Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Images
Taka explaining why that Bus full of Battle Ball players deserved it to the court

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
lost in the sauce
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
april may - by 3amsoda
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Cammy Meele except shes too bright and will hurt your eyes - by ciambeeeline

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Cammy Meele from Ace Attorney - by lueduar01

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
"started layton vs wright and immediately fell to my knees"

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
cammy meele - by 3amsoda

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Athena by sugarbell_art

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
They were very, VERY thirsty
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Your angle….or yuor devil
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Out of all the non-contextual phrases in the world...just ew
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
"I'll translate this game to so many languages, they'll think I have suffered brain damage"
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
ぎゃっけん 好きな女がいっぱい出てくる - by grgrton
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
"Fans of the emo prosecutor will eat good..."
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney