Fire Emblem - Images
Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem
"still on my first playthrough of conquest and im a big fan of how normal charlotte is" - by 3amsoda

Fire Emblem
Arete and manuela: operatic duo 🎶 - by missdash_

Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Path of Rad
Fire Emblem
How new Annas are made for every new FE game.
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem
The Twelve Fire Emblem Main Heroines

Fire Emblem
Yes, Rosado also puts you in the Friend-Zone

Fire Emblem
Summary of the various styles of Fire Emblem, according to a Japanese fan (translated by me)

Fire Emblem
"Hardship builds character" - IS

Fire Emblem
Goth Tharja by chocojax
Fire Emblem
No way. Gheb is in Zelda II

Fire Emblem
ベルベット&シャンブレー親子🐰 (Panne and Yarne parent and child)
Fire Emblem
Sigurd's Death in HD

Fire Emblem