Gone With The Blastwave - Images
Behold, a Duck!

Gone With The Blastwave
Sniper and the plane

Gone With The Blastwave
Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Cliffhangers?

Gone With The Blastwave
Gone With The Bullets
![Artist's Description:
My brother is a fan of the Gone With the Blastwave comic ([link]) and we were discussing how much work these characters would be to make.
I just started doodling something and messed around with it a bit till i had this.
Nothing fancy but was fun to do anyways :)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/931/415/6c5.jpg)
![Artist's Description:
My brother is a fan of the Gone With the Blastwave comic ([link]) and we were discussing how much work these characters would be to make.
I just started doodling something and messed around with it a bit till i had this.
Nothing fancy but was fun to do anyways :)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/931/415/6c5.jpg)
Gone With The Blastwave
GWTB 250K - Simulation Hypothesis

Gone With The Blastwave
GWTB 250K - The Megastructure

Gone With The Blastwave

Gone With The Blastwave
25 Essential Expressions

Gone With The Blastwave
#34. This is it.

Gone With The Blastwave
#33. Bigger part of the army.

Gone With The Blastwave
#32. Rest of the herd 2

Gone With The Blastwave
#31. Death Wish

Gone With The Blastwave
#30. Rubble

Gone With The Blastwave
#29. No man left behind.

Gone With The Blastwave
#28. Tank 3.

Gone With The Blastwave
#27. Tank 2.

Gone With The Blastwave