Resident Evil / Biohazard - Images
Steroid Redfield

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?

Resident Evil / Biohazard
~memories of raccoon city~

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Takes one to know one, buddy

Resident Evil / Biohazard

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Resident Evil 7 (2017)

Resident Evil / Biohazard
(technically I would argue that neither are zombies but that would ruin the joke soooo....)

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Resident Evil 7 in a nutshell

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Mark is a very brave boy ❀

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Mark the brave boy

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Hey Hunnigan, no glasses.

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Claire and Sherry cosplaying ...oh, and Leon's there too.

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Even the monsters want a piece of that.

Resident Evil / Biohazard

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Well, he's got a point.

Resident Evil / Biohazard
Ashley cheering.

Resident Evil / Biohazard