Monster Girls - Images
Slime Gif
![No nips, no problem](/assets/image-covers/nsfw.png)
Monster Girls
Slime Wolf Girl
Monster Girls
Sometimes it gets cold in the underworld/hell/demon realm etc.
Monster Girls
A Sweater and Webbing to Keep Her Warm
Monster Girls
Turleneck Without a Neck
!["Danbooru source":](
!["Danbooru source":](
Monster Girls
Battle-Ready Sweater
danbooru translation: One-eyed day? What in the world is that?](
danbooru translation: One-eyed day? What in the world is that?](
Monster Girls
Special Sweater For a Little Centar
Monster Girls
Fun Fact: Lamias Conserve Body Heat not only by Cuddling, but also by Wearing Cute Sweaters
Both text and non text versions available at source.
Danbooru translation (from top to bottom and left to right): Hey,♥ can I ♥ eat you?♥
Apparently her name is Madara.](
Both text and non text versions available at source.
Danbooru translation (from top to bottom and left to right): Hey,♥ can I ♥ eat you?♥
Apparently her name is Madara.](
Monster Girls
This raises a fair amount of questions.
Monster Girls
Miss Anubis attempts to win the affections of Sir Anon, Act Three
![Violated Hero 01/12/16(Tue) 00:35:59 ID: fc2e96 No. 12799622128017 >>128022 >>128088 File (hide): 1452576959917-0 ipg (122.58 KB 812x367, 812:367, Capture.JPG) File (hide): 1452576959917-1ipg (2.83 MB 1837x2257, 1837:2257 D DAMN HARUHI STOP LOOKI AT ME LIKE THAT! ARE YOU ON DRUGS 127715 2> >>12771 >12775 127755 (Checked) 2127800 (Double Checked) >127966 (Triple Checked) Dudes And I'm fresh out of fresh Anubis, so please tolerate some Dust of Osiris you're embarrassing me >realise that no matter how alluring my charms are they're useless against a modern gentleman of good taste and high breeding >begin research into the culture of this sodden hole >every book from the college library instructs me on the superiority and inimitability of British culture so much for that idea >look into others >no-one likes cheese eating war monkeys >Teutons >what culture >week passes and I finally stumble upon the perfect solution to all of my problems >the next day can't come soon enough >walk up to Anon's desk Mr Anonymous I heard you hate them kaffas ya? >I give him my best South African "smile >I'm repaid with a look of horror Ah, would you like to eat some b-biltong with me ya? >l ask, putting the disgusting piece of dried meat between my teeth have to hold >pull out some dried fruit from W-we can make it a date >what man can resist the riches of olde Egypt? the clock strikes 3 Ere that lads! >man and monster is eagerly shuffling out of the class room >good Ra please help me THREE A BONG, THREE A BONG, TEA TIME'S COME back my gag reflex, not even a sandworm would want to eat this rotten flesh my pockets push myself to the top of the s We'll play rugby later ya? I'll see you there Mr Anonymous ya? >I think I really felt a connection between Anon and I today urging wave of Mams and Gents](
![Violated Hero 01/12/16(Tue) 00:35:59 ID: fc2e96 No. 12799622128017 >>128022 >>128088 File (hide): 1452576959917-0 ipg (122.58 KB 812x367, 812:367, Capture.JPG) File (hide): 1452576959917-1ipg (2.83 MB 1837x2257, 1837:2257 D DAMN HARUHI STOP LOOKI AT ME LIKE THAT! ARE YOU ON DRUGS 127715 2> >>12771 >12775 127755 (Checked) 2127800 (Double Checked) >127966 (Triple Checked) Dudes And I'm fresh out of fresh Anubis, so please tolerate some Dust of Osiris you're embarrassing me >realise that no matter how alluring my charms are they're useless against a modern gentleman of good taste and high breeding >begin research into the culture of this sodden hole >every book from the college library instructs me on the superiority and inimitability of British culture so much for that idea >look into others >no-one likes cheese eating war monkeys >Teutons >what culture >week passes and I finally stumble upon the perfect solution to all of my problems >the next day can't come soon enough >walk up to Anon's desk Mr Anonymous I heard you hate them kaffas ya? >I give him my best South African "smile >I'm repaid with a look of horror Ah, would you like to eat some b-biltong with me ya? >l ask, putting the disgusting piece of dried meat between my teeth have to hold >pull out some dried fruit from W-we can make it a date >what man can resist the riches of olde Egypt? the clock strikes 3 Ere that lads! >man and monster is eagerly shuffling out of the class room >good Ra please help me THREE A BONG, THREE A BONG, TEA TIME'S COME back my gag reflex, not even a sandworm would want to eat this rotten flesh my pockets push myself to the top of the s We'll play rugby later ya? I'll see you there Mr Anonymous ya? >I think I really felt a connection between Anon and I today urging wave of Mams and Gents](
Monster Girls
Miss Anubis attempts to win the affections of Sir Anon, Act Two
![Violated Hero 01/11/16 (Mon) 09:13:05 ID fc2e96 No. 127610 22127624 2212771 5 22127718 22127750 22127755 22127800 127600 go to class before anyone else the next day eventually the class shuffles in and Professor Bloom's just starts his 'introductory" lecture on the links between Antony and Cleopatra, Simon Magnus and Helen of Troy, Lilith and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade >will Shakespeare's brilliance ever end? eventually roles are given out to the class for our dramatic reading big surprise over who gets Cleo >Anon gets Antony >everything's going to script >beginnings out of the way >mytimeisnowuhhuyoucan'tseememytimeisnow.phonograplh throw off suspiciously large and dusty coat to reveal just how seriously I'm taking my character >wearing >cotton loincloth sewn to show off more than cover pharaoh-bearing hips and juicy ass golden sun disk around my neck demonstrates the soft give of my chest >bangles on slender wrist and ankles jingle like bell:s and of course the piece de resistance, nipple tassels >get up and begin to work seductively towards Anorn realise I'm getting holes drilled into the back of my head by every monster girl in class > I care as long as Anon's pants flood like the Nile delta get half way down the row before a furry leg trips me hit the floor face first >som Here lies the noblest Roman of them al >that's from Julius Caesar you nouve-riche at this instant I see Mr Anonymous walking over to help me up like a true gentleman tears in my eyes are now of joy, mum's gonna be so proud I get tackled from behind by gold-crazed dragon >dragon gets tackled by wannabe dragon-slayer >everyone's sent to the headmaster's office for six and eight hits >can't wait for the underworld Anubis seduction starter kit e wit stands up and delivers peasant](
![Violated Hero 01/11/16 (Mon) 09:13:05 ID fc2e96 No. 127610 22127624 2212771 5 22127718 22127750 22127755 22127800 127600 go to class before anyone else the next day eventually the class shuffles in and Professor Bloom's just starts his 'introductory" lecture on the links between Antony and Cleopatra, Simon Magnus and Helen of Troy, Lilith and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade >will Shakespeare's brilliance ever end? eventually roles are given out to the class for our dramatic reading big surprise over who gets Cleo >Anon gets Antony >everything's going to script >beginnings out of the way >mytimeisnowuhhuyoucan'tseememytimeisnow.phonograplh throw off suspiciously large and dusty coat to reveal just how seriously I'm taking my character >wearing >cotton loincloth sewn to show off more than cover pharaoh-bearing hips and juicy ass golden sun disk around my neck demonstrates the soft give of my chest >bangles on slender wrist and ankles jingle like bell:s and of course the piece de resistance, nipple tassels >get up and begin to work seductively towards Anorn realise I'm getting holes drilled into the back of my head by every monster girl in class > I care as long as Anon's pants flood like the Nile delta get half way down the row before a furry leg trips me hit the floor face first >som Here lies the noblest Roman of them al >that's from Julius Caesar you nouve-riche at this instant I see Mr Anonymous walking over to help me up like a true gentleman tears in my eyes are now of joy, mum's gonna be so proud I get tackled from behind by gold-crazed dragon >dragon gets tackled by wannabe dragon-slayer >everyone's sent to the headmaster's office for six and eight hits >can't wait for the underworld Anubis seduction starter kit e wit stands up and delivers peasant](
Monster Girls
Miss Anubis attempts to win the affections of Sir Anon, Act One
![Violated Hero 01/11/16 (Mon) 08:13:14 ID:fc2e96 No. 127600 >>127606 File (hide): 1452517994903 png (350.58 KB, 828x773, 828:773, >> 1278 10 >> 127624 >> 127750 >> 127755 >> 127800 >> 128020 >be Anubis heir to home of the slaves and land of the slutty >sent to classy ov >get crush on dashing young gentleman has a country seat, reads Wordsworth, Tennyson, Poe (the poet, not the American sensationalist you colonial knave), first seat in eights and quads >proactivedating.exe initiated >approach him before midmorning lunch Mr Anonymous Miss Dido Would you care to take a turn around the grounds w-with me >I stare eagerly into his blue noble eyes >Anon takes a moment then nods calmly No thank you Madame, I wouldn't care to be seen with a godless oriental >What >The entire classroom goes silent, my ears drop >William, the captain of the college rugby team cries out Av a load a thois one mates, thinkin she's a bit too royal to 'and out the tea an crumpets erseas grammar school for modern education 刑体験執行 NUBIS >class erupts into aristocratic laughter >even Rev. Dodgson stops flirting with that wonderland succubus to point at you instruct his pupils on the difference between the fair daughters of Albion and barbaric Jezebels >Cheshires grinning like it's going out of fashion, unicorns suppressing sensible chuckles >escape to boarding room, considering carpet, r--- and asp, if he's lucky maybe in that order >come to my senses, day is not yet lost, etc. >remember class is beginning Antony and Cleopatra tomorrow >this might just work Is this alright?](
![Violated Hero 01/11/16 (Mon) 08:13:14 ID:fc2e96 No. 127600 >>127606 File (hide): 1452517994903 png (350.58 KB, 828x773, 828:773, >> 1278 10 >> 127624 >> 127750 >> 127755 >> 127800 >> 128020 >be Anubis heir to home of the slaves and land of the slutty >sent to classy ov >get crush on dashing young gentleman has a country seat, reads Wordsworth, Tennyson, Poe (the poet, not the American sensationalist you colonial knave), first seat in eights and quads >proactivedating.exe initiated >approach him before midmorning lunch Mr Anonymous Miss Dido Would you care to take a turn around the grounds w-with me >I stare eagerly into his blue noble eyes >Anon takes a moment then nods calmly No thank you Madame, I wouldn't care to be seen with a godless oriental >What >The entire classroom goes silent, my ears drop >William, the captain of the college rugby team cries out Av a load a thois one mates, thinkin she's a bit too royal to 'and out the tea an crumpets erseas grammar school for modern education 刑体験執行 NUBIS >class erupts into aristocratic laughter >even Rev. Dodgson stops flirting with that wonderland succubus to point at you instruct his pupils on the difference between the fair daughters of Albion and barbaric Jezebels >Cheshires grinning like it's going out of fashion, unicorns suppressing sensible chuckles >escape to boarding room, considering carpet, r--- and asp, if he's lucky maybe in that order >come to my senses, day is not yet lost, etc. >remember class is beginning Antony and Cleopatra tomorrow >this might just work Is this alright?](
Monster Girls
Sachi look
Monster Girls
Sachi blink
Monster Girls
![File : 1272345493 ipg-(4 KB, 612x792, medusa jpg) roe Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:18:13 No.221274XX 。 HEY! EYES UP HERE BUDDY □ Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:19:40 No.22 1274XXX。囧 Fle1272345580 n-(59 KB, 455x425, 1270104046306.jpg) nke t--- □ Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:23:49 No.22 1276XX"/J File1272345829. inQ-(97 KB, 455x425, 1272345580880 jpg) 221274772 El Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:24:26 No.22 1276XXXO囧 rofi 221274772 . □ Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01 24:38 No.221 276XXXO Wow, that's actualy goddamn hilarious. 蔨Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:25:18 No.221 276XXX。囧 well done](
![File : 1272345493 ipg-(4 KB, 612x792, medusa jpg) roe Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:18:13 No.221274XX 。 HEY! EYES UP HERE BUDDY □ Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:19:40 No.22 1274XXX。囧 Fle1272345580 n-(59 KB, 455x425, 1270104046306.jpg) nke t--- □ Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:23:49 No.22 1276XX"/J File1272345829. inQ-(97 KB, 455x425, 1272345580880 jpg) 221274772 El Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:24:26 No.22 1276XXXO囧 rofi 221274772 . □ Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01 24:38 No.221 276XXXO Wow, that's actualy goddamn hilarious. 蔨Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)01:25:18 No.221 276XXX。囧 well done](
Monster Girls
![Part 6, end
All of this was done by an anonymous drawfag](
![Part 6, end
All of this was done by an anonymous drawfag](
Monster Girls