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Kingdom of Lenster

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Celice Baldos Chalphy

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Fire Emblem
An overly elaborate explanation for why Stahl and Sumia can't have support conversations
![Anonymous 05/03/13(Mon)04 39 No.37450104Reples2237450183 2- 374505122 File 1370248742868-mg(1023 KB. 2000x1953. THE TRUTH OF LUCINA png) sounds G 1 3 29 № 36337645 ] Regies 1 KB, 260x310, 7723392 250 jpg) sounda GI Chrom revealed I just noticed Cordelia is the most similar to Lucina Preftty much the same hair length both fat-chested, both preity competent Cordelia wanted more than anything else, Chrom's love. But he used her body and dumped he and went back to Sumia. (Sumia otan speaks af gerting stronger, Clvia is dancar etc anily other realy is Suly) What if Chrom chromd more than he shold of, calch my drit? Some secret chroming perhape? Fertdizing Selds he doesnt om? Cordelia had a hard lfe Anonymous 05/22/13(Wed)23:40 No 36338503 0 Replies: 338687 File: 1369280437026AY14 KB. 210x240. Char-89077 jpg) sounds 00 Anonymous l6/03/13(Man,,No擱1261 ! Reples-7451485 File: 1300250331688MH244 KB 061, with a gin png) SOunds ¥ G 1 Anonymous 06/03/1 SMon04 40 № 37450183 ! m3.m (94 KB. 480x640. 1343707857124 png) 30n ¥ c ! I think his real wile wouidve noticed NOT ghing bith to Lucna Male irndelity doesnt work like female infidelity Whos Excuse me everybody in this general,i my name is Frederick Someone has been spreading fithy numors about milord, and wll seto it hat they are punished immedately Please refain fom discussin such mater, Or lwit hrow you in the dungeon personaly mysef Milord has done nothing Unika the ather children, you actually s e present Lucina. and who was the swapped baby? The same person who came back from the future to watch over everyone, the same person who has a simila Unless the wie was dense, the baby is obviously hers Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)04:42 No.37450251 hair color to Sumia The one and only TRUE savior of Fire Emblem PRINCE STAHL tfw when you realise you can't pair Sumia and Stal File 1369220270121400(21 KB. 2760289, 13606410424 70 pg) aoun盔四00 s all so clear now ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon 04 File: 13702easesm463 KB. 599x539, beats internally p) igun刍2.G 1 Sumia/Chrom's Child Chrom has an affair Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)05:06 No 37451282Replies 2237451410 3237451485 lmplying Chrom didnt r--- her and forcefully Beats Anonymous 0603/13(Mon)04 46 No 37450417 ! Replies 374504弪my450474 ll part of the plan removal of Validar/Gangrel was all part of the plan to expand ternitory infiltrates Ferox by having both him and Lucina serve as each EastWest's champions win the loyalty of the Feroxi soldiers as a result who begin to think lowly of the Kans for not fighting in their own battles Walhart was not planned for, but look how that turmed out has an army of supersoldiers capable of wrecking any army in the Outrealms, even those of Legends like marth, Sigurd,lIke, etc has access to to any world in the outrealms Chrom threatened her with a fate worse than death if she told anyone. Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)0447 No 37450474 ! Replesm3745aso6>>37451405 1370249276385 png-(9 KB, 313x295, It's over now png) sounds Is use Chrom is very persuasive when he needs to be You've been playing into Chrom's hands all along Anonymous 0603/130Mn 0509 No.374510Reples 372514 Anonymous 0603/13/Mon)/04 50 No 37450578!Reples 23745145 File. 1370249439324.99 90 KB. 637x662, cordycyngJpg)sounds ¥ G 1 Robin was the gandmaster of tactcians,Chom was THE tacician, the man behin the curtain.The man holding the stings,with 2 aces in his pocket the whole time She is ternfied for her lie as well as her daughters Chrom would lill them both f word got out he had an illeghtimate child The baby was born withou a brand, and cast away by one Chrom to be raised by a maiden Chrom truly is the greatest lord that ever was kil them both Living through Grima's future, he stays longer than the others and hones himself, going back in time years after Lucina and the others Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)04:51 No.37450597Replies: Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)05:14 No.37451621 Replies: 237451667 4 (496 KB, 800x439, evil prince. png) sounds G 1 9 KB, 174x152, 553465314234 jpg) sounds But you know him as Stahl, the same man who is able to use Falchion. Yes, the one and true RIGHTFU KING, Prince Stahl of Ylissie You know, this theory would make Awakening plot 100x better >Cordelia..heh. I'm the prince C-chrom... I.. I'll tell. Someone will believe me! >Frederick, escort this mad woman out of here >Shall i take her to the dungeon milord? Yes... she will learn, and she will stay quiet Anonymous 06/03/13/(Mon)04:52 No.37450696Reples 2237450725255Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)05:15 No 37451667 Reples:2237451694 File: 1370250939969 gif-(933 KB, 200x137, 1366864911375.gif) sounds Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)04:51 No.37450606Reples37 51485Fie File: 1370249475679429413 KB. 339x302, 212333.jpg) sounds G 1 274 KB, 1024x428, now im angry.png) soundsGI More evidence Chrom is a lecherous wife beater theory 937450567 Anonymous 06/03/13 Mon04:53 No.37450725 ! Repes2-374507622-374507762-37-一 S> >Fem MU support with Chrom >Chrom is always making sure she walks in on him nude Anonymous 06/03/13) Mon (04 57 No 37450913Repies3750974p759935237451485 File. 1370249878463DNY74 KB 400x335, Older Chrom.png) sounds ¥ G ! Chrom is a womanizer Anonymous0 03/13Mon0454№37450158 ! R s: >>3745 830>>3745 4%. Anonymous 06/03/13 Mon 04:56 No 37450830 ! Reples: 2374509132374 t's over now Cordelia, Chrom and Frederick are on the way to arrest you. Youll be sentence to death and hung erow your peers File: 13702497738181凶4212 KB, 600x380, ti232.jpg) sounds G 1 here wil be no jury, you wil be taken into custody without hearing your nights What have you done? Now none of us are safe t's over, come peacefully and you will tleast be spared further humilation](
![Anonymous 05/03/13(Mon)04 39 No.37450104Reples2237450183 2- 374505122 File 1370248742868-mg(1023 KB. 2000x1953. THE TRUTH OF LUCINA png) sounds G 1 3 29 № 36337645 ] Regies 1 KB, 260x310, 7723392 250 jpg) sounda GI Chrom revealed I just noticed Cordelia is the most similar to Lucina Preftty much the same hair length both fat-chested, both preity competent Cordelia wanted more than anything else, Chrom's love. But he used her body and dumped he and went back to Sumia. (Sumia otan speaks af gerting stronger, Clvia is dancar etc anily other realy is Suly) What if Chrom chromd more than he shold of, calch my drit? Some secret chroming perhape? Fertdizing Selds he doesnt om? Cordelia had a hard lfe Anonymous 05/22/13(Wed)23:40 No 36338503 0 Replies: 338687 File: 1369280437026AY14 KB. 210x240. Char-89077 jpg) sounds 00 Anonymous l6/03/13(Man,,No擱1261 ! Reples-7451485 File: 1300250331688MH244 KB 061, with a gin png) SOunds ¥ G 1 Anonymous 06/03/1 SMon04 40 № 37450183 ! m3.m (94 KB. 480x640. 1343707857124 png) 30n ¥ c ! I think his real wile wouidve noticed NOT ghing bith to Lucna Male irndelity doesnt work like female infidelity Whos Excuse me everybody in this general,i my name is Frederick Someone has been spreading fithy numors about milord, and wll seto it hat they are punished immedately Please refain fom discussin such mater, Or lwit hrow you in the dungeon personaly mysef Milord has done nothing Unika the ather children, you actually s e present Lucina. and who was the swapped baby? The same person who came back from the future to watch over everyone, the same person who has a simila Unless the wie was dense, the baby is obviously hers Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)04:42 No.37450251 hair color to Sumia The one and only TRUE savior of Fire Emblem PRINCE STAHL tfw when you realise you can't pair Sumia and Stal File 1369220270121400(21 KB. 2760289, 13606410424 70 pg) aoun盔四00 s all so clear now ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon 04 File: 13702easesm463 KB. 599x539, beats internally p) igun刍2.G 1 Sumia/Chrom's Child Chrom has an affair Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)05:06 No 37451282Replies 2237451410 3237451485 lmplying Chrom didnt r--- her and forcefully Beats Anonymous 0603/13(Mon)04 46 No 37450417 ! Replies 374504弪my450474 ll part of the plan removal of Validar/Gangrel was all part of the plan to expand ternitory infiltrates Ferox by having both him and Lucina serve as each EastWest's champions win the loyalty of the Feroxi soldiers as a result who begin to think lowly of the Kans for not fighting in their own battles Walhart was not planned for, but look how that turmed out has an army of supersoldiers capable of wrecking any army in the Outrealms, even those of Legends like marth, Sigurd,lIke, etc has access to to any world in the outrealms Chrom threatened her with a fate worse than death if she told anyone. Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)0447 No 37450474 ! Replesm3745aso6>>37451405 1370249276385 png-(9 KB, 313x295, It's over now png) sounds Is use Chrom is very persuasive when he needs to be You've been playing into Chrom's hands all along Anonymous 0603/130Mn 0509 No.374510Reples 372514 Anonymous 0603/13/Mon)/04 50 No 37450578!Reples 23745145 File. 1370249439324.99 90 KB. 637x662, cordycyngJpg)sounds ¥ G 1 Robin was the gandmaster of tactcians,Chom was THE tacician, the man behin the curtain.The man holding the stings,with 2 aces in his pocket the whole time She is ternfied for her lie as well as her daughters Chrom would lill them both f word got out he had an illeghtimate child The baby was born withou a brand, and cast away by one Chrom to be raised by a maiden Chrom truly is the greatest lord that ever was kil them both Living through Grima's future, he stays longer than the others and hones himself, going back in time years after Lucina and the others Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)04:51 No.37450597Replies: Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)05:14 No.37451621 Replies: 237451667 4 (496 KB, 800x439, evil prince. png) sounds G 1 9 KB, 174x152, 553465314234 jpg) sounds But you know him as Stahl, the same man who is able to use Falchion. Yes, the one and true RIGHTFU KING, Prince Stahl of Ylissie You know, this theory would make Awakening plot 100x better >Cordelia..heh. I'm the prince C-chrom... I.. I'll tell. Someone will believe me! >Frederick, escort this mad woman out of here >Shall i take her to the dungeon milord? Yes... she will learn, and she will stay quiet Anonymous 06/03/13/(Mon)04:52 No.37450696Reples 2237450725255Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)05:15 No 37451667 Reples:2237451694 File: 1370250939969 gif-(933 KB, 200x137, 1366864911375.gif) sounds Anonymous 06/03/13(Mon)04:51 No.37450606Reples37 51485Fie File: 1370249475679429413 KB. 339x302, 212333.jpg) sounds G 1 274 KB, 1024x428, now im angry.png) soundsGI More evidence Chrom is a lecherous wife beater theory 937450567 Anonymous 06/03/13 Mon04:53 No.37450725 ! Repes2-374507622-374507762-37-一 S> >Fem MU support with Chrom >Chrom is always making sure she walks in on him nude Anonymous 06/03/13) Mon (04 57 No 37450913Repies3750974p759935237451485 File. 1370249878463DNY74 KB 400x335, Older Chrom.png) sounds ¥ G ! Chrom is a womanizer Anonymous0 03/13Mon0454№37450158 ! R s: >>3745 830>>3745 4%. Anonymous 06/03/13 Mon 04:56 No 37450830 ! Reples: 2374509132374 t's over now Cordelia, Chrom and Frederick are on the way to arrest you. Youll be sentence to death and hung erow your peers File: 13702497738181凶4212 KB, 600x380, ti232.jpg) sounds G 1 here wil be no jury, you wil be taken into custody without hearing your nights What have you done? Now none of us are safe t's over, come peacefully and you will tleast be spared further humilation](
Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem
Wrong rabbit

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem
Translation at bottom: "It's just snow, I don't have any special feelings, but Lady Lydis likes it."

Fire Emblem