Metroid - Images
"[Metroid] Samus (and Others) performed MJ's Thriller [MMD]":
(thanks Anyone00)](
"[Metroid] Samus (and Others) performed MJ's Thriller [MMD]":
(thanks Anyone00)](
25th Anniversary Wallpaper
Zero Suit Samus in a MorphBall
Samus v. Dark Samus
filthy casuals will never be able to cross the noob bridge like this
![ENERGY 67030 07](
![ENERGY 67030 07](
/v/ explains how to walljump in Super Metroid (which actually was a bit tricky if you weren't used t...
![■ Anonymous 05/17/13(Fri)09:29 No. 190088783 O Replies: 22190093982 22190094467 Here's the method to do it every single time. >Do a spinning jump and get against the wall >Don't hold toward the wall when you get to the wall. Let go and let yourself fall neutrally down >Press the D-pad in the opposite direction of the wall. Samus should change to her walljumping pose >Press jump. A common mistake is to try and press the D-pad and jump at the same time. You have to press the D-pad slightly before you jump.](
![■ Anonymous 05/17/13(Fri)09:29 No. 190088783 O Replies: 22190093982 22190094467 Here's the method to do it every single time. >Do a spinning jump and get against the wall >Don't hold toward the wall when you get to the wall. Let go and let yourself fall neutrally down >Press the D-pad in the opposite direction of the wall. Samus should change to her walljumping pose >Press jump. A common mistake is to try and press the D-pad and jump at the same time. You have to press the D-pad slightly before you jump.](
Trippin' Balls
![6 DRIP Deip Vipfih' balls, man DRIP](
![6 DRIP Deip Vipfih' balls, man DRIP](
Samus pls
Samus is Puke-chan
Samus is Batman
Legend of Zelda & Metroid celebrate their 25th anniversaries
![1n 25 2.5](
![1n 25 2.5](
Metroid game tier list (Hunters is only meh if you have no friends)
![□ Anonymous 11/07/12 Wed)18:11 No. 161583476 Replies: >>161583616 >>161583747 >>16158726322161590252 >>161598515 among the best games ever made Tier: Super Metroid Metroid Prime Great Tier Zero Mission Prime Good Tier: Pinball Prime 3 Fusion Meh Tier: Hunters Outdated Tier Return of Samus Metroid Why Tier: Other M](
![□ Anonymous 11/07/12 Wed)18:11 No. 161583476 Replies: >>161583616 >>161583747 >>16158726322161590252 >>161598515 among the best games ever made Tier: Super Metroid Metroid Prime Great Tier Zero Mission Prime Good Tier: Pinball Prime 3 Fusion Meh Tier: Hunters Outdated Tier Return of Samus Metroid Why Tier: Other M](
See it's funny because there's this other game Team Ninja made and-- ah, hell, you guys get it.
/v/ lists the plot holes and other issues in Other M
![File: 1350255986291ipg-(127 KB, 547x768, otherm.jpg) igdb google Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:06 No. 158583208 [▼] Wii Why does a species that starts out as a bird thing with 2 legs with backwards bending knees Metamorphose into a quadrupedal lizard and then again into a bipedal dragon with wings on its back, instead of being a wyvern, with wings on its arms, as its first form would suggest? Why would it need two stages of metamorphosis at all? Why did it go months without showing significant growth or changing forms, and then suddenly grow to fifty times its size in one day? Why didn't Samus's scanners identity it as Ridley, considering it has encyclopedic knowledge of every known species in the galaxy and the ability to make conclusions about what unknown organisms may be based on their physiology? Why didnt samus, Ridley's mortal enemy, know anything about his species? Why didn't the scientists who cloned it not know anything about it either? Why they not realize it wouldn't be best to leave the door to an enclosure with a creature with rows of razor sharp fan he was fully grown why he tried his best to kill her when he was in his second form? open, and why would t go in their without any form of protection? Why did Ridley toy with samus when □ Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:14 No. 158584105 [▼] OtherMM If the space pirates aren't sapient and can't function without the direct control of mother brain, how did they put her back together when samus blew her up the first time? How does mother brain control space pirates presumably commuting space piracy out in space, far away from zebes and well outside of what should be her zone of control? Why can't she control other non-sapient creatures? If mother brain was the culmination of years of work by the consolidate the technology to fully replicate her function in a 100 times smaller brain, in two months? How does MB function without the presumably necessary giant brain to control the various bioweapons aboard the bottle ship? If mother brain rebelled against the chozo because she was sentient, why would the GF think that copying the functions and personality of mother brain into another thing that is also sentient would cause anything but the same result? Why did they not at least install a kill switch in her? Why did they not install a kill switch in EVERYTHING? If MB dies from gun shot wounds, how did she kill the deleter, despite not having any protection from bioweapons or anything else? Why would the GF attempt to how were the humans abl apture an android that they knew could easily over power them according to her specifications 10/14/12(Sun)19:20 No 584776 Cold always hurt or sedated the metroids because they're energy based organisms, and cold is the absence of kinetic energy. How did the GF "breed" that out? Why did Adam sacrifice his life to blow up secto Why did samus not tell him that she saw things that had been killed by metroids and knew at least some of them were outside of sector zero? Why was the clone of the infant metroid able to produce cold resistant metroids despite not being one of the metroids with the genetic modification to do so? What were those purple o when he knew at the end of the mission the GF was just going to blow up the whole ship after the mission? tal thin 10/14/12(Sun)19:29 No 826 How did a splinter cell of the GF manage to hide a planet sized space station, which they presumably stole somehow? Why would they build a giant 50 acre enclosure of lava to contain samples of like, 4 or 5 species of creatures? Presumably the place was full of scientists, but when Samus explores, she finds a grand total of one body. Where did the rest go? Did they have time to all escape? If they all escaped, why did they send out a distress call? Near the end of the game, the bottle ship starts heading for the GF. Why was this supposed to be a threat? Wouldn't the GF see the f------ metal planet coming from ten million miles away? How was it planning on delivering it's payload of monsters to a GF planet without crashing into it and wiping out all life anyway? Near the very end a computer says that the bottle ship was "approaching GF orbit". The GF is an interstellar organization, did they mean that it was outside the galaxy's orbit until then? Or did they mean that it was entering orbit with the capital star/planet? Why didn't the GF react sooner if that was the case? Instead of sacrificing himself to stop the metroids why didn't adam just stop the engines from his place in the f------ control room? [-] □ Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:39 No.1 58587084 [▼] >> Why did Adam have a highly trained Galactic Federation a answer the Bottle Ship's di on crew composed ned operatives why not send 6 spedci how did he know he had to kill them at during the mission, rather than afterwards? If they'd had 6 soldiers, rather than 0, they might have been able to neutralize MB immediately without Samus even figuring out what wa nothing? If Adam already knew what MB looked li ther than 5 normal guys and one trained killer? If the Deleter was re specifically to kill Adam's men en couldn't have received any communication, because it was all being jammed. Why would the Deleter kill his platoon ow did Adam recognized MB's face i had never been to the Bottle Ship before? Did know all this troy the computer s t and tell Samus why did the Deleter even bother trying to kill anyone ms 10/14/12(Sun)19:40 No If it was MB's pla e the cloned zebesian monsters to get revenge on the GF, wh wait out in space until the GF sent a team in to actually start doing knew the GF was on boa her, why didn't imme If with tho arly indestructible ball ? Why the F--- di trust Samus Aran, the legendary avatar of war? Wh the GF send for suivors in ace of the star? When the covered it was full of incredibly dangerous bioweapons with thei soccer pads instead of calling the GF and letting them know so they could send properly equipped troops to come clear it out, or even just make the reasonable and nearly correct guess that everyone was dead or gone? Why didn't Adam do anything about the deleter? If the splinter cell wanted to clear evidence of thei age recovery tea m instead of structing the space station or setting it to fly out into deep space? imes [-] □ Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:43 No.1](
![File: 1350255986291ipg-(127 KB, 547x768, otherm.jpg) igdb google Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:06 No. 158583208 [▼] Wii Why does a species that starts out as a bird thing with 2 legs with backwards bending knees Metamorphose into a quadrupedal lizard and then again into a bipedal dragon with wings on its back, instead of being a wyvern, with wings on its arms, as its first form would suggest? Why would it need two stages of metamorphosis at all? Why did it go months without showing significant growth or changing forms, and then suddenly grow to fifty times its size in one day? Why didn't Samus's scanners identity it as Ridley, considering it has encyclopedic knowledge of every known species in the galaxy and the ability to make conclusions about what unknown organisms may be based on their physiology? Why didnt samus, Ridley's mortal enemy, know anything about his species? Why didn't the scientists who cloned it not know anything about it either? Why they not realize it wouldn't be best to leave the door to an enclosure with a creature with rows of razor sharp fan he was fully grown why he tried his best to kill her when he was in his second form? open, and why would t go in their without any form of protection? Why did Ridley toy with samus when □ Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:14 No. 158584105 [▼] OtherMM If the space pirates aren't sapient and can't function without the direct control of mother brain, how did they put her back together when samus blew her up the first time? How does mother brain control space pirates presumably commuting space piracy out in space, far away from zebes and well outside of what should be her zone of control? Why can't she control other non-sapient creatures? If mother brain was the culmination of years of work by the consolidate the technology to fully replicate her function in a 100 times smaller brain, in two months? How does MB function without the presumably necessary giant brain to control the various bioweapons aboard the bottle ship? If mother brain rebelled against the chozo because she was sentient, why would the GF think that copying the functions and personality of mother brain into another thing that is also sentient would cause anything but the same result? Why did they not at least install a kill switch in her? Why did they not install a kill switch in EVERYTHING? If MB dies from gun shot wounds, how did she kill the deleter, despite not having any protection from bioweapons or anything else? Why would the GF attempt to how were the humans abl apture an android that they knew could easily over power them according to her specifications 10/14/12(Sun)19:20 No 584776 Cold always hurt or sedated the metroids because they're energy based organisms, and cold is the absence of kinetic energy. How did the GF "breed" that out? Why did Adam sacrifice his life to blow up secto Why did samus not tell him that she saw things that had been killed by metroids and knew at least some of them were outside of sector zero? Why was the clone of the infant metroid able to produce cold resistant metroids despite not being one of the metroids with the genetic modification to do so? What were those purple o when he knew at the end of the mission the GF was just going to blow up the whole ship after the mission? tal thin 10/14/12(Sun)19:29 No 826 How did a splinter cell of the GF manage to hide a planet sized space station, which they presumably stole somehow? Why would they build a giant 50 acre enclosure of lava to contain samples of like, 4 or 5 species of creatures? Presumably the place was full of scientists, but when Samus explores, she finds a grand total of one body. Where did the rest go? Did they have time to all escape? If they all escaped, why did they send out a distress call? Near the end of the game, the bottle ship starts heading for the GF. Why was this supposed to be a threat? Wouldn't the GF see the f------ metal planet coming from ten million miles away? How was it planning on delivering it's payload of monsters to a GF planet without crashing into it and wiping out all life anyway? Near the very end a computer says that the bottle ship was "approaching GF orbit". The GF is an interstellar organization, did they mean that it was outside the galaxy's orbit until then? Or did they mean that it was entering orbit with the capital star/planet? Why didn't the GF react sooner if that was the case? Instead of sacrificing himself to stop the metroids why didn't adam just stop the engines from his place in the f------ control room? [-] □ Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:39 No.1 58587084 [▼] >> Why did Adam have a highly trained Galactic Federation a answer the Bottle Ship's di on crew composed ned operatives why not send 6 spedci how did he know he had to kill them at during the mission, rather than afterwards? If they'd had 6 soldiers, rather than 0, they might have been able to neutralize MB immediately without Samus even figuring out what wa nothing? If Adam already knew what MB looked li ther than 5 normal guys and one trained killer? If the Deleter was re specifically to kill Adam's men en couldn't have received any communication, because it was all being jammed. Why would the Deleter kill his platoon ow did Adam recognized MB's face i had never been to the Bottle Ship before? Did know all this troy the computer s t and tell Samus why did the Deleter even bother trying to kill anyone ms 10/14/12(Sun)19:40 No If it was MB's pla e the cloned zebesian monsters to get revenge on the GF, wh wait out in space until the GF sent a team in to actually start doing knew the GF was on boa her, why didn't imme If with tho arly indestructible ball ? Why the F--- di trust Samus Aran, the legendary avatar of war? Wh the GF send for suivors in ace of the star? When the covered it was full of incredibly dangerous bioweapons with thei soccer pads instead of calling the GF and letting them know so they could send properly equipped troops to come clear it out, or even just make the reasonable and nearly correct guess that everyone was dead or gone? Why didn't Adam do anything about the deleter? If the splinter cell wanted to clear evidence of thei age recovery tea m instead of structing the space station or setting it to fly out into deep space? imes [-] □ Anonymous 10/14/12(Sun)19:43 No.1](
Master Chief and Samus Aran
![Whenever compared with other characters, most usually match Samus with Master Chief](
![Whenever compared with other characters, most usually match Samus with Master Chief](