Ghostbusters - Images
Ghostbusters Neon Gif

Extreme Ghostbusters: Code Ecto-1, Game Boy Advance.

Paul Feig: Why Men Aren't Funny
![According to Feig, his world has been female-centric from an early age. Growing up in Michigan an only child, and with a father busy running a surplus store, he spent a lot of time with his mother. "Most of my friends growing up were either women or sensitive guys like myself," he notes. Though his last name is pronounced "Feeg," its close enough to a gay slur that boys his age teased him. "You know how guy comedy is," he says. "They would call me names and punch me. And I would think, 'l don't enjoy this male bonding!' And I hated the locker room, because that's where I got beaten up." It's this guy bonding, combined with a world of insults and name-calling and talking about sex and sports that I can't relate to." Feig points out that he finds women can talk as dirty as men. "But it's different. Guy bonding can get kind of ugly, aggressive," he says. "I have so much swearing in my movies, but I have to find people who can swear right. Melissa can say f-' a thousand times and its poetry. A group of guys being bawdy and dirty and nuts, and a group of women being the same way, is a completely different feel." There's a group of guys [who saw it at] 8 or 9 years old," he said. "All these guys grew up with it and it became this real male bonding thing Sadly for humanity, some of those 8-year-old fanboys grew up into grown men who just could not handle the concept of a gender-bending Ghostbusters. They hit the Internet en masse like whiny babies, taking Feig by surprise: "You can't believe it's 2015, especially ith all the Gamergate st -everything's f--ked up." Paul Feig: Why Men Aren't Funny (Guest Column) Poor men. You hear them at the office, in restaurants, in bars, their brains filled with meaningless facts about sports, cars and electronics as they entertain friends with their endless jokes about genitalia and bathroom activities, not to mention their humorous accusations as to the sexual orientation of their conversation partners. They loudly amuse themselves by hurling insults and epithets - the words "d---," "balls" and "ass" being the etymological anchors of their attacks - all fo the express purpose of making one another laugh. They seem to be having such a great time that you'd feel like a monster alerting them to this one unfortunate fact: Men just aren't funny](
![According to Feig, his world has been female-centric from an early age. Growing up in Michigan an only child, and with a father busy running a surplus store, he spent a lot of time with his mother. "Most of my friends growing up were either women or sensitive guys like myself," he notes. Though his last name is pronounced "Feeg," its close enough to a gay slur that boys his age teased him. "You know how guy comedy is," he says. "They would call me names and punch me. And I would think, 'l don't enjoy this male bonding!' And I hated the locker room, because that's where I got beaten up." It's this guy bonding, combined with a world of insults and name-calling and talking about sex and sports that I can't relate to." Feig points out that he finds women can talk as dirty as men. "But it's different. Guy bonding can get kind of ugly, aggressive," he says. "I have so much swearing in my movies, but I have to find people who can swear right. Melissa can say f-' a thousand times and its poetry. A group of guys being bawdy and dirty and nuts, and a group of women being the same way, is a completely different feel." There's a group of guys [who saw it at] 8 or 9 years old," he said. "All these guys grew up with it and it became this real male bonding thing Sadly for humanity, some of those 8-year-old fanboys grew up into grown men who just could not handle the concept of a gender-bending Ghostbusters. They hit the Internet en masse like whiny babies, taking Feig by surprise: "You can't believe it's 2015, especially ith all the Gamergate st -everything's f--ked up." Paul Feig: Why Men Aren't Funny (Guest Column) Poor men. You hear them at the office, in restaurants, in bars, their brains filled with meaningless facts about sports, cars and electronics as they entertain friends with their endless jokes about genitalia and bathroom activities, not to mention their humorous accusations as to the sexual orientation of their conversation partners. They loudly amuse themselves by hurling insults and epithets - the words "d---," "balls" and "ass" being the etymological anchors of their attacks - all fo the express purpose of making one another laugh. They seem to be having such a great time that you'd feel like a monster alerting them to this one unfortunate fact: Men just aren't funny](
Rachel Banks' Article on Bob Chipman (Fake Article)

Nice To See Them Being Faithful To The Original /s

It is related to Ghostbusters 2016, though I would understand it being removed from the GB image gal...

True Gender Equality Has Been Achieved

GhostBuster inadvertently MAGAs

Like a Ghost in a Candy Store

Erma and the Ghostbusters

Leslie, this is not how an adult should speak

Well, this makes me despise him even more

The Leaked Sony Email

Ghostbusters 2016 Pixel Art by Paul Robertson

From Reddit

Gang's All Here
