Leslie and Brianne - Images
Thank you @Newgrounds !! 🧡🤍
Leslie and Brianne
Leslie and Brianne
Dumb question
Leslie and Brianne
Lesbians celebrate with Sonic
Leslie and Brianne
D-word pass
Leslie and Brianne
Let her cook
Leslie and Brianne
Leslie and Brianne
TV people
Leslie and Brianne
Leslie and Brianne start walking home. Meanwhile Jamal is down in the dumps, but then the real Taylor Swift shows up and offers him a job as her personal security for the Super Bowl.
Leslie and Brianne
Leslie puts the glasses onto Brianne and the reporters melt into dust or something idk
Leslie and Brianne
Leslie heard that T Swift was in Yonkers and realized that Brianne musta tripped over a hot dog again so she convinces the security guard to let her into the Bath & Body Works.
Leslie and Brianne
Jamal defends Brianne (who looks like Taylor Swift now) from hoards of paparazzi as she shops for a Valentine's Day Gift at a Bath & Body Works.
Leslie and Brianne
Brianne takes a tumble while on the search for Leslie's Valentine's Day gift, but luckily a friendly stranger is eager to help.
Leslie and Brianne
lesbian vape
Leslie and Brianne
sitcom entrance
Leslie and Brianne
Insurrect that ass
Leslie and Brianne
26+6=1 for a United Ireland
Leslie and Brianne
Cheap knockoff
Leslie and Brianne
Vote in 2024
Leslie and Brianne
lesbians walk
Leslie and Brianne