Megami Tensei - Persona - Images
Only in your imagination, Adachi
Megami Tensei - Persona
I hope it isn't Mystery Food X
Megami Tensei - Persona
Rise's butt has graced this floor.
Megami Tensei - Persona
I actually feel sad for him
Megami Tensei - Persona
He stole his color!
Megami Tensei - Persona
She's been taking lessons from Kanji again
Megami Tensei - Persona
That's why you don't kick an armored target
Megami Tensei - Persona
Real offensive Yu
Megami Tensei - Persona
You can tell a lot about a person by going through their phone
Megami Tensei - Persona
He so freaking persuasive,I spent all my money on FISH!
Megami Tensei - Persona
She's so cute!!!!!
Megami Tensei - Persona
What if they really were just purse owners and they just smacked shadows to death with their handbags?
Megami Tensei - Persona
He's actually right about that
Megami Tensei - Persona
Am I the only one who want a female MC in Persona 4?
Megami Tensei - Persona
Apartment of a serial killer
Megami Tensei - Persona
You are not alone
Megami Tensei - Persona
Ken's type
Megami Tensei - Persona
Spaghetti Aki-senpai
Megami Tensei - Persona
Baby you're so fine, you're hotter than Maragidyne.
Megami Tensei - Persona
Who said learning how to cook was useless?
Megami Tensei - Persona