K-On! - Images + Sorted By: Newest Oldest Comments Favorites High Score Low Score Views Feetsu K-On! feet ritsu tainaka laying down lying bed Smol Yui K-On! chibi yui hirasawa tiny cute happy Her Only Salvation K-On! strawberry mio akiyama tears crying dead inside Nothing To See Here K-On! rice bowl mio akiyama visual pun Azunom K-On! eating nom donut cute munch food azunyan azusa neko bite Killer Move K-On! pillow fight mugi kotobugi tsumugi subtitles Mio Wants That Booty K-On! akiyama pervert ritsu out of context If You Couldn't Tell K-On! mugi cute happy excited Yui Peek K-On! looking cute adorable hirasawa Mugi-gasm K-On! implied blushing open mouth kotobuki tsumugi lewd Out Of Context #3 K-On! mugi blushing lewd open mouth Comfy Mio K-On! scarf smile akiyama happy smol chibi blush cute Smol Ritsu K-On! chopsticks eating screencap low res cute Mugitsu K-On! peace pose duo mugi ritsu happy smile wink tongue low res yui K-On! hirasawa screencap quailty Ritsusa K-On! ritsu tainaka azusa nakano azunyan Today's Top Image Galleries My Little Pony Hex Maniac Dungeons and Dragons J.D. Vance Face Edits