Kingdom Hearts - Images
When you see this, you know you're in deep sh*t.

Kingdom Hearts
Hope and Riku.

Kingdom Hearts
Lightning and Sora.

Kingdom Hearts
No, seriously, what was up with THAT?

Kingdom Hearts
Hey, the bitch had it coming!

Kingdom Hearts
Goddamit, Xehanort!

Kingdom Hearts
Sora's hands.

Kingdom Hearts
Get a pet T-Rex, they said... It's going to be FUN, they said...

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts
Let's be honest, a lot of us want to see Yen Sid in his youth.

Kingdom Hearts
Accurate again

Kingdom Hearts
American politics are like Kingdom Hearts. Nobody gets what's going on, you fight over health, Donal...

Kingdom Hearts
KH3 and KH2.8 trailers coming out today

Kingdom Hearts
Awesome but impractical ship is still impractical.

Kingdom Hearts
Larxene Lol

Kingdom Hearts