Pokémon Sun and Moon - Images
What an odd pumpkin.
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Lusamine - Shinra Koketsu
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Keyword: MIGHT
Pokémon Sun and Moon
We still don't know if Lusamine is evil, but Faba certainly is
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Join the Elite Four
Pokémon Sun and Moon
You done fucked up now, Faba
Pokémon Sun and Moon
"Sorry guys, I have to answer this"
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Mom, you're embarrassing me again
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Back Up the Mountain
Pokémon Sun and Moon
"It was me, Ditto!"
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Southbird's text obfuscation 1
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Lusamine and Lillie's mother-daughter moment interrupted by Lusamine's cell phone ringing
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Cinnamonrola playing peekaboo with Mimikyute
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Thankfully Ash caught Rowlet
Pokémon Sun and Moon
The prequel to the Rowlet throw gif; he was going for Nebby but it teleported away
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Lusamine confused over which phone is ringing
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Wicke winks at Lusamine
Pokémon Sun and Moon
I used to be like you little ones, but now I have ARMS!
Pokémon Sun and Moon
When Lillie gives you this look, you know it's time to shut the fuck up
Pokémon Sun and Moon