Nintendo - Images
falco enjoying a piece of cake at gorg's dessert shop
Nintendo characters as Fire Emblem classes
Have A Safe And Happy Holidays
Makalov gets drunk and has a heated gamer moment on a bridge
Severa dressed as Mythra from Xenoblade 2
I Am Going to Pirate So Many N64 Games
The 10th anniversary of Swapnote!✏📨
Nintendo Fun Club News Issue 1
![Nintendo Fun Club News is the sometimes forgotten predecessor of the legendary Nintendo Power magazine. Released every three months before becoming bimonthly, this periodical was free for subscribers, though people whop weren't subscribed could buy issues from retail locations.
Nintendo Fun Club News quickly grew in terms of ambition. While its first issue in early 1987 was a fairly cheap, almost monochrome affair with only 6 pages, issues in 1988 were typically around 30 pages, packed with colored artwork and screenshots. By midway through 1988, there were about 600 thousand subscribers.
Nintendo Fun Club News was discontinued of the new "Nintendo Power" magazine in July 1988. This would be an even more ambitious affair, with over 100 pages, and ended up with a subscriber count of over 1.5 million by 1989. Nintendo Power ran until December 2012, and even then it was still a fairly popular magazine with about 475,000 subscribers. From that context, it is understandable that Nintendo Fun Club News is overlooked.
This is what Doc Louis was referencing in Punch-Out.](
![Nintendo Fun Club News is the sometimes forgotten predecessor of the legendary Nintendo Power magazine. Released every three months before becoming bimonthly, this periodical was free for subscribers, though people whop weren't subscribed could buy issues from retail locations.
Nintendo Fun Club News quickly grew in terms of ambition. While its first issue in early 1987 was a fairly cheap, almost monochrome affair with only 6 pages, issues in 1988 were typically around 30 pages, packed with colored artwork and screenshots. By midway through 1988, there were about 600 thousand subscribers.
Nintendo Fun Club News was discontinued of the new "Nintendo Power" magazine in July 1988. This would be an even more ambitious affair, with over 100 pages, and ended up with a subscriber count of over 1.5 million by 1989. Nintendo Power ran until December 2012, and even then it was still a fairly popular magazine with about 475,000 subscribers. From that context, it is understandable that Nintendo Fun Club News is overlooked.
This is what Doc Louis was referencing in Punch-Out.](
Weepinbell in Mario Strikers Charged style!
Cinderace (shiny) in Mario Strikers Charged style!
Samus dressed as Lucina
Passing the time
キャサリン🪖 (Nell)
Café Mario's menu
![Supper Mario Broth @MarioBrothBlog Café Mario, an exclusive restaurant at the Nintendo of America HQ in Redmond, Washington, is only accessible to staff and very few photos of it exist. Here is the only known photo of its menu, featuring a variety of items named after Nintendo characters. A transcript is provided. CAFÉMARIO CAFÉ MARIO Today's Lunch Today's Lunch November 1st, 2017 *Cappy's Vegetable Crudité Platter *Fox McCloud's Fruits and Berries "Cappy's Vegtable Crudite Phatior "Fax MChad: Fraits and Bemir "Kokiri Gnen Salad *Kokiri Green Salad *Princess Peach Pepperoni Pizza *Cheep Cheep Cheese Pizza *Samus Aran Supreme Pizza *Rosalina's Veggie Pizza *Chain Chomp Chicken Tenders *Princess Peach Pepeme Prep "Chep Chep Cheae Pir "Samus Arun Sapm Pi *Rasalina's Vegie Prppe "Chain Chemp Chicken Tenden "Kirly Cokics *Kirby Cookies *Lake Hylia Water "Lake Hyie War Sy Gay Sade *Shy Guy Soda *(Presumably) Cranky Kong Coffee re viraeganingt Kong Caffe dephpfleCareMaiogng](
![Supper Mario Broth @MarioBrothBlog Café Mario, an exclusive restaurant at the Nintendo of America HQ in Redmond, Washington, is only accessible to staff and very few photos of it exist. Here is the only known photo of its menu, featuring a variety of items named after Nintendo characters. A transcript is provided. CAFÉMARIO CAFÉ MARIO Today's Lunch Today's Lunch November 1st, 2017 *Cappy's Vegetable Crudité Platter *Fox McCloud's Fruits and Berries "Cappy's Vegtable Crudite Phatior "Fax MChad: Fraits and Bemir "Kokiri Gnen Salad *Kokiri Green Salad *Princess Peach Pepperoni Pizza *Cheep Cheep Cheese Pizza *Samus Aran Supreme Pizza *Rosalina's Veggie Pizza *Chain Chomp Chicken Tenders *Princess Peach Pepeme Prep "Chep Chep Cheae Pir "Samus Arun Sapm Pi *Rasalina's Vegie Prppe "Chain Chemp Chicken Tenden "Kirly Cokics *Kirby Cookies *Lake Hylia Water "Lake Hyie War Sy Gay Sade *Shy Guy Soda *(Presumably) Cranky Kong Coffee re viraeganingt Kong Caffe dephpfleCareMaiogng](