Penny Arcade - Images
![Marlon Rando here is asking Me ip I "Chain ult." Tell hin, "Hell yeah, I chain ult!" We don't want to look like Puckin' nubs! Then I guess you've only got one option: What aM I supposed to say to that? I don't know what it is I can't tell hiM that! The second I don't "chain vlt," I'I be revealed as a charlatan You gotta reach down, deep deep inside, Pind that ult, and chain the MotherPocking S--- out oP it. Www.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Marlon Rando here is asking Me ip I "Chain ult." Tell hin, "Hell yeah, I chain ult!" We don't want to look like Puckin' nubs! Then I guess you've only got one option: What aM I supposed to say to that? I don't know what it is I can't tell hiM that! The second I don't "chain vlt," I'I be revealed as a charlatan You gotta reach down, deep deep inside, Pind that ult, and chain the MotherPocking S--- out oP it. Www.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Conduct Unbecoming
![Okay. I guess it's a "1050"...7 Because you're gonna use it to ShaMe Me on Social Media You're on this new PC oP yours every night, now. What kinda card you got in there? Are you sure you didn't buy a MICROWAVE? No! We're brothers now. Do you understand? One platPorM. One blood God damn you, Gabriel. Does it even plug in? Or is there a little crank in the side that you wind. I'M not gonna tell you Why not? WWW Denny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Okay. I guess it's a "1050"...7 Because you're gonna use it to ShaMe Me on Social Media You're on this new PC oP yours every night, now. What kinda card you got in there? Are you sure you didn't buy a MICROWAVE? No! We're brothers now. Do you understand? One platPorM. One blood God damn you, Gabriel. Does it even plug in? Or is there a little crank in the side that you wind. I'M not gonna tell you Why not? WWW Denny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Splash Row
![I don't know iP I had a reaction to the novocaine, or what, but I got way, way sick at the dentist. And on the dentist. You threw up on youir Pucking dentist? I got the hygenist, to0. They had sS0 MUCh S--- in My MoUth, it caMe out like one OP those silly sprinklers you see in the SUMMertiMe Nice. AOE. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![I don't know iP I had a reaction to the novocaine, or what, but I got way, way sick at the dentist. And on the dentist. You threw up on youir Pucking dentist? I got the hygenist, to0. They had sS0 MUCh S--- in My MoUth, it caMe out like one OP those silly sprinklers you see in the SUMMertiMe Nice. AOE. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Sam Fishing
![Michael Ironside's appearance in the Ghost Recon DLC combined With the revelations in the WalMart Files only conPirms it. How did they proMote Just Dance Seventy Million? With dancing. How would they promote the UltiMate Stealth gaMe? It's been twenty-four hours Okay? UbisoPt is not announcing a new Splinter Cell at the Show. With a cool trailer? See, thats Where you Pucked up. No, you gibbering goblin With steälth WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Michael Ironside's appearance in the Ghost Recon DLC combined With the revelations in the WalMart Files only conPirms it. How did they proMote Just Dance Seventy Million? With dancing. How would they promote the UltiMate Stealth gaMe? It's been twenty-four hours Okay? UbisoPt is not announcing a new Splinter Cell at the Show. With a cool trailer? See, thats Where you Pucked up. No, you gibbering goblin With steälth WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Royale With Cheese
![How many oP the new gaMes at E3 do you think will start With a hundred players on a remote island? I haven't seen a Pad take root like this Since cel shading swept through E3 like a hand-drawn wildfire. That was you. It was just you. I'd rather guess how Yeah. People don't really talk about that Resident Evil anyMore. Do you reMeMber the year Where everything Was Bedazzled? Many won't. What we need is a Battle Royale gaMe Por Battle Royale games. Www.Penny-Arcade.coM ® 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![How many oP the new gaMes at E3 do you think will start With a hundred players on a remote island? I haven't seen a Pad take root like this Since cel shading swept through E3 like a hand-drawn wildfire. That was you. It was just you. I'd rather guess how Yeah. People don't really talk about that Resident Evil anyMore. Do you reMeMber the year Where everything Was Bedazzled? Many won't. What we need is a Battle Royale gaMe Por Battle Royale games. Www.Penny-Arcade.coM ® 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Bus Stimulator 2018
![Wait, that's real? I thought it was a joke Absolutely not. There's SİMply people who long to enable urban commoting. There's a civic aspect. DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT FOR THIS GAME Bus F----- Expansion You can now f--- all the buses! Man, it really SeeMS like Bus SiMolator 2018 goes hard. What's more Yeah, Maybe. I think there's soMething you're Missing. Take a look at the DLC Ohay Maybe you're right. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Wait, that's real? I thought it was a joke Absolutely not. There's SİMply people who long to enable urban commoting. There's a civic aspect. DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT FOR THIS GAME Bus F----- Expansion You can now f--- all the buses! Man, it really SeeMS like Bus SiMolator 2018 goes hard. What's more Yeah, Maybe. I think there's soMething you're Missing. Take a look at the DLC Ohay Maybe you're right. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Preemptive Consensus
![Solo is actually good. You have to go see it Didn't you hear about all the problems they had on Set? The lead needed an acting coach. Look, it's simple. At the end oP the day, I only tike popular I don't know, Man. Have you seen the domestic take? things What are you talking about? I'M talking about a good Movie Well, it worked! Because he's great! I heard some things I can't prove ProM s0meone I don't know, and God DaMMit, that's enough Por Me. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Solo is actually good. You have to go see it Didn't you hear about all the problems they had on Set? The lead needed an acting coach. Look, it's simple. At the end oP the day, I only tike popular I don't know, Man. Have you seen the domestic take? things What are you talking about? I'M talking about a good Movie Well, it worked! Because he's great! I heard some things I can't prove ProM s0meone I don't know, and God DaMMit, that's enough Por Me. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Well, Well
![Dauntless is still in Open Beta, there's a lot oP new people getting in there, and they don't know what the Puch they're doing. This is an Aether Well. Yes, you can heal by drinking ProM it. No, it's not just Por you, Stephen with a PH. We don't all get our own Aether Wells, okay! This isn't Oprah! There's not an Aether Well onder everybody's Pucking seat! F--- you, Stephen! Save S0Me Por the Aether Whales. WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Dauntless is still in Open Beta, there's a lot oP new people getting in there, and they don't know what the Puch they're doing. This is an Aether Well. Yes, you can heal by drinking ProM it. No, it's not just Por you, Stephen with a PH. We don't all get our own Aether Wells, okay! This isn't Oprah! There's not an Aether Well onder everybody's Pucking seat! F--- you, Stephen! Save S0Me Por the Aether Whales. WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Wasted Youth
![T Ijust Plipped My Pirst He's in , house Por 40 gees. I'M putting it right back into a new piece oP properby. there doing Math in House Flipper, he's cleaning, he's thinking about P and .. Would it hurt these kids to do a Satanic ritual that brings the damned to Mars7Not all the tiMe. Every once in a while. I didn't really onderstand what parents Meant when they said there were games that they didn't want their kids playing Now I get it Just pierce that veil. It's like... Who is this Puching kid? This isn't What games are Por. WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![T Ijust Plipped My Pirst He's in , house Por 40 gees. I'M putting it right back into a new piece oP properby. there doing Math in House Flipper, he's cleaning, he's thinking about P and .. Would it hurt these kids to do a Satanic ritual that brings the damned to Mars7Not all the tiMe. Every once in a while. I didn't really onderstand what parents Meant when they said there were games that they didn't want their kids playing Now I get it Just pierce that veil. It's like... Who is this Puching kid? This isn't What games are Por. WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
![You Managed to break this coMputer bePore it was even out oP the box. I don't think this is a COMputer probleM. I think you've been corsed and we need to Pind out hoW. Ohay. I'Mgonna ask you a couple questions. "Did you, or a Pamily Member, ever inconvenience a hedge-Witch?" "Have you ever purchased an antique pocketwatch Prom a curio shop, a watch Whose Pace included a thirteenth hour, but Whern you tried to return it the shop was gone with no evidence it had ever been there at all?" No. AM I CUR Yes! Do yoU think that could be it? WWW "Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![You Managed to break this coMputer bePore it was even out oP the box. I don't think this is a COMputer probleM. I think you've been corsed and we need to Pind out hoW. Ohay. I'Mgonna ask you a couple questions. "Did you, or a Pamily Member, ever inconvenience a hedge-Witch?" "Have you ever purchased an antique pocketwatch Prom a curio shop, a watch Whose Pace included a thirteenth hour, but Whern you tried to return it the shop was gone with no evidence it had ever been there at all?" No. AM I CUR Yes! Do yoU think that could be it? WWW "Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Lil’ Heretics
![I have to be honest with yoU until I saw thi-s announceMent? It had I Peel likeI trying to Make WarhamMer 40k books Pornever occurred to Me that kids Might be very tricky They have to Pind whatever the heart 0P the setting is, the good guys, and Pocus on that story. The good guoys in WarhaMmer 40k are a theocratic cult that has been engaged in a Millenia-long quest Por galactic genocide. this universe even contained children. If Yeah! And they're about to Pind out 01 1 the true Meaning oP Priendship. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Aolkins](
![I have to be honest with yoU until I saw thi-s announceMent? It had I Peel likeI trying to Make WarhamMer 40k books Pornever occurred to Me that kids Might be very tricky They have to Pind whatever the heart 0P the setting is, the good guys, and Pocus on that story. The good guoys in WarhaMmer 40k are a theocratic cult that has been engaged in a Millenia-long quest Por galactic genocide. this universe even contained children. If Yeah! And they're about to Pind out 01 1 the true Meaning oP Priendship. WWW.Penny-Arcade.cOM 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Aolkins](
Penny Arcade
![I hate that you hate that he hates the new Thundercats! I hate that you hate the new Thundercats! I hate this new Thundercats! I'M angry at anger ITSELF! WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![I hate that you hate that he hates the new Thundercats! I hate that you hate the new Thundercats! I hate this new Thundercats! I'M angry at anger ITSELF! WWW Penny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
![Are you ohay? The text has been on the screen a very long time. This is Jerry, not Tycho. Can you read? IP sd0, Change this text. You've never caught it once. I'M reading it! Divinity 2 Made Me love words! I'M gonna be honest With you. Rutabaga sasquatch. PuMpkin spice latte sandwich! I don't look at your text at all. I assumed you were illiterate. I've even tested this theory in the strip. www.penny-Arcade.coㅆ 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![Are you ohay? The text has been on the screen a very long time. This is Jerry, not Tycho. Can you read? IP sd0, Change this text. You've never caught it once. I'M reading it! Divinity 2 Made Me love words! I'M gonna be honest With you. Rutabaga sasquatch. PuMpkin spice latte sandwich! I don't look at your text at all. I assumed you were illiterate. I've even tested this theory in the strip. www.penny-Arcade.coㅆ 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
Magicians, Part One
![The teacher has become the student? For a While there,.I was just letting Gabe win at Magic. You know? Build his conPidence I decided to Make a couple really, really horseshit decks to chase hiM down. I thought this Blve/Green one was gonna get Me called in to CPS No. The "teacher" has become a gazelle that a brutal young leopard dragged up into tree. You're a bad parent, but please continue And? He literally can't be dePeated in any way 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![The teacher has become the student? For a While there,.I was just letting Gabe win at Magic. You know? Build his conPidence I decided to Make a couple really, really horseshit decks to chase hiM down. I thought this Blve/Green one was gonna get Me called in to CPS No. The "teacher" has become a gazelle that a brutal young leopard dragged up into tree. You're a bad parent, but please continue And? He literally can't be dePeated in any way 2018 Mike krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade
The Diplomat
![Gabe @cwgabriel May 5 Wow, these animojies are incredible! I'M in so MUch trouble on TWitter right now, dude. Didn't you have an iPhone bePore? 6 I switched bach 35 to an iPhone. And cruciPied on social Media! Yeah! you were so good ow rw being God damn you! You were 50 good EveryoneLet me see this tweet. Gabe @cwgabriel - May 5 F--- ANDROID. I'LL KILL ANYONE WITH AN ANDROID PHONE did!!! Por s0 long! 91064 t 5664 You Retweeted Tycho Brahe@TychoBrahe My 4 Here in about fifty minutes @cw I are g then maybe ome Shovel Knig Tropical Freeze and You need to think about how you present these ideas to people try 2 26 Gabe @cwgabrie Anoth l May 4 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins WwW.Penny-Arcade.cOM](
![Gabe @cwgabriel May 5 Wow, these animojies are incredible! I'M in so MUch trouble on TWitter right now, dude. Didn't you have an iPhone bePore? 6 I switched bach 35 to an iPhone. And cruciPied on social Media! Yeah! you were so good ow rw being God damn you! You were 50 good EveryoneLet me see this tweet. Gabe @cwgabriel - May 5 F--- ANDROID. I'LL KILL ANYONE WITH AN ANDROID PHONE did!!! Por s0 long! 91064 t 5664 You Retweeted Tycho Brahe@TychoBrahe My 4 Here in about fifty minutes @cw I are g then maybe ome Shovel Knig Tropical Freeze and You need to think about how you present these ideas to people try 2 26 Gabe @cwgabrie Anoth l May 4 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins WwW.Penny-Arcade.cOM](
Penny Arcade
![It seeMS like you actually like Paladins Strike, s0 I'm going to Peign interest. For example: "Who's This Tree Guy?" Grover? That's like naming hiM "Mister Tree.' I'M not kidding. Why would you naMe hiM "Groven When "Christopher Leaves" is right there. Grover A0 WWW Denny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
![It seeMS like you actually like Paladins Strike, s0 I'm going to Peign interest. For example: "Who's This Tree Guy?" Grover? That's like naming hiM "Mister Tree.' I'M not kidding. Why would you naMe hiM "Groven When "Christopher Leaves" is right there. Grover A0 WWW Denny-Arcade .сом 2018 Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins](
Penny Arcade