Fire Emblem - Images
....Are we talking "dads" in the fatherly sense, or "dads" as in.... "daddies"?
Fire Emblem
It's five o'clock somewhere...
Fire Emblem
This is a mere sample of how dorky Alm can truly be.
Fire Emblem
This time, the hobo comes pre-murdered, so you can just take his boots right away.
Fire Emblem
Yes, this priestess who is on a pilgrimage to a temple of a great goddess just chuckled at the word ...
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem Aiming class of 2017
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem
Disturbed cavalier
Fire Emblem
Super Cute Celica
Fire Emblem
Lukas comes to a realization
Fire Emblem
What woman wouldn't swoon at the sight of those teeth?
Fire Emblem
What better way to start the day than by sharing a high-quality shitpost that I found?
Fire Emblem
The three genders
Fire Emblem
Could use this as a reaction image too.
Fire Emblem
A new challenger approaches!
Fire Emblem
Oh my God, Alm.
Fire Emblem
Get in Losers V3
Fire Emblem
Get in Losers
Fire Emblem
What Team Tharja should do
Fire Emblem