Mobile Suit Gundam - Images
perfect defense
![so that's where the enact and flag got those spinning shield things from](
![so that's where the enact and flag got those spinning shield things from](
Mobile Suit Gundam
Nether gundam discussion on /M/
![| Fle g (185 KB, 306x481) s 09/08/14(Mon)08.07 49 No.11340936 File: Don trust the_dutch webm (1019 KB, 704x480) Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)05. 17:07 No 11335133 11342234 D Anonymous 09 07/14(Sun 04.18:08 No.1 1335012 Hello I'm the Windmill Gundam and Im not a very important character >>11335032-133504221133505122113313522113maszz11337924 11338虹2211 416942211342嗌リ1134229 11335065 thats only our perception, in reality X Gundam makes the entire universe spin around it thats why its true name is X Axis Gundam Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:19.12 No.11335016 Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)17:56 48 No.11337735 Dont say that, you put an interesting spin on things 2211335012 (0P) Your windmill should keep your colony cool Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:27:21 No 11335024 s 09/08/14(Mon)12 29 50 No 1 1 341 694 1341쁘쯔11341716 File: 1397525415765ipg (27 KB, 381x207) what a roundabout way of introducing yourself Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)18:12 15 No 11 337785 211335012 (OP) Calm down, you look a bit too winded up. We can't let Anaheim catch wind of this ! Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:30:45 No 11335030 トー1133503S BLOW ME AWAYI Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)18:42:16 No 11337900 D Calvin Coolage 09/08/14(Mon)12:32 00 No 11341697 (60 KB, 320x201) Little know fact Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:32:18 No.11335035 211341694 They'd be able to blow away any competitors. Okawara orginally designed the Nether Gundam for Dougram. But the original head design was rather forgettable. Consequently, the writers forgot to use it. More than a decade later, after a drunken tour of Tokyo's red light district, Okawara had pictures of Neanderthal (the original name) in various compromising positions with with a bunch of underage RX-7s Okawara used those pics to convince Neanderthal to don a Gundam helmet and a windmill and exhibit itself in the current Gundam series. Neanderthal acquiesced, but spent most of its time hiding in the scenery out of embarrassment. As yet unconfirmed s the rumor that the whole blackmail scheme was cooked up by Okawara in order to win an unspecified bet with Sho Aikawa 11335030 Only the strongest winds survive? Anonymous 09/07/14Sun04:34:10 No.11335038 Mattman3241C9UNU3559A 09/08/14(Mon)12 37:45 No 1 1341 716 | Mattman324IC9UNU3S59A 09/07/14(Sun)18:56:37 No 11337934トーtsetas IAM A WIND OF DESTRUCTIONI You mean we can Nether let them catch wind of it? Dont say that man, Im a big fan of your work. ! Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun) 19 13 49 No 1 1 338003 I can't see why you're a fan of much a blowhard Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)21:06 28 No 11 338607 Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04 36:28 No 11335041 Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)14:01:06 No.11342015 File Winds of war 11338729 (5 KB, 180x120) 2211337934 Anonymous 09/07/14Sun04:36:36 No.11335042 nether regions on public display 211335012 (0P) Oh hi la Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:41:49 No.11335050 Silly, you're no run of the mill characterl Anonymous 09108/14(Mon)14:04:05 No. 11342025 Calm down guys, no need to get the wind up Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)21:30.29 No. 11338729 because of you the winds of change are blowing Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)0441 57 No 1 1335051 ト쯔1133soe9 113ss Hey, hey, that's nether here nor there. Spanish Inquisition 0908/14(Mon)14:05:37 No.11342034 windmill gundam clearly that's the turn X Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)21:59:08 No 11338923 welcome to the_netherworld.jpg (27 KB, 120x120) Beware: l can and well wreck your s---. Anonymous 09107/14(Sun)04:46 09 No.11335060 Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)14:11:25 No.11342055 Polders give bonus to food and production. Neo-Netherlands stronk s it's a turning X OH SNAP D Anonym,ous 09/08/14(Mon)14:18:13 No.11342080 g (40 KB, 300x300) ! Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04 46 19 No 11335063 -m1335065 Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)00:57:08 No. 1 1 339768トー I can't tell ifit's X or Turn X. It's spinning too fast I think the Nether Gundam would look have looked slightly better if the windmill blades were on its back instead of its chest Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:47:32 No. 11335065 11335133 ain Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)00:59:14 No. 1 1 339773 "1LY04 2211335063 but.the body is spinning, not the X. 1339768 But then its just Crossbone. Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)14 36:06 No 11342156· 11342221 LI Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:50 14 No 11 335068 File: your father iog (10 KB, 300x300) 11342136 Mattman3241C9UNU3S59A 09/08/14(Mon)04: 12:56 No.1 1 340498 its the Zeong XI D Mattman3241C9UNU3S59A 09/08/14(Mon)14:43:31 No 11342186 File: NETHERLANDS ing (19 KB, 485x333) Turn Crossbone Gundam Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)07:56 51 No. 11340921 You shouldn't be milling around here. Please leave You guys gave me a chuckle. Anonymous 09 08/14(Mon)14:54:35 No.11342221 not simply "blow me almost had it, anon Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)15:13:21 No 11342259 YOUR WIND IS THE WIND THAT WILL BLOW THROUGH THE HEAVENSII Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)16:01:42 No.11342445 $1342136 Who passed wind on your cornflakes?](
![| Fle g (185 KB, 306x481) s 09/08/14(Mon)08.07 49 No.11340936 File: Don trust the_dutch webm (1019 KB, 704x480) Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)05. 17:07 No 11335133 11342234 D Anonymous 09 07/14(Sun 04.18:08 No.1 1335012 Hello I'm the Windmill Gundam and Im not a very important character >>11335032-133504221133505122113313522113maszz11337924 11338虹2211 416942211342嗌リ1134229 11335065 thats only our perception, in reality X Gundam makes the entire universe spin around it thats why its true name is X Axis Gundam Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:19.12 No.11335016 Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)17:56 48 No.11337735 Dont say that, you put an interesting spin on things 2211335012 (0P) Your windmill should keep your colony cool Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:27:21 No 11335024 s 09/08/14(Mon)12 29 50 No 1 1 341 694 1341쁘쯔11341716 File: 1397525415765ipg (27 KB, 381x207) what a roundabout way of introducing yourself Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)18:12 15 No 11 337785 211335012 (OP) Calm down, you look a bit too winded up. We can't let Anaheim catch wind of this ! Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:30:45 No 11335030 トー1133503S BLOW ME AWAYI Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)18:42:16 No 11337900 D Calvin Coolage 09/08/14(Mon)12:32 00 No 11341697 (60 KB, 320x201) Little know fact Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:32:18 No.11335035 211341694 They'd be able to blow away any competitors. Okawara orginally designed the Nether Gundam for Dougram. But the original head design was rather forgettable. Consequently, the writers forgot to use it. More than a decade later, after a drunken tour of Tokyo's red light district, Okawara had pictures of Neanderthal (the original name) in various compromising positions with with a bunch of underage RX-7s Okawara used those pics to convince Neanderthal to don a Gundam helmet and a windmill and exhibit itself in the current Gundam series. Neanderthal acquiesced, but spent most of its time hiding in the scenery out of embarrassment. As yet unconfirmed s the rumor that the whole blackmail scheme was cooked up by Okawara in order to win an unspecified bet with Sho Aikawa 11335030 Only the strongest winds survive? Anonymous 09/07/14Sun04:34:10 No.11335038 Mattman3241C9UNU3559A 09/08/14(Mon)12 37:45 No 1 1341 716 | Mattman324IC9UNU3S59A 09/07/14(Sun)18:56:37 No 11337934トーtsetas IAM A WIND OF DESTRUCTIONI You mean we can Nether let them catch wind of it? Dont say that man, Im a big fan of your work. ! Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun) 19 13 49 No 1 1 338003 I can't see why you're a fan of much a blowhard Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)21:06 28 No 11 338607 Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04 36:28 No 11335041 Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)14:01:06 No.11342015 File Winds of war 11338729 (5 KB, 180x120) 2211337934 Anonymous 09/07/14Sun04:36:36 No.11335042 nether regions on public display 211335012 (0P) Oh hi la Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:41:49 No.11335050 Silly, you're no run of the mill characterl Anonymous 09108/14(Mon)14:04:05 No. 11342025 Calm down guys, no need to get the wind up Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)21:30.29 No. 11338729 because of you the winds of change are blowing Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)0441 57 No 1 1335051 ト쯔1133soe9 113ss Hey, hey, that's nether here nor there. Spanish Inquisition 0908/14(Mon)14:05:37 No.11342034 windmill gundam clearly that's the turn X Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)21:59:08 No 11338923 welcome to the_netherworld.jpg (27 KB, 120x120) Beware: l can and well wreck your s---. Anonymous 09107/14(Sun)04:46 09 No.11335060 Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)14:11:25 No.11342055 Polders give bonus to food and production. Neo-Netherlands stronk s it's a turning X OH SNAP D Anonym,ous 09/08/14(Mon)14:18:13 No.11342080 g (40 KB, 300x300) ! Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04 46 19 No 11335063 -m1335065 Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)00:57:08 No. 1 1 339768トー I can't tell ifit's X or Turn X. It's spinning too fast I think the Nether Gundam would look have looked slightly better if the windmill blades were on its back instead of its chest Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:47:32 No. 11335065 11335133 ain Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)00:59:14 No. 1 1 339773 "1LY04 2211335063 but.the body is spinning, not the X. 1339768 But then its just Crossbone. Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)14 36:06 No 11342156· 11342221 LI Anonymous 09/07/14(Sun)04:50 14 No 11 335068 File: your father iog (10 KB, 300x300) 11342136 Mattman3241C9UNU3S59A 09/08/14(Mon)04: 12:56 No.1 1 340498 its the Zeong XI D Mattman3241C9UNU3S59A 09/08/14(Mon)14:43:31 No 11342186 File: NETHERLANDS ing (19 KB, 485x333) Turn Crossbone Gundam Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)07:56 51 No. 11340921 You shouldn't be milling around here. Please leave You guys gave me a chuckle. Anonymous 09 08/14(Mon)14:54:35 No.11342221 not simply "blow me almost had it, anon Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)15:13:21 No 11342259 YOUR WIND IS THE WIND THAT WILL BLOW THROUGH THE HEAVENSII Anonymous 09/08/14(Mon)16:01:42 No.11342445 $1342136 Who passed wind on your cornflakes?](
Mobile Suit Gundam
[muffled Rules of Nature playing in the background]
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Mobile Suit Gundam
Okay, I think I went too far with this one
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Nils & Iok
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Mobile Suit Gundam
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Mobile Suit Gundam
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Impressed in Dozle
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Space Guts went Berserk
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Mobile Suit Gundam
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Mobile Suit Gundam