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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
BBC News article from Monday November 16th, 2015
![PIN BBC TO YOUR TASKBAR BYDRAGGING THIS ICON BBe TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN Close X We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the BBC website. However, if you would like to, you can change your cookie settings at any time. Cookies on the BBC website v Continue Find out more BBC News Sport Weather Travel Future TV Radio More.. Search NEWS EUROPE Home UK Africa Asia Europe Latin America Mid-East US & Canada Business | Health Sci/Environment Tech Entertainment Video 3.4K < Share 16 November 2015 Last updated at 10:04 GMT Top Stories Two die during HLF and PER clashes Equestria extradites Queen Chrysalis to The Hague E COMMENTS (445) Prominent US toy maker declares insolvency Princess Luna visits Vancouver and Halifax New Lauren Mephisto novel stirs up controversy Orphaned pegasus filly discovered in Detroit Features & Analysis Gem spam How Equestria could debase global economy One year a.d. How much the world changed since discovering Equestria BBC's Charles Zacherle: "After weeks of negotiation, the Equestrian crown agreed to put the Changeling Queen before an international tribunal. Princesses prevail Why Equines frown on the concept of democracy The former leader of the changeling empire, Queen Chrysalis has been flown to The Hague to attend the International Criminal Tribunal for Equestria to answer for the crimes during her reign. Clash of the titans An archaic power struggle for the equines' isle ICTE Canterlot: attack from within Under heavy security, Queen Chrysalis was loaded on a USAF cargo plane, which departed for the twelve-hour trip to the Netherlands on Sunday night. Equestrian skepticism Most Popular Nature of changeling species Shared Read Video/Audio It has been more than a month since Equestrian soldiers managed to capture the fugitive regent of the aggressive changeling race. Checking into 'The Hague Hilton' Two die during HLF and PER clashes The Equestrian crown had warranted her arrest after a foiled coup attempt in the Equestrian capital city of Canterlot. Prominent US toy maker declares insolvency Since this had not been the first instance of an unprovoked assault perpetrated by changelings, it is subject to prosecution under İnternational Criminal Law. Texas police raid Discordian sect compound 3 Controversial US zoophilia laws reviewed 4 Until recently, the Equestrian government had persisted to subjugate her solely to Equestrian Law, independent from human participation. EMCDDA scrutinises "brisk" zap apple imports 5 The Equestrian Princess Celestia had reasoned that Queen Chrysalis' doings largely stemmed from a time prior to humanity's first contact with equinity, and can therefore not fall under human laws. Equestrian peace initiative in Gaza fails too 6 Analysis ww1 West End hit divides Equestria 7 Last Tuesday however, diplomats of the UNEVEG (United Nations Equestrian Evaluation Group) reached a compromise. Roger Keating BBC News, The Hague Equestria celebrates first discovery anniversary 8 Hellenic Army proposes forming pegasus legion 9 Queen Chrysalis was allowed to face The Hague's International Criminal Court and answer to International Law, but with Equestrian legal participation. The Queen is obviously not amused. Strained from the ADL boycotts Spanish 2014 3d fantasy film 10 long plane trip, she is unloaded behind the infamous red gate of the Haaglanden Prison, dragging along heavy chains of captivity, a weighty muzzle obscuring her five senses. Her wings are stashed under an As of September's UN resolution that secured Equestria's unique position as a country within the international community, the UNEVEG fathered the International Criminal Tribunal for Equestria for the purpose of subjecting the Equestrian isle to the UN's resolved laws and customs. Elsewhere on BBC News improvised restraining jacket, and her horn is wrapped in plastic and foil, a battery dangling around it on a cable. The guards usher her up the ramp of the ICC Detention Centre's main building, and the doors close behind her, trapping her in her new domicile. Whether or not this stay will be short-term is yet to be known, The tribunal has Background of the arrest yet to find her guilty of the crimes she is said to have perpetrated against the equine races of Equestria. T APPLE AC Chrysalis had last tried to infiltrate the royal city of residence during the wedding of the Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard, around September of 2013. Once upon a time, she had been both hailed and feared as a powerful queen, leading a swarm of changelings - tens of thousands of creatures - with aggressive determination and unidsputed hegemony. Now, she is but an animal led into a cage, anticipating Posing as the country's highest military commander's bride, she had her changeling army launch a surprise attack with the intention of pillaging the city and enslaving the population. the ruling of creatures other than herself. Even as she persisted that she had always been in the right, the other dwellers of the Equestrian island, be it ponies, pegasi, unicoms, griffins, buffaloes or donkeys, cheer openly about the capture of one of the country's most ruthless and devious warlords. Red-golden harvest In no other place in the world lies as much unexploited business opportunity as in Equestria - insider tips on how to make a young nation's seeds blossom The assault failed, and the invading force was dispersed. Programmes Chrysalis, while separated from her flock, went into hiding by gaining the trust of an unsuspecting Equestrian civilian. She is accused of charges that paint an all the more graphic picture of the mystical creature. For countless decades, she had been the scourge of the land, having her changelings lash out at hapless victims and possible opposition, beating many, enslaving many, killing many, discriminating solely by the fact that they were not changelings, and utterly defenceless. She had instigated plundering and bumings, leaving entire communities for dead. Few details are known yet, but light will be shed on them in her subsequent trial. She managed to keep her identity a secret for nearly two years before being found out. In the meantime, Equestria had established first contact with humanity, which caused her arrest to be widely publicised throughout the world. According to Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis has a long history of agression and imperialism, leading the population under her command to attack and usurp neighbouring communities and nations, including Equestria. That said, Chrysalis is far from broken. A wrathful gleam IS in her squinting eyes, the occasional lunging at her chains and flexes of her limbs; those are subtle Glasses of class Be it fashion or modern music, most influential reminders of her old, vengeful and determined self, who led her subjects from loot to loot, and from prey to artists the equine world brought forth have one common ground - trademark glassware "Chrysalis is a predator. She and her changelings survived solely by feeding off weaker creatures, even if that meant enslaving and terrorising them." prey. It is apparent that she won't bow to her fate, and will be defiant, regardless of how her human and unicorn judges rule. In her eyes, they are merely some other erior creatures, some of who she erself hac ADS BY GOOoGLE been holding a sway over for a long time. Chrysalis is currently being charged under the Rome Statute, with added amendments originating from the Fillydelphia Review Conference earlier this year. For her, no tide has tumed. Human Ambassadorship Ameriquestrian Diplomatic Business Trust Represent a more united world ! The Charges The charges include the crime of agression, multiple accounts of (occasionally planned) genocide, crimes against sapiency (formerly humanity), crime of apartheid, war crimes, and the violation of the sanctity of the mind. - Count 1/2: Genocide and murder of ponies, unicoms, pegasi, gryphons and buffaloes - Count 3/4/5: Aggression, terror and unlawful attacks, taking hostages, pillaging, unnecessary seizing, 'no quarter' policy - Count 6/7: Deportation and imprisonment The latter, a recently added amendment, interdicts the use of 'mind control', which Chrysalis used to subdue resisting opponents. Count 8/9/10: Enslavement and insapient acts Count 11/12: Violating the sanctity of the mind Captivity and trial Count 13: Persecution and crime of apartheid On Monday morning, the plane carrying Queen Chrysalis touched down at Rotterdam The Hague Airport, from where an armoured motorcade brought her to the Haaglanden Penal Institution in Belgisch Park, where she will await the start of the trial. The regent will be kept in a cell specifically designed to hold such a physically imposing creature. It does, for one, contain measures to prevent the use of magic. According to the director of the ICC Detention Centre, Otto Mjoberg, Chrysalis has indeed been acting "antagonistic" and "rampant" ever since her arrival, denying the court's bailiffs any form of cooperation. The trial itself is expected to be held in the Court's Permanent Premises in the former Alexanderkazerne, and the pre-trial chamber is due to be in session on the 31st of this month. The proceeding will be headed by a three-judge panel consisting of the Ugandan Jessica Suruma, the Irish Colm Mullan, and the Equestrian magistrate Lexy Fori. GETTY Queen Chrysalis is handed over to UN Peacekeepers in Canterlot and secured for the transport under the surveillance of the Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard, Shining Amour (b,r). The Queen's defence will be supplied ny the ICC as well, namely through the Swiss ICC defence counsel Alexander Estermann. He told the press that "it would be an interesting, if without doubt complicated" case, seeing how there exists "no precedence for either side." Strip lighting 36m? cell Barred plexiglass window with curtains Notice board Shelf Computer without internet connection Sattelite television Blankets and pillows Radiator Stainless Steel Wash basin 6m? sleeping mattress Fresh sheets Table Dressing area AP Steel-reinforced door with tranquilizer crenel Queen Chrysalis' detention cell has been specifically adapted to house an equine rather than a human. Criticism of the trial Already in the weeks preceding the decision to trial the Queen in The Hague, there has been a tremendous political and legal backlash from various UN member countries. The main point of criticism was the nature of the defendant and of the crimes committed. It has been argued that Chrysalis' motivation behind her action was not as egregious as popularily believed, and is even less so in the eyes of non-humans than the Rome Statute. Nazmi Delikaya, an equinologist at the University of Istanbul argues that the supposedly malevolent nature of changelings is solely dependent on their survival instinct rather than on any conscious desicion-making. "It would make as much sense as persecuting cats for the murder of mice." he stated in a newspaper editorial released in the Hürryiet. The ICC's Prosecutor's Office however disagreed, referring to the facts submitted for the case. An official statement asserted that the crimes committed were the result of "drawn-out planning" and were carried out with "willful efficiency", by creatures "sentient enough to distinguish 'necessary' from 'excessive'. Queen Chrysalis herself has been subject to the same and more accusations, as she is popularly seen as the unquestioned leader, and essentially as "the queen of a [bee] hive". With that said, the Queen is considered innocent until proven guilty, so as of this point, the incriminating evidence has yet to turn out pivotal. A subject of controversy has also been the decision to the trial itself. Queen Chrysalis had been the ruler of the changeling population for a nondescript but long period time before Equestria's existence was even acknowledged by a human state. Accordingly the Rome Statute declares that only offences may be prosecuted that actually fell into its jurisdiction by the time of its initiation. It has been suggested that the trial itself has merely been an attempt of the UN to gain the favour of the Equestrian civilisations to instill confidence and to promote long-term cooperation with the UN. The Doctor of Jurisprudence Jose Alvarez sees links between this suspicion and the active Equestrian participation in the trial's legal process, He stated that "In the face of all political niceties." it could become a "Kangaroo show trial" for the changeling regent herself. Your comments (445) V More on This Story IСТЕ Latest Canterlot: attack from within Reconstructing the assault that broke Queen Chrysalis' might Equestrian skepticism Nature of changeling species Checking into 'The Hague Hilton' Background Changeling regent's sentiment Cpt Shining Armour on arrest The charges What is mind control? Queen Chrysalis' long reign Seeking witnesses for ICTE Arresting Queen Chrysalis Refurbishing International Law Video and audio D Celestia press conference D Equine public reacts to transfer D Inside the ICC's courts D Tribes and species of Equestria Related Internet links International Criminal Tribunal for Equestria The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites Comments Editors' Picks All Comments (445) 434. dinomelly11 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 20:47 +4 What can you say about 'Queen Chrysalis? Everybody is saying she's the next Mladic or Taylor.. but really, I totally side with Delikaya! She is an animal, they even brought her in with a muzzle!! How much more proof do you need that she can't control her instinctual impulses?! This is not a legitimate trial, this is a publicity stunt of the UN, to proove that they can convict Anything if they really want to. But hey, if it impresses Celestia.. then it's all just hunky dory! 370. northstar5 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 18:51 I now that not many ponys have axess to the internet yet, so I may be realy alone here. All so, please forgive my english. I was bom and rased in Canterlot, and I was there a gain for the royal weding, wen the changlings came. I think its realy kind of the humans to care, but I would have given a lot for Krysalis to be ruled over bye my princess, Changelings are very trecherous creatures feeding on love and passion to live. Only a magic as powerfull as Celestias could make a tyrant like Krysalis atone. 358. Neil Glover 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 18:10 +3 I have skimmed through some of the previous comments, and all I can say is, I disagree. Violence, injustice and oppression come out in many forms, so why among intelligent equines? not also Ever since I fought with the Desert Rats in Kosovo, I know how high the stakes are when fighting tyranny. The UN is justified to trial an equine just like a human. If the Equestrian island wants to be part of the world community, they've got to play after our rules. For me, the only risk is that this Queen Chrysalis could get off too easily. 306. bridgekeeper3 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 17:36 +1 This whole thing is really polarizing. Then again, most news that come from Equestria are (really!) mixed bags. I understand that Queen Chrysalis' actions are morally questionable, she is a warmonger and maybe a racist (or speciesist, dunno). But really, who are we humans to judge this? She is not a human, and I think she would be much better served at an Equestrian court-by her species' (racial?) equals. It's a thing just like with magic or flying. Keep this sort of things to their own likes, it keeps the world easier. No offense equines! 279. TomTov 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 15:48 +2 what is there to say but "good start"? this queen of changelings is is going to made an example of what we humans deem justice. equestria is, from what i've gathered, really unstable. there are many opposing factions, rabid than it should have. | ideologies and powerful magic giving that all much more gravity it's great that some strong organisation like the un steps in and cleans things up. i was always a bit skeptic of the equines and their pseudo-monarchies. rly, the answer is to teach them a modern world view. start by arresting the tyrants! Comments 5 of 14 Show More A Sign in or Register to comment and rate comments All posts are pre-moderated and must obey the house rules. Share this page 3.4K Share f y MA More Europe stories Hellenic army proposes forming pegasus legion The army of Greece animates equine soldiers and pegasi to join their "cultural homeland's" army as "light infantry air" recon. Herbivores - the new vegetarians Unicorn busts Geneva bank vault Services About BBC News Editors' blog BBC College of Journalism News sources Media Action Mobile Connected TV News feeds Alerts E-mail news BBC About the BBC ВВC Help Accessibility Help Contact Us Mobile site Terms of Use Advertise With Us Ad Choices Privacy Cookies Parental Guidance BBC © 2015 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites, Read more.](
![PIN BBC TO YOUR TASKBAR BYDRAGGING THIS ICON BBe TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN Close X We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the BBC website. However, if you would like to, you can change your cookie settings at any time. Cookies on the BBC website v Continue Find out more BBC News Sport Weather Travel Future TV Radio More.. Search NEWS EUROPE Home UK Africa Asia Europe Latin America Mid-East US & Canada Business | Health Sci/Environment Tech Entertainment Video 3.4K < Share 16 November 2015 Last updated at 10:04 GMT Top Stories Two die during HLF and PER clashes Equestria extradites Queen Chrysalis to The Hague E COMMENTS (445) Prominent US toy maker declares insolvency Princess Luna visits Vancouver and Halifax New Lauren Mephisto novel stirs up controversy Orphaned pegasus filly discovered in Detroit Features & Analysis Gem spam How Equestria could debase global economy One year a.d. How much the world changed since discovering Equestria BBC's Charles Zacherle: "After weeks of negotiation, the Equestrian crown agreed to put the Changeling Queen before an international tribunal. Princesses prevail Why Equines frown on the concept of democracy The former leader of the changeling empire, Queen Chrysalis has been flown to The Hague to attend the International Criminal Tribunal for Equestria to answer for the crimes during her reign. Clash of the titans An archaic power struggle for the equines' isle ICTE Canterlot: attack from within Under heavy security, Queen Chrysalis was loaded on a USAF cargo plane, which departed for the twelve-hour trip to the Netherlands on Sunday night. Equestrian skepticism Most Popular Nature of changeling species Shared Read Video/Audio It has been more than a month since Equestrian soldiers managed to capture the fugitive regent of the aggressive changeling race. Checking into 'The Hague Hilton' Two die during HLF and PER clashes The Equestrian crown had warranted her arrest after a foiled coup attempt in the Equestrian capital city of Canterlot. Prominent US toy maker declares insolvency Since this had not been the first instance of an unprovoked assault perpetrated by changelings, it is subject to prosecution under İnternational Criminal Law. Texas police raid Discordian sect compound 3 Controversial US zoophilia laws reviewed 4 Until recently, the Equestrian government had persisted to subjugate her solely to Equestrian Law, independent from human participation. EMCDDA scrutinises "brisk" zap apple imports 5 The Equestrian Princess Celestia had reasoned that Queen Chrysalis' doings largely stemmed from a time prior to humanity's first contact with equinity, and can therefore not fall under human laws. Equestrian peace initiative in Gaza fails too 6 Analysis ww1 West End hit divides Equestria 7 Last Tuesday however, diplomats of the UNEVEG (United Nations Equestrian Evaluation Group) reached a compromise. Roger Keating BBC News, The Hague Equestria celebrates first discovery anniversary 8 Hellenic Army proposes forming pegasus legion 9 Queen Chrysalis was allowed to face The Hague's International Criminal Court and answer to International Law, but with Equestrian legal participation. The Queen is obviously not amused. Strained from the ADL boycotts Spanish 2014 3d fantasy film 10 long plane trip, she is unloaded behind the infamous red gate of the Haaglanden Prison, dragging along heavy chains of captivity, a weighty muzzle obscuring her five senses. Her wings are stashed under an As of September's UN resolution that secured Equestria's unique position as a country within the international community, the UNEVEG fathered the International Criminal Tribunal for Equestria for the purpose of subjecting the Equestrian isle to the UN's resolved laws and customs. Elsewhere on BBC News improvised restraining jacket, and her horn is wrapped in plastic and foil, a battery dangling around it on a cable. The guards usher her up the ramp of the ICC Detention Centre's main building, and the doors close behind her, trapping her in her new domicile. Whether or not this stay will be short-term is yet to be known, The tribunal has Background of the arrest yet to find her guilty of the crimes she is said to have perpetrated against the equine races of Equestria. T APPLE AC Chrysalis had last tried to infiltrate the royal city of residence during the wedding of the Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard, around September of 2013. Once upon a time, she had been both hailed and feared as a powerful queen, leading a swarm of changelings - tens of thousands of creatures - with aggressive determination and unidsputed hegemony. Now, she is but an animal led into a cage, anticipating Posing as the country's highest military commander's bride, she had her changeling army launch a surprise attack with the intention of pillaging the city and enslaving the population. the ruling of creatures other than herself. Even as she persisted that she had always been in the right, the other dwellers of the Equestrian island, be it ponies, pegasi, unicoms, griffins, buffaloes or donkeys, cheer openly about the capture of one of the country's most ruthless and devious warlords. Red-golden harvest In no other place in the world lies as much unexploited business opportunity as in Equestria - insider tips on how to make a young nation's seeds blossom The assault failed, and the invading force was dispersed. Programmes Chrysalis, while separated from her flock, went into hiding by gaining the trust of an unsuspecting Equestrian civilian. She is accused of charges that paint an all the more graphic picture of the mystical creature. For countless decades, she had been the scourge of the land, having her changelings lash out at hapless victims and possible opposition, beating many, enslaving many, killing many, discriminating solely by the fact that they were not changelings, and utterly defenceless. She had instigated plundering and bumings, leaving entire communities for dead. Few details are known yet, but light will be shed on them in her subsequent trial. She managed to keep her identity a secret for nearly two years before being found out. In the meantime, Equestria had established first contact with humanity, which caused her arrest to be widely publicised throughout the world. According to Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis has a long history of agression and imperialism, leading the population under her command to attack and usurp neighbouring communities and nations, including Equestria. That said, Chrysalis is far from broken. A wrathful gleam IS in her squinting eyes, the occasional lunging at her chains and flexes of her limbs; those are subtle Glasses of class Be it fashion or modern music, most influential reminders of her old, vengeful and determined self, who led her subjects from loot to loot, and from prey to artists the equine world brought forth have one common ground - trademark glassware "Chrysalis is a predator. She and her changelings survived solely by feeding off weaker creatures, even if that meant enslaving and terrorising them." prey. It is apparent that she won't bow to her fate, and will be defiant, regardless of how her human and unicorn judges rule. In her eyes, they are merely some other erior creatures, some of who she erself hac ADS BY GOOoGLE been holding a sway over for a long time. Chrysalis is currently being charged under the Rome Statute, with added amendments originating from the Fillydelphia Review Conference earlier this year. For her, no tide has tumed. Human Ambassadorship Ameriquestrian Diplomatic Business Trust Represent a more united world ! The Charges The charges include the crime of agression, multiple accounts of (occasionally planned) genocide, crimes against sapiency (formerly humanity), crime of apartheid, war crimes, and the violation of the sanctity of the mind. - Count 1/2: Genocide and murder of ponies, unicoms, pegasi, gryphons and buffaloes - Count 3/4/5: Aggression, terror and unlawful attacks, taking hostages, pillaging, unnecessary seizing, 'no quarter' policy - Count 6/7: Deportation and imprisonment The latter, a recently added amendment, interdicts the use of 'mind control', which Chrysalis used to subdue resisting opponents. Count 8/9/10: Enslavement and insapient acts Count 11/12: Violating the sanctity of the mind Captivity and trial Count 13: Persecution and crime of apartheid On Monday morning, the plane carrying Queen Chrysalis touched down at Rotterdam The Hague Airport, from where an armoured motorcade brought her to the Haaglanden Penal Institution in Belgisch Park, where she will await the start of the trial. The regent will be kept in a cell specifically designed to hold such a physically imposing creature. It does, for one, contain measures to prevent the use of magic. According to the director of the ICC Detention Centre, Otto Mjoberg, Chrysalis has indeed been acting "antagonistic" and "rampant" ever since her arrival, denying the court's bailiffs any form of cooperation. The trial itself is expected to be held in the Court's Permanent Premises in the former Alexanderkazerne, and the pre-trial chamber is due to be in session on the 31st of this month. The proceeding will be headed by a three-judge panel consisting of the Ugandan Jessica Suruma, the Irish Colm Mullan, and the Equestrian magistrate Lexy Fori. GETTY Queen Chrysalis is handed over to UN Peacekeepers in Canterlot and secured for the transport under the surveillance of the Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard, Shining Amour (b,r). The Queen's defence will be supplied ny the ICC as well, namely through the Swiss ICC defence counsel Alexander Estermann. He told the press that "it would be an interesting, if without doubt complicated" case, seeing how there exists "no precedence for either side." Strip lighting 36m? cell Barred plexiglass window with curtains Notice board Shelf Computer without internet connection Sattelite television Blankets and pillows Radiator Stainless Steel Wash basin 6m? sleeping mattress Fresh sheets Table Dressing area AP Steel-reinforced door with tranquilizer crenel Queen Chrysalis' detention cell has been specifically adapted to house an equine rather than a human. Criticism of the trial Already in the weeks preceding the decision to trial the Queen in The Hague, there has been a tremendous political and legal backlash from various UN member countries. The main point of criticism was the nature of the defendant and of the crimes committed. It has been argued that Chrysalis' motivation behind her action was not as egregious as popularily believed, and is even less so in the eyes of non-humans than the Rome Statute. Nazmi Delikaya, an equinologist at the University of Istanbul argues that the supposedly malevolent nature of changelings is solely dependent on their survival instinct rather than on any conscious desicion-making. "It would make as much sense as persecuting cats for the murder of mice." he stated in a newspaper editorial released in the Hürryiet. The ICC's Prosecutor's Office however disagreed, referring to the facts submitted for the case. An official statement asserted that the crimes committed were the result of "drawn-out planning" and were carried out with "willful efficiency", by creatures "sentient enough to distinguish 'necessary' from 'excessive'. Queen Chrysalis herself has been subject to the same and more accusations, as she is popularly seen as the unquestioned leader, and essentially as "the queen of a [bee] hive". With that said, the Queen is considered innocent until proven guilty, so as of this point, the incriminating evidence has yet to turn out pivotal. A subject of controversy has also been the decision to the trial itself. Queen Chrysalis had been the ruler of the changeling population for a nondescript but long period time before Equestria's existence was even acknowledged by a human state. Accordingly the Rome Statute declares that only offences may be prosecuted that actually fell into its jurisdiction by the time of its initiation. It has been suggested that the trial itself has merely been an attempt of the UN to gain the favour of the Equestrian civilisations to instill confidence and to promote long-term cooperation with the UN. The Doctor of Jurisprudence Jose Alvarez sees links between this suspicion and the active Equestrian participation in the trial's legal process, He stated that "In the face of all political niceties." it could become a "Kangaroo show trial" for the changeling regent herself. Your comments (445) V More on This Story IСТЕ Latest Canterlot: attack from within Reconstructing the assault that broke Queen Chrysalis' might Equestrian skepticism Nature of changeling species Checking into 'The Hague Hilton' Background Changeling regent's sentiment Cpt Shining Armour on arrest The charges What is mind control? Queen Chrysalis' long reign Seeking witnesses for ICTE Arresting Queen Chrysalis Refurbishing International Law Video and audio D Celestia press conference D Equine public reacts to transfer D Inside the ICC's courts D Tribes and species of Equestria Related Internet links International Criminal Tribunal for Equestria The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites Comments Editors' Picks All Comments (445) 434. dinomelly11 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 20:47 +4 What can you say about 'Queen Chrysalis? Everybody is saying she's the next Mladic or Taylor.. but really, I totally side with Delikaya! She is an animal, they even brought her in with a muzzle!! How much more proof do you need that she can't control her instinctual impulses?! This is not a legitimate trial, this is a publicity stunt of the UN, to proove that they can convict Anything if they really want to. But hey, if it impresses Celestia.. then it's all just hunky dory! 370. northstar5 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 18:51 I now that not many ponys have axess to the internet yet, so I may be realy alone here. All so, please forgive my english. I was bom and rased in Canterlot, and I was there a gain for the royal weding, wen the changlings came. I think its realy kind of the humans to care, but I would have given a lot for Krysalis to be ruled over bye my princess, Changelings are very trecherous creatures feeding on love and passion to live. Only a magic as powerfull as Celestias could make a tyrant like Krysalis atone. 358. Neil Glover 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 18:10 +3 I have skimmed through some of the previous comments, and all I can say is, I disagree. Violence, injustice and oppression come out in many forms, so why among intelligent equines? not also Ever since I fought with the Desert Rats in Kosovo, I know how high the stakes are when fighting tyranny. The UN is justified to trial an equine just like a human. If the Equestrian island wants to be part of the world community, they've got to play after our rules. For me, the only risk is that this Queen Chrysalis could get off too easily. 306. bridgekeeper3 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 17:36 +1 This whole thing is really polarizing. Then again, most news that come from Equestria are (really!) mixed bags. I understand that Queen Chrysalis' actions are morally questionable, she is a warmonger and maybe a racist (or speciesist, dunno). But really, who are we humans to judge this? She is not a human, and I think she would be much better served at an Equestrian court-by her species' (racial?) equals. It's a thing just like with magic or flying. Keep this sort of things to their own likes, it keeps the world easier. No offense equines! 279. TomTov 16TH NOVEMBER 2015 - 15:48 +2 what is there to say but "good start"? this queen of changelings is is going to made an example of what we humans deem justice. equestria is, from what i've gathered, really unstable. there are many opposing factions, rabid than it should have. | ideologies and powerful magic giving that all much more gravity it's great that some strong organisation like the un steps in and cleans things up. i was always a bit skeptic of the equines and their pseudo-monarchies. rly, the answer is to teach them a modern world view. start by arresting the tyrants! Comments 5 of 14 Show More A Sign in or Register to comment and rate comments All posts are pre-moderated and must obey the house rules. Share this page 3.4K Share f y MA More Europe stories Hellenic army proposes forming pegasus legion The army of Greece animates equine soldiers and pegasi to join their "cultural homeland's" army as "light infantry air" recon. Herbivores - the new vegetarians Unicorn busts Geneva bank vault Services About BBC News Editors' blog BBC College of Journalism News sources Media Action Mobile Connected TV News feeds Alerts E-mail news BBC About the BBC ВВC Help Accessibility Help Contact Us Mobile site Terms of Use Advertise With Us Ad Choices Privacy Cookies Parental Guidance BBC © 2015 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites, Read more.](
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic