is silently deleting threads and banning forum users who point this out. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.pcgamesn.com/fallout-76/fallout-76-gamestop-germany Buy a used controller, get Fallout 76 for free at Gamestop Germany IT JUST KEEPS GOING to the point that there are so many different topics to cover at once, it wouldn't be fair to link this video just once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=29s After rolling back the game to an earlier, glitchier state out of sheer incompetence, they introd uced a patch that fixed some of the bugs and created several more game-breaking ones, like stealth not working at all, every enemy noticing players the instant they're within a certain range, annoying weight bugs, and so on. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=2m1s The incompetent management at Bethesda decided that now's a good time to make the game pay-to-win!! Note that the outfit is described as adding +15 health not just for you, but *additively* for every player on your team, so if you and 4 friends buy the outfit and team up, you *all get a +75 HP bonus. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=2m38s We're more than a month and a half out from lunch box (their version of loot boxes) data being discovered and they still haven't removed it from the game, suggesting that they're just waiting for the right moment, or to finish brainstorming how "best" to implement them, before officially adding them into the game and pissing off millions of people et again. Reminder that Bethesda lied about lunch box effects being cosmetic only, by the way. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=3m50s Bethesda tries combating dupers by banning anyone who crafts more than 20 items consecutively, which is obviously banning large numbers of players who are playing the game normally. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=7m8s Reminder that Bethesda uses their own proprietary launcher for Fallout 76 and plans on releasing more games on it, so if your acCount is wrongfully banned for absolutely ludicrous reasons like thousands of other people over Bethesda's latest f----up, or the other one before that (which is still ongoing?) where they wrongfully ban anyone who types "cheat" into their browser, etc... Then you'll be locked out of not only Fallout 76, but any games you would've purchased from them in the future. This isn't much of a problem now while they only have 1 game on the launcher, but it's only a matter of time until they start adding more. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=7m8s Reminder that Bethesda started using their own proprietary launcher to refuse peoples' refund requests, to not have to worry about overwhelmingly negative reviews on Steam, and to make it harder for people to develop & share mods on their games going forward so they can continue charging money for mods even after extreme community backlash when they tried implementing paid mods in both Skyrim and Fallout 4, retroactively in both cases. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYTU 80dD_Mw&t=4m39s Correct some info above & add more here about how some ban appeals are being ignored IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7GqKgwnHc&t=7m47s The title says it all: all of the many, many shitstorms above tave culminated in Bethesda being slammed by a law firm with legal demands. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=]ye0qxKOF4Y Bethesda Bans Player with 900 Hours in Fallout 76 for Too Much Ammo / "It's just his word against Bethesda's". If only Bethesda's word carried weight anymore. / I've modded Skyrim and quite frankly, I'm convinced the engine only counts what you pick up, indefinitely, it sounds exactly like something dumb this engine would do. So imo ,this guy is innocent. / Saying fallout 76 is in a rough place is like saying being set on fire is a slight sun burn. / Bethesda: 900 hours spent playing? Impossible, we didnt even spend half that time creating the game! BANNED / Aren't modern games fun??? You play the game the way the devs don't like and they ban you Imagine buying a book and reading it in the bathroom only to have the publisher come to your house and take it back because they don't like the book being read in the bathroom IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L6VV08 M NY&t=4m23s Bethesda Studios Keep Hiring Monetization Experts, EA-Like Program Leaked & Fallout 76 Given Away Even More?! IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV_tUrUODE8 Fallout 76 News - Players [Banned for questionable reasons; yet again, Bethesda implemented automated bans that will catch some honest players, and unfortunately, once again, the most hardcore, loyal ones are the ones being targeted], Unbanned By Accident, then Rebanned. They also intended to release some new, rare items, but accidentally made them impossible to obtain - they don't seem to spawn at all - unless you cheat by taking them from the dev room which has every item in the game. IT JUST KEEPS GOING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qiDMhfhas0 Fallout 76 Just Got Its 4GB Survival DLC Update is it any good? / Nope; almost every feature is buggy. For example, "In the new Survival Mode, you can only respawn in certain areas where you'll temporarily be invincible so you can't be spawncamped," but about half the areas are glitched and don't make you invincible, allowing players to be killed while they're still in a loading screen while spawning, unable to fight back. Also, "Players can no longer be killed in 1 shot for fairness' sake" is also a flat-out lie. The list goes on and on and on, and these aren't small glitches we're talking about; they're immensely impactful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPo5jgZbj0&t=4m57s Hey Bethesda, Where Are The Replacement Canvas Bags? You Said 4 To 6 Months, It's Been 6 Months. http:://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-aGJ K_rUSM Bethesda claims that items which can only be obtained by paying real money & that provide an advantage over players who don't use them are somehow NOT pay-to-win. Tell me lies, tell me Sweet little lies "It doesn't matter how you personally define pay-to-win. That wasn't the promise - the promise was cosmetic only" "Never forget that bethesda nerfed durability improving perks AND they made things break MUCH faster than before (for example, instead of 200 shots with a shotgun before it needs to be repaired, it's now around 50, breaking FOUR TIMES FASTER, that's insane), just before introducing the repair kits, to incentivize people to buy them and punish players who don't." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcGQO3o7qz8 Bethesda Thinks Pay to Win ISN'T Pay to Win - Manipulation of Definitions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWVWO7vKU6w&t=8m33s The Bethesda E3 2019 Press Conference Fills the Meme Void Left by EA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFJCNnsFe_I Fallout 76 Patch 11 Breaks Game Again, Brings Back Old Bugs, Doubles Down on Pay-To-Win Monetization. As always, they continue to take better care of the Atom Shop than the game itself. Should tell you where their priorities lie. So. Any questions?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/616/435/d24.png)
Fallout 76
pouring gasoline

Fallout 76