Fire Emblem Heroes - Images
in FEH news...

Fire Emblem Heroes
Sorry, it had to be done

Fire Emblem Heroes
FEH Aigis

Fire Emblem Heroes
All too fitting.

Fire Emblem Heroes
Kris if they were in Heroes.

Fire Emblem Heroes
Lene: Yearning Dancer

Fire Emblem Heroes
Lene: Yearning Dancer

Fire Emblem Heroes
Lene: Yearning Dancer

Fire Emblem Heroes
5/8 Today Only Daily Quests

Fire Emblem Heroes
For those less familiar with the Jugdral series, here are some planned character bios from IS

Fire Emblem Heroes
Let's just have Fujiwara Ryo draw everybody

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes
Switching to Morgan QT mode

Fire Emblem Heroes
Fallen heroes (forced) to take vacations bc of Kiran.

Fire Emblem Heroes
More Lyn alts!!

Fire Emblem Heroes
The optimal team for Tap Battle: Formidable Foes

Fire Emblem Heroes