Prehistoric Planet - Images
Tweakin velociraptor

Prehistoric Planet
>Hides in the ground the entire season

Prehistoric Planet
Tweakin tyrannosaurus

Prehistoric Planet
Trey the Explainer's Tweet on Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet
Prehistoric Multiverse

Prehistoric Planet
She's beauty, she's grace. She has termites on her face.

Prehistoric Planet
Prehistoric BBQ

Prehistoric Planet
Carnotaurus dance

Prehistoric Planet
What books would you recommend to accompany Prehistoric Planet?

Prehistoric Planet
This might literally be the cutest thing I've ever seen
Prehistoric Planet
Carnotaurus arm wiggle is the most replayed part of the Prehistoric Planet Trailer

Prehistoric Planet
Ah yes, the three genders.

Prehistoric Planet
From the same team that brought you utahraptors in europe...
Prehistoric Planet
Nota bene: You should say you love the anime regardless
Prehistoric Planet
Would you swipe left or right?
Prehistoric Planet
Certified Beelzebufo™ moment
Prehistoric Planet