God of War (2018) - Images
"HEAD" and "BOY"

God of War (2018)
God of War reference in WoW

God of War (2018)
Happy with a Dragon

God of War (2018)
A man and a bird

God of War (2018)
Selfie Kratos

God of War (2018)
Happy Boat Boy

God of War (2018)
Boy. We're getting a new computer.

God of War (2018)
Triple H as Kratos

God of War (2018)
Atreus, you little demon!

God of War (2018)
He was threatening wearing a cow suit, a fish costume, a baked potatoe and cardboard robot suit. The...

God of War (2018)
Drakeposting / Thor

God of War (2018)
God of War photo mode is weird

God of War (2018)
Atreus shoots Kratos

God of War (2018)
He protec / He attac / but most importantly / He come bac

God of War (2018)

God of War (2018)
Since everyone is making the connections and jokes I had to put in my support too by MegaDriveBrad

God of War (2018)