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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Best OC eva!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
![File: 672 KB, 1600x1200, 1386820339555.jpg View same] [google] □ Anonymous Wed Dec 11 22:52:51 2013 No.15041847 [Reply] [Original] Quoted by: >>15041862 >>15041918>1504192215041947 >>15041996>>15042185>15049424 >15050032 >>15058732 AHEM* Hello, dear. You're home late. Care to explain to me where you've been? □ Anonymous Thu Dec 12 21:20:11 2013 No. 15058732 Quoted by: >>15058906>15059066>>15059107>15059127 >>15061404 >15061782>15061849 >15061938 >>15062110>>15063020 >OP 'Well? Where have you been?" >You rub your temples and put down your wallet on the table Turn to her, forcing on your best smile "Dashie! What a surprise. What are you doing up at this time?" >The bag glares back. >You think it does, anyway. Stitched on eyes that can't move are hard to read >"I was worried. I stayed up because I cared about you." >Let out a short laugh, causing the bag to glare(?) harder "I sincerely doubt that, 'dear." >The bag is silent for a moment. The pair of you bask in the awkward silence >"It's that Spitfire messenger bag, isn't it." "Oh for f---- sake, Rainb--" >"DONT YOU SWEAR AT ME! Ive seen the way you look at her. You... You want to put your 'belongings' inside her, don't you?" "We're just hanging out, Rainbow. Nothing is going on between us. You know I keep my belongings with you and you only." >"Don't try and sweet talk me you lying bastard! What kind of 'hang out' takes until one thirty in the morning?!" >Sigh and clench your teeth "We went out for a few drinks. Had a good time. And then I came home. You're making this out to be far worse than it is--" >"You keep talking but all I "Oh come the f--- on. Really? Listen to yourself right now. You're acting like a child-" >"SHUT UP!" >The bag sits there, unmoving, giving you the angriest vacant stare youve ever seen >"SHUT. UP!I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS! WHAT HAPPENED TO US, ANON?" >Rub your ey "I don't know, alright? You just... You just cling to me all the time. You never get off my back. I feel like you're suffocating me." >"A-and Spitfire?" >You are silent >"What about Spitfire, Anon?" "She's... Just easier to deal with. She doesn't strangle me like you do. She's easier to put up with." >Rainbowbag goes silent >After a while you hear a faint sobbing >Pick up your wallet again and walk out the front door Spend the night in your car hear is your b-------." es with a hand and let it flop to your Oh man F------ bags, /mlp/. F------ bags](
![File: 672 KB, 1600x1200, 1386820339555.jpg View same] [google] □ Anonymous Wed Dec 11 22:52:51 2013 No.15041847 [Reply] [Original] Quoted by: >>15041862 >>15041918>1504192215041947 >>15041996>>15042185>15049424 >15050032 >>15058732 AHEM* Hello, dear. You're home late. Care to explain to me where you've been? □ Anonymous Thu Dec 12 21:20:11 2013 No. 15058732 Quoted by: >>15058906>15059066>>15059107>15059127 >>15061404 >15061782>15061849 >15061938 >>15062110>>15063020 >OP 'Well? Where have you been?" >You rub your temples and put down your wallet on the table Turn to her, forcing on your best smile "Dashie! What a surprise. What are you doing up at this time?" >The bag glares back. >You think it does, anyway. Stitched on eyes that can't move are hard to read >"I was worried. I stayed up because I cared about you." >Let out a short laugh, causing the bag to glare(?) harder "I sincerely doubt that, 'dear." >The bag is silent for a moment. The pair of you bask in the awkward silence >"It's that Spitfire messenger bag, isn't it." "Oh for f---- sake, Rainb--" >"DONT YOU SWEAR AT ME! Ive seen the way you look at her. You... You want to put your 'belongings' inside her, don't you?" "We're just hanging out, Rainbow. Nothing is going on between us. You know I keep my belongings with you and you only." >"Don't try and sweet talk me you lying bastard! What kind of 'hang out' takes until one thirty in the morning?!" >Sigh and clench your teeth "We went out for a few drinks. Had a good time. And then I came home. You're making this out to be far worse than it is--" >"You keep talking but all I "Oh come the f--- on. Really? Listen to yourself right now. You're acting like a child-" >"SHUT UP!" >The bag sits there, unmoving, giving you the angriest vacant stare youve ever seen >"SHUT. UP!I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS! WHAT HAPPENED TO US, ANON?" >Rub your ey "I don't know, alright? You just... You just cling to me all the time. You never get off my back. I feel like you're suffocating me." >"A-and Spitfire?" >You are silent >"What about Spitfire, Anon?" "She's... Just easier to deal with. She doesn't strangle me like you do. She's easier to put up with." >Rainbowbag goes silent >After a while you hear a faint sobbing >Pick up your wallet again and walk out the front door Spend the night in your car hear is your b-------." es with a hand and let it flop to your Oh man F------ bags, /mlp/. F------ bags](
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
You picked the wrong Bunny

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic