Fire Emblem Heroes - Images
S!Freyja's not willing to share

Fire Emblem Heroes
水着シーダ (Swimsuit Caeda)
Fire Emblem Heroes
Angry Laevatein

Fire Emblem Heroes
Ehh maybe have it be a bit more thematic if it’s a special event

Fire Emblem Heroes
Summoning be like

Fire Emblem Heroes
水着 ティアモ (Swimsuit Cordelia)
Fire Emblem Heroes
Freyr & Freyja

Fire Emblem Heroes
The new Harmonic art be like

Fire Emblem Heroes
Freyr and Freyja

Fire Emblem Heroes
FEH fans when they see the new summer alts

Fire Emblem Heroes
Mermaid Man join FEH

Fire Emblem Heroes
Summer Freyja

Fire Emblem Heroes
GD Summer Girls

Fire Emblem Heroes
Visiting the Beach
Fire Emblem Heroes
Summer Marianne

Fire Emblem Heroes
Legendary Byleth

Fire Emblem Heroes