Five Nights at Freddy's - Images
Funtime Bonnie Teaser Render (Fan-made)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Springbonnie dispute
![So there was three of them or what? It wasn't very clear.
![So there was three of them or what? It wasn't very clear.
Five Nights at Freddy's
![Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:09:15 No. 10257363822102573790 22102573827 22102574140 File (209 KB, 1426x1045) >Hey, Kamayama! This new night job you had us take is really dangerous! I thought we'd just make some spare cash watching an empty building, but we have to deal with these crazy robots that wanna kill us! ProtomLad 05/06/15(Wed)15:11:16 No. 102573827 、>>102574016 >>102574140 File: 2276691- b a (31 KB, 640x480) > Hayashida, while I understand your concern, I don't think we can really call these robots crazy, or murderous. That's subscribing them to intent simply don't have They're just trying to fulfill their programming to keep the restaurant tidy and orderly. We ought to respect that dedic ation to maintaining a safe place for children. | Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15: 13:17 No. 102574016 File: hqdefault (2).jpg (9 KB, 480x360) >>10257414022102574178 102 >Kamayama, while you're right that these robots may not be intending to murder us, that doesn't stop their actions from being flawed and dangerous! >Their programming makes them try to stuff us into suits, and any way you look at it, that's really deadly Protom Lad 06/06/15(Wed)15:15:19 No. 102574178 File: 05takashi.ipg (12 KB, 335x420) 、 102574458 >I see your point, but can we really judge them for something beyond their control? I think it's unfair to blame them for their faulty programming. lt'd be pretty hurtful to be viewed so harshly for a flaw with your mind, wouldn't it? ProtomLad 05/06/15(Wed)15:1831 No. 102574458· File: char 33698.ipg (18 KB, 210x240) 102574676 But you're supposing that these robot animals can be hurt in the first placel Can we even say they have feelings, or thoughts in general? It feels pretty farfetched to me for robots like these be alive like you or me Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 20:45 No. 102574676 File: Char 33697 ipg (17 KB, 210x240) 、>>102574867 You make a good point, can we treat these machines as people like you or me? Hey, Mechazawa what do you think? ProtomLad 05/06/15(Wed)152247 No. 102574867、 File: Mechazawa png (50 KB, 302x324) 102575251 Hmm? I wouldn't really know anything about that, I'm a pretty simple guy. I don't know the first thing about machines, but to me it sounds pretty out there for there to be robots that have feelings like real people But really, I'm the last person to ask about philosophic stuff like that, I'm just a simple guy Protom Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:27:05 No.102575251102575438 File: hadefault (5.ipg (16 KB, 480x360) >Hmmn, this feels like an issue bigger than the three of us can tackle. Can any of us truly make a distinction between human and artificial intelligence? | Protom-Lad 06/06/15Wed)15:29:08 No. 102575438 File: Lipg (22 KB, 471x480) >While I agree that it's a fascinating subject, I think the more pressing matter at hand is trying to survive these robots we're supposed to be watching right now! Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:31 12 No 102575624 File: 7-1-2009-11-27-11-pm.png (561 KB, 865x651) > Like that one right by the door? Protom Lad 06/06/16(Wed)15:33:16 No. 102575821 File: 115.ipg (79 KB, 626x470) >>102575889>>102576007>>102576332 Guitar riff of the toreador march Anonymous 05/06/15(Wed)15:33. 50 No.1 02575869 File: Freddy.png (118 KB, 380x316) >>10257597 1 >>102576007 02576332 Guitar niff of the toreador march し, protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 35 17 No.102576007 File: hodefault (4 ipg (10 KB, 480x360) >>102576 190 >>102576350 AAAAAHI It's Freddyl Wait, that's not Freddy! It's Freddyl What's he doing here? Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 37:19 No. 102576190 ile: 26831111356844ipg (59 KB, 630x472) >>102576385 Oh, yeah. Freddy got a job here as a substitute Freddy for when the original has to undergo repairs. So far he's been pretty popular with the kids Protom.Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:39 21 No. 102576385 >>102576579 >>102576876 File: Y hi.png (179 KB, 640x480) > I just don't get why this Freddy FazBear place is so popular, it's just some dumb pizza joint with robots telling tired old jokes Unless there's some kind of ronc kitsch kind of deal but l could never get into that. Humor based in irony can never stand up to raw comedy . Maybe I just need to catch a performance myself to see why kids flock to them so much... But how to do so without someone recognizing me? A guy in my position can't get caught at a kid's pizzeria, it'd ruin my reputationl Maybe if I snuck in at night and managed to turn them on manually. Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 41:30 No 102576579 (62 KB, 640x480) File: 968full-cromartie-hi >(At least they aren't that damn Pootan show...)](
![Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:09:15 No. 10257363822102573790 22102573827 22102574140 File (209 KB, 1426x1045) >Hey, Kamayama! This new night job you had us take is really dangerous! I thought we'd just make some spare cash watching an empty building, but we have to deal with these crazy robots that wanna kill us! ProtomLad 05/06/15(Wed)15:11:16 No. 102573827 、>>102574016 >>102574140 File: 2276691- b a (31 KB, 640x480) > Hayashida, while I understand your concern, I don't think we can really call these robots crazy, or murderous. That's subscribing them to intent simply don't have They're just trying to fulfill their programming to keep the restaurant tidy and orderly. We ought to respect that dedic ation to maintaining a safe place for children. | Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15: 13:17 No. 102574016 File: hqdefault (2).jpg (9 KB, 480x360) >>10257414022102574178 102 >Kamayama, while you're right that these robots may not be intending to murder us, that doesn't stop their actions from being flawed and dangerous! >Their programming makes them try to stuff us into suits, and any way you look at it, that's really deadly Protom Lad 06/06/15(Wed)15:15:19 No. 102574178 File: 05takashi.ipg (12 KB, 335x420) 、 102574458 >I see your point, but can we really judge them for something beyond their control? I think it's unfair to blame them for their faulty programming. lt'd be pretty hurtful to be viewed so harshly for a flaw with your mind, wouldn't it? ProtomLad 05/06/15(Wed)15:1831 No. 102574458· File: char 33698.ipg (18 KB, 210x240) 102574676 But you're supposing that these robot animals can be hurt in the first placel Can we even say they have feelings, or thoughts in general? It feels pretty farfetched to me for robots like these be alive like you or me Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 20:45 No. 102574676 File: Char 33697 ipg (17 KB, 210x240) 、>>102574867 You make a good point, can we treat these machines as people like you or me? Hey, Mechazawa what do you think? ProtomLad 05/06/15(Wed)152247 No. 102574867、 File: Mechazawa png (50 KB, 302x324) 102575251 Hmm? I wouldn't really know anything about that, I'm a pretty simple guy. I don't know the first thing about machines, but to me it sounds pretty out there for there to be robots that have feelings like real people But really, I'm the last person to ask about philosophic stuff like that, I'm just a simple guy Protom Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:27:05 No.102575251102575438 File: hadefault (5.ipg (16 KB, 480x360) >Hmmn, this feels like an issue bigger than the three of us can tackle. Can any of us truly make a distinction between human and artificial intelligence? | Protom-Lad 06/06/15Wed)15:29:08 No. 102575438 File: Lipg (22 KB, 471x480) >While I agree that it's a fascinating subject, I think the more pressing matter at hand is trying to survive these robots we're supposed to be watching right now! Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:31 12 No 102575624 File: 7-1-2009-11-27-11-pm.png (561 KB, 865x651) > Like that one right by the door? Protom Lad 06/06/16(Wed)15:33:16 No. 102575821 File: 115.ipg (79 KB, 626x470) >>102575889>>102576007>>102576332 Guitar riff of the toreador march Anonymous 05/06/15(Wed)15:33. 50 No.1 02575869 File: Freddy.png (118 KB, 380x316) >>10257597 1 >>102576007 02576332 Guitar niff of the toreador march し, protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 35 17 No.102576007 File: hodefault (4 ipg (10 KB, 480x360) >>102576 190 >>102576350 AAAAAHI It's Freddyl Wait, that's not Freddy! It's Freddyl What's he doing here? Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 37:19 No. 102576190 ile: 26831111356844ipg (59 KB, 630x472) >>102576385 Oh, yeah. Freddy got a job here as a substitute Freddy for when the original has to undergo repairs. So far he's been pretty popular with the kids Protom.Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15:39 21 No. 102576385 >>102576579 >>102576876 File: Y hi.png (179 KB, 640x480) > I just don't get why this Freddy FazBear place is so popular, it's just some dumb pizza joint with robots telling tired old jokes Unless there's some kind of ronc kitsch kind of deal but l could never get into that. Humor based in irony can never stand up to raw comedy . Maybe I just need to catch a performance myself to see why kids flock to them so much... But how to do so without someone recognizing me? A guy in my position can't get caught at a kid's pizzeria, it'd ruin my reputationl Maybe if I snuck in at night and managed to turn them on manually. Protom-Lad 05/06/15(Wed)15 41:30 No 102576579 (62 KB, 640x480) File: 968full-cromartie-hi >(At least they aren't that damn Pootan show...)](
Five Nights at Freddy's
![Greeman 08/27/14(Wed)17:36:03 No.78269515227826967622782697422782697472278269938 2278269987 2278270060 2278270086 2278270219 File: rick-and-morty-pilot.jpg (37 KB, 400x300) "Morty! Morty, "uuagh* C'mon and help me on this job. I gotta call from this s----- Chuck E Cheese ripoff I made some robots for back in the day. Apparently they've been going crazy murdering guards, standing around all spooky, standard malfunctioning robot bullcrap." "Oh jeeze Rick, that sounds bad. Why are they going crazy?" "No idea. I'm heading over there to see if its just the programming going bad, some kind of structural damage, or if they're haunted by the souls of dead children or some "belch" s--- like that. >"Souls of dead kids?! Can that happen rick?!" "DUH idiot, I met the Devil Morty! Why question the existence of souls at that point? Anyway that was just a hypothetical cliche. Its probably just that they haven't debugged them right since the late eighties When I made the endoskeletons they skimped me on the actual skin job, got some contractor to do it. So I'm not surprised if they never bothered to read the manual. Never cheap out on robots Morty." "Or else they'll go crazy?" >"belch "No they'll look like f------ crap! The rabbit looks like a lumpy gorilla with scurvy. Wait, they've been killing people right? How have I not heard of that on like the news or something. Robot children's characters murdering people would be pretty big news right?" >"You would not believe the s--- a children's entertainment business will sweep under the rug. Don... Don't look up what people find in ball pits Morty, you can thank me for that](
![Greeman 08/27/14(Wed)17:36:03 No.78269515227826967622782697422782697472278269938 2278269987 2278270060 2278270086 2278270219 File: rick-and-morty-pilot.jpg (37 KB, 400x300) "Morty! Morty, "uuagh* C'mon and help me on this job. I gotta call from this s----- Chuck E Cheese ripoff I made some robots for back in the day. Apparently they've been going crazy murdering guards, standing around all spooky, standard malfunctioning robot bullcrap." "Oh jeeze Rick, that sounds bad. Why are they going crazy?" "No idea. I'm heading over there to see if its just the programming going bad, some kind of structural damage, or if they're haunted by the souls of dead children or some "belch" s--- like that. >"Souls of dead kids?! Can that happen rick?!" "DUH idiot, I met the Devil Morty! Why question the existence of souls at that point? Anyway that was just a hypothetical cliche. Its probably just that they haven't debugged them right since the late eighties When I made the endoskeletons they skimped me on the actual skin job, got some contractor to do it. So I'm not surprised if they never bothered to read the manual. Never cheap out on robots Morty." "Or else they'll go crazy?" >"belch "No they'll look like f------ crap! The rabbit looks like a lumpy gorilla with scurvy. Wait, they've been killing people right? How have I not heard of that on like the news or something. Robot children's characters murdering people would be pretty big news right?" >"You would not believe the s--- a children's entertainment business will sweep under the rug. Don... Don't look up what people find in ball pits Morty, you can thank me for that](
Five Nights at Freddy's
Clown teaser brightened
![SST ER L O C A T O N Sr rjesa o me In every b ody](
![SST ER L O C A T O N Sr rjesa o me In every b ody](
Five Nights at Freddy's
It's funny because it's true
![To Scott's credit, only one of the games was just a dream.](
![To Scott's credit, only one of the games was just a dream.](
Five Nights at Freddy's
The new Mangle?
![SI S T E R L O C AT O N T/h/e/re, s a ttle of me inevery bod y . COFYRIGHT 2016 SCO](
![SI S T E R L O C AT O N T/h/e/re, s a ttle of me inevery bod y . COFYRIGHT 2016 SCO](
Five Nights at Freddy's
Look at this quality merch
This NEEDS to be a reaction image !!](
This NEEDS to be a reaction image !!](
Five Nights at Freddy's
best theories ever
![animegx45 1 day ago Baby is named after Justin Bieber's original hit, hence why she is so terrifying. Reply . 269 View all 78 replies v](
![animegx45 1 day ago Baby is named after Justin Bieber's original hit, hence why she is so terrifying. Reply . 269 View all 78 replies v](
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
Ballora, or as I like to call her, Tiddie McDance
Five Nights at Freddy's
To be continued
![Don't hold it against me](/assets/image-covers/spoiler.png)
Five Nights at Freddy's
theories are coming
Five Nights at Freddy's
Puppet Bonnie?
Five Nights at Freddy's
Scott's lament
![Everyday I stray further away from god.](
![Everyday I stray further away from god.](
Five Nights at Freddy's